AARHE 1939 Vichy France - After Paris Falls

  • When Paris falls:

    Vichy France consisting of (Vichy France, Algeria, Madagascar, Indo-China, and Levant States): 4 Infantry and 1 Artillery (Neutral but placed by the axis player in any manner he chooses)

    Vichy is a new neutral with a diplomatic value of -1. Note: the British do not control the naval units. These can only be activated if the axis attacks Free- French territories or Vichy territories under allied control.

    1.  Do Vichy France, Algeria, Madagascar, Indo-China, and Levant States each become separate and independent countries, or are they all considered one nation?  For example, if UK attacked Moracco or algeria to secure a shorter path to Egypt, would the other territories convert to -5 Axis or remain independent.

  • 1.  Do Vichy France, Algeria, Madagascar, Indo-China, and Levant States each become separate and independent countries, or are they all considered one nation?  For example, if UK attacked Morocco or Algeria to secure a shorter path to Egypt, would the other territories convert to -5 Axis or remain independent.

    They are treated independent, so you can attack one its now against you at -5, but the Vichy states officially are axis -2 diplomatically at start, while free french are +5 British

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