My turn!
Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
It’s unnecessary to list obama’s middle name and is only used as a knee jerk reaction to draw some line between him and Saddam/Islam. But it is his middle name.
You may feel it is unnecessary for groups, the media etc… to use his middle name but there certainly isn’t anything wrong with these groups using it.
I highly doubt that the intended audience, who would be “taken a-back” by his middle name aren’t aware of it, him or his basic positions on things anyways.
John McCain has supported our efforts in Iraq from day one. Don’t count on him pulling us out. Only a democratic candidate would consider withdrawal, and the feeling I get about the two democratic candidates is that they say they are for withdrawal to fool the voters, but wont put such plans into motion once they are in office, especially Hillary.
McCain = No withdrawal
Hillary = No withdrawal
Obama = Withdraw highly unlikelyOur job here is almost done from what I see. The IA is day by day gaining competence and experience. The ones I have worked with are all good soldiers, maybe not up to the par of a U.S. Army Soldier, but they know what to do and how to do it. They also have more freedom to get stuff done since they aren’t handcuffed by lawyers and politicians. It won’t be long before they can start running things on their own.
I agree with you assessment of the candidates 36 and that is great news. Keep up the excellent work and thanks.
Why were you discussing US politics with an enemy?
It’s just a verbal slight of hand Jermofoot. And we all see it for what it is.
McCain = No withdrawal
Hillary = No withdrawal
Obama = Withdraw highly unlikelyUnfortunately I think that’s likely true. Obama speaks very sincerely of withdrawal but if a wishy-washy congress doesn’t also follow through it’s all for naught. McCain backed down off on his “100 years” prediction last week but it was only to smooth over public opinion. Nothing has changed in his stance. He knows very well he has to “tow the party line” to garner his party’s support. And the party line is that there is no intention of withdrawal from Iraq, ever.
McCain is not a “tow the party line” kind of guy. it’s one of his good qualities. he is not towing the party line on Iraq, he has not from the start, he critisized the party line as being too weak earlier in the war. his setaments may be in line with the Republican party, but it is not McCain falling in line, but rather there lines run parralell on this case.
Personaly I think Obama with regards to pulling out of Iraq is strait up bold face lying. Ask M36, he’s there, how long do you think it would take to safely withdraw all of the troops in Iraq?
I’ve been there, It is a month long project for 1 company (150 guys) to pack up to leave, and that’s with 100% security.
I’ve said if before so I won’t go on, Obama is saying what the polls say people want to hear. Not a damn thing he says is based in reality. Just imagine a better world, he can’t give it to you, but hey you’ll feel really nice for while thinking you did your part to make the world better. Besides when he isn’t elected, the Obama nation can say hey we tried to make change but the “man” kept us down.
:roll: Whatever, while Obama suporters are dreaming about a better world those of us who live in reality can work on that… Reality.
Agreed…I don’t think any of the democratic candidates have any real understanding of whats going on in Iraq. They are using the bandwagon for the democratic base to get ahead in the primary. I feel this may backlash against them in the general election. In this area Obama is “bright eyed” and Clinton is not much better.
well clinton wins ohio. i think.
what about texas, will obama carry the day.
will clinton leave the race if she loses texas, or will she insist on going on?
Barring some strange occurence, McCain is going to be president. Get used to the Idea.
My prediction is that the Obama bandwagon wont lose its wheels and he will be the next president, but the race will be close.
About his middle name: Theres nothing wrong with using his middle name, but its not even in the same ballpark as saying ‘George W. Bush’. The W is there to distinguish him from his father. Using ‘Hussein’ doesnt distinguish him form anything, but instead tries to tie him to saddam and is a subtle attempt to influence ignorant americans who would refuse to vote for somebody based off of their ethnic and religious background.
Using the argument that its no different than using W is like when you were with your sibling in the backseat of the car saying ‘IM NOT TOUCHING YOU!!!’. True, you werent touching them, but you knew what your intentions were.
well clinton wins ohio. i think.
what about texas, will obama carry the day.
will clinton leave the race if she loses texas, or will she insist on going on?
CNN says less than 1% reporting in Ohio, so I wouldnt declare her the winner yet, but I think she will win there. If she loses Texas by a small margin she will hold it out for the superdelegates. This will be to much annoyance from the democratic party because she is doing nothing but draining Obamas resources for the general election. If Texas is a complete blowout, Clinton will give victory over to Obama.
I don’t think using obama’s middle name is worse than Obama’s I’ll fart peppermint if you vote for me speeches. Or Chris Matthews Obama makes me cry crap…
It might be different if it were McCain getting jabs by using his middle name but I think you have to consider the source on comments like this one.
I don’t think using obama’s middle name is worse than Obama’s I’ll fart peppermint if you vote for me speeches. Or Chris Matthews Obama makes me cry crap…
It might be different if it were McCain getting jabs by using his middle name but I think you have to consider the source on comments like this one.
Obama’s peppermint farts and the republican and conservative use of his middle name are both equally silly.
Elaborate more on the second statement, please.
Clinton has won Texas and Ohio. I think this one will go down to the convention and I also have a feeling that Clinton will garner more superdelegates than Obama. You don’t spend 35 years in politics and not learn how to conduct backroom deals.
i agree big dog, hillary would get it behind doors. the african americans will feel extemely shit upon if hillary gets the nod. every election year more vote republican. this may be the icing on the cake to give republicans around 30-40% of their vote finally. that would be excellent.
for once they felt like they had the one. not any more, and that’s going to be a bitter pill. its democratic KARMA.
Hillary did well today, sadly.
3 wins in 4 states. The BEST the pundits had predicted for her was 2 wins… Rhode Island was supposed to be Obama’s.
Pennsylvania will be the next BIG contest… which will be a first for them. I don;t think PA’s primaries have EVER counted for anything in a Presidential race… at least not since Buchanan’s era…
It’s unnecessary to list obama’s middle name and is only used as a knee jerk reaction to draw some line between him and Saddam/Islam. But it is his middle name.
You may feel it is unnecessary for groups, the media etc… to use his middle name but there certainly isn’t anything wrong with these groups using it.
Look at who’s doing it. It’s obvious it’s a low blow to paint Obama as something he is not. Do they ever list other candidate’s middle names? That is a resounding no. I bet many who watch Fox know Obama’s middle name, but could not say Bush’s for the life of them. Is it wrong? Well, there’s nothing stopping them from doing it. But it’s obvious what they are trying to do. Do you think these same people would mention Bill Clinton’s middle name? Nope, because it has a positive association. Nuff said.
Yeah, Clinton was a surprise yesterday…
I don’t think using obama’s middle name is worse than Obama’s I’ll fart peppermint if you vote for me speeches. Or Chris Matthews Obama makes me cry crap…
It might be different if it were McCain getting jabs by using his middle name but I think you have to consider the source on comments like this one.
Obama’s peppermint farts and the republican and conservative use of his middle name are both equally silly.
Elaborate more on the second statement, please.
What I’m saying is the people that are using Hussein are not the candidates themselves, the Candidates should be held to a higher standard, state your position and why you are the better person. Irrelevant jabbering like the middle name thing is reserved for people who jabber protected by freedom of speech. Political commentarists (is that even a word?) are free to say what they want it’s up to the people to consider the source.
And what I mean by “peppermint farts” is promising something that is impossible to pull off, but sounds really great. Like the Hillary promise to bring jobs to New York that didn’t happen. According to her it would have if Gore had been elected. So in other words she made a promise and didn’t make with the Jobs, but it wasn’t her fault. So all the super happy things that Obama is promising don’t actually have to happen, because it’s not his fault if they’re not possible, he’ll try really hard though.
Pennsylvania will be the next BIG contest… which will be a first for them. I don;t think PA’s primaries have EVER counted for anything in a Presidential race… at least not since Buchanan’s era…
Yah who’d have thought we’d count. I bet York Harley Davidson is preparing for the campaign stop speeches as we speak. ~ZP
In regards to Obama it’s simple. His middle name IS Hussein. His heritage IS muslim. He may not be muslim, but his heritage IS muslim and if he holds any sympathies or familial ties to the Islamic faith that may jeopardizes his ability to perform the duties of Commander in Chief, then we should be made aware of it. Gagging people and preventing them from using their freedom of speech is a violation of the US Constitution and thus, unAmerican and VERY liberal tactic.
As for pulling out of Iraq, why would we do that when even Iran says we’re winning in Iraq? The next president will NOT pull out of Iraq. We’ll be there until 2030 unless something strange and unforeseen happens (like America ceases to exist after China forecloses on us after we implement universal healthcare and drop our GPD to -2.0% per annum.)
The next president is going to have to deal with Israel. Which presidential candidate would allow Israel to defend itself and stop middle east aggression permanently and conclusively? Which presidential candidates would allow Islam to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth and complete the job that Hitler attempted to do in the 1930s and 1940s?
As for Hill/Barry I like that they’re going to have to drag this out until August. McCain’s a spineless little twit, he’s already gone on the record that he will not attack Obama’s record, nor run any campaigns to show how he’s better then Hillary or Obama. That means we need SOMEONE to do it, and right now, the only ones who are doing it are Hillary and Obama. The longer that campaign goes on, the better our chances to get a “Conservative-Liberal” (McCain’s description of himself in a speech just this week) or a Conservative into the office.
Honestly, I hope McCain finds the most, damn, Conservative person on the plant to run as his VP. Then we can vote for the VP and hope the Pres has to retire due to a failing heart or terminal cancer or something. After all, he’ll be the oldest President in American history, there’s a very good chance he may not survive his first term of office. A nice 35 year old red blooded conservative for his running mate would at least give real conservatives some hope of conservative policy re-entering the White House after being absent since 1992.
McCain is the oldest fist term running for pres, not the oldest pres.
Assuming he wins and assuming he gets a second term, he’s the oldest president.