Thanks for finding time to comment Cromwell.
The 30th Jan, and this event,is not an anniversary I forget: it is Al’s father’s birthday. He has always enjoyed its place as he is anti-monarchist and anti privilege, despite his (state funded) public and Oxford education. It is funny as his wife’s parents worked in the colonies after the war, so politically they do not see eye to eye!
Where's everbody? Is it Quarter Finals/term paper time?
Or everyone has rotated back to Iraq!
Maybe the new format has scared everyone off.
Hope I haven’t driven everyone away. :?
Thanks, Soonie! -
Yep. Big paper due a week from tomorrow. Lots of reading to do… like the entire goddamn New Testament.
Still here. :)
Just had trouble posting for a bit.
BTW, Yanny I sent you a PM. Let me know if it went through.
I’m still around just been heavy in training, I should be able to be alot more active in a few weeks when I get settled into my new digs.
still here, though i am finding it difficult to get to a computer and check up on the site.