No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a: (n=1,457) (Dem, Rep, Ind in that order)
Hunter –% 00% --%
Paul --% 02% 09%
Romney –% 33% 23%
Huckabee –% 15% 11%
McCain –% 33% 44%
Giuliani –% 16% 13%
Thompson --% 02% --%
Note, I reformatted that poll from the source in an attempt to make it easier to read on this forum because the table does not transcribe nicely.
One should notice that McCain is really drawing in the independent voters. Romney’s getting his fair share of them too, but it’s pretty clear that the majority of McCain’s support are from independents, not Republicans. (These are the exit polls from Florida, so yes, Independents DID get to vote in the Republican Primary, contrary to the opinions stated further up in this thread. And not only did they get to vote, but they were the deciding factor.)
44% of McCain’s votes were from admitted independents. That’s nearly HALF of all the votes he received. This is a pretty good indicator that McCain is at the least a moderate at worst a liberal in the eyes of the independents. This is not surprising, the media is unabashedly liberal and generally only supports liberals, and since just about every media publication out there has endorsed McCain for the Republican nomination (they’ll pull that endorsement when they can chose Hillary or Obama mind you) this supports my claim that McCain is NOT the conservative we need to run the country.
Furthermore, there is another more telling question:
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:(n=1,452)
(Liberal, Moderate, Conservative in that order)
Hunter –% --% 00%
Paul 03% 06% 02%
Romney 24% 21% 37%
Huckabee 11% 08% 17%
McCain 49% 43% 29%
Giuliani 13% 21% 13%
Thompson –% 01% 02%
50% liberal, 45% moderate supported McCain! Only 30%, a very small number in comparison, were people who considered themselves conservative and supported McCain!!!
Anyway, the reason I like this poll is because, unlike the ones we usually see on this site, this one gives us the question and the sample size!
Here’s the link.
The two polls I referenced above are the last two on the list.