News flash: AXIS & ALLIES ANNIVERSARY EDITION due out oct 23 08
What is “pet pees” ?
What is “sucks” ?
I am from Norway not at luxury speaking own language
I think it was meant to be “pet peeves” which are things that make a person angry :x or frustrated :?. Things a person always gets mad at. Usually they are particular to an individual.
“Sucks” or in the context “sucks to be you” is a slang for ‘bad’ or maybe ‘crappy’ (crap as in excrement) or more diplomaticly “I’m glad I don’t want terrain because if I were Aldertag it would keep making me mad that I’m not going to get it.”
Also I don’t think Larry meant it as much other than a good natured joke. Sometimes “sucks to be you” is not meant kindly but I don’t think that is the case here.
Thanks Frimmel and Yoper
OK, somebody said there are more info if you go to “Entry” in Boardgamegeek.
Any link ?
And where are "“Entry” ? I cant find it, man -
Thanks Craig. I will certainly be keeping an eye on GenCon to see updates for the release notes and pics. I’m sure the board alone will be stunning to see. Only four months to go before GCI and the unveiling. Sweet.
With the game not coming out until late October, I don’t expect any real info until probably June.
knowing how things usually go id change that to this:
With the game not coming out until late October, I don’t expect any real info until probably December.
I look at the internet daily for the game and any new information, within 2 seconds of finding anything you can rest assured that I will post immediately on this site, and BGG in that order. I have paparazzi looking around even in the AH trash bins for anything, plus i contacted the KGB and will hire spys. :mrgreen:
one more + to you Hun, now you have three times more applauds than smites, not exacteliy what anybody would expect, now whould they ?
Wait a minute Imperious, if there are KGB agents out and about. There just has to be some Ninjas in the mix. You can’t have secrets at this level without having Ninjas involved. It just wouldn’t be right. 8-)
Ok i just hired Gary Coleman as my ninja warrior, plus chuck Norris said his mom can help out on weekends.
Ninja warrior…. DONE
I was thinking maybe you could get Sydney Bristow on the case.
I was thinking maybe you could get Sydney Bristow on the case.
She’s busy having my love child.
We’re sure to get the low down with Gary Coleman on the case, plus any member of the Chuck Norris family has just got to be kick ass. Sweet combo.
I think my choice for Gary was a bad one…. sigh…
you can buy this game from Europe… You hear that Adlertag?
I need translation for this:::::: please help i feel it contains some information we do not yet know… adlertag?
Zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehen von Avalon Hill Games erscheint das bekannte Brettspiel Axis & Allies in einer Jubiläumsausgabe, die zahlreiche Neuerungen bereithält. So tritt erstmalig Italien als neue Achsenmacht auf den Plan. Eine weitere neue Nation ist China, welches vom Spieler der USA gesteuert wird. Zudem wird die Kreuzerklasse als neuer Schiffstyp eingeführt.
� Entworfen von Larry Harris, dem Erfinder von Axis & Allies
� Italien als dritte Achsenmacht
� W6-basiertes Kampfsystem, das bereits für Axis & Allies Revised, Europe und Pacific verwendet wurde
� Zwei Spieloptionen: Frühjahr 1941 und Frühjahr 1942
� Schiffe der Kreuzerklasse als neuer Einheitentyp
� China als US-kontrollierte Alliierte
� Neue Modelle für Italien, China und andere
� Spielbrett 61 x 117 cm groß
� Über 600 Teile
� 48-seitiges Regelbuch (englisch) -
For the fifty-year old existence of Avalon Hill Games appears the well-known board play Axis & Allies in an expenditure for anniversary, which holds numerous innovations ready. Thus for the first time Italy steps as new Axis power on the plan. A further new nation is China, which is steered by the player of the USA. Besides the cruiser class is introduced as new ship type. ? Sketched of Larry Harris, the inventor of Axis & Allies? Italy as the third Axis power? W6-basiertes combat system, which was already used for Axis & Allies Revised, Europe and Pacific? Two play options: Spring 1941 and spring 1942? Sails the cruiser class as new type of unit? China as US-CONTROLLED allied ones? New models for Italy, China and other one? Spielbrett 61 x 117 cm largely? Over 600 parts? 48-seitiges rule book (English)
this is what i got from Nunos online translation site.
2 scenarios: spring 1941 and spring 1942
new units for china!! -
I have confirmation of this:
Looks like Funagain games has a new rival for getting the news out. :lol:
Ha! Even worst I thought:
USA price: 78 $
EU price: 82 euros (much more :-P )Pretty funny :x. At least the rest is pretty good. China is not an independant power but at least get her own models and plays as in Pacific. Saving the crap of prices, good deal. I’ll still buy it… maybe I’ll get lucky and spanish importers put a better price than german ones… oh, I’m dreaming :-D
Latest news, Larry have confirmed the Italians will be brown.
Brown?!!? And why? Italians army wore light grey during WWII. Also naval units initially were painted in light grey.
Brown!??! Bah!