In regards to Obama it’s simple. His middle name IS Hussein. His heritage IS muslim. He may not be muslim, but his heritage IS muslim and if he holds any sympathies or familial ties to the Islamic faith that may jeopardizes his ability to perform the duties of Commander in Chief, then we should be made aware of it. Gagging people and preventing them from using their freedom of speech is a violation of the US Constitution and thus, unAmerican and VERY liberal tactic.
As for pulling out of Iraq, why would we do that when even Iran says we’re winning in Iraq? The next president will NOT pull out of Iraq. We’ll be there until 2030 unless something strange and unforeseen happens (like America ceases to exist after China forecloses on us after we implement universal healthcare and drop our GPD to -2.0% per annum.)
The next president is going to have to deal with Israel. Which presidential candidate would allow Israel to defend itself and stop middle east aggression permanently and conclusively? Which presidential candidates would allow Islam to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth and complete the job that Hitler attempted to do in the 1930s and 1940s?
As for Hill/Barry I like that they’re going to have to drag this out until August. McCain’s a spineless little twit, he’s already gone on the record that he will not attack Obama’s record, nor run any campaigns to show how he’s better then Hillary or Obama. That means we need SOMEONE to do it, and right now, the only ones who are doing it are Hillary and Obama. The longer that campaign goes on, the better our chances to get a “Conservative-Liberal” (McCain’s description of himself in a speech just this week) or a Conservative into the office.
Honestly, I hope McCain finds the most, damn, Conservative person on the plant to run as his VP. Then we can vote for the VP and hope the Pres has to retire due to a failing heart or terminal cancer or something. After all, he’ll be the oldest President in American history, there’s a very good chance he may not survive his first term of office. A nice 35 year old red blooded conservative for his running mate would at least give real conservatives some hope of conservative policy re-entering the White House after being absent since 1992.