Should Schools Require School Uniforms?

  • correct.  there were some who were very very hot, looked really good, but didnt have that sluttiness factor.  everyone also wanted them the most, but they always had serious boyfriends and whatnot.  so most just tried to hook up with whores.  the un-whores who were also smoking hot were the best.

    so its better not to be a whore.

    and yes, man whores exist.

  • I know, I wasn’t arguing with you, I was just making a point in response to your line which I quoted. It wasn’t directed at you, just at the discussion in general. Look at it as I saw the opportunity to express my viewpoint, and took it. Nothing more or less.

  • @balungaloaf:

    i wore a uniform until i graduated from high school. and the high school uniform was only no jeans or sweats, and no t shirts.  thats it.

    That’s not a uniform.  That’s just a dress code.

  • I think as far as practical measures go a uniform is just a very clear dress code with no wiggle room. I’m torn on the issue. Like most things the fewer choices the more you diminsh the choices others make i.e. if you can’t drink alcohol then you haven’t made a choice not to drink alcohol.

    I voted no. I do not have children.

  • I support them.

    My high school only had a uniform only for Phys Ed.  You had to buy these specific items that were ordered in by local stores just for that purpose.  It was practical (reversable shirts to allow for clear teams, one side gold, the other blue, etc.)

    And of course when I first entered post-secondary education, I had a uniform…  And at the begining of each day we were notified which variant we would wear that day:
    Academic Short Sleeved (USAF Blue service dress w/ short sleeve shirt, no jacket)
    Academic Long Sleeve (ditto, different shirt)
    Above could be called with our without the Athletic Jacket (basic plain blue jacket zip up w/ sqaudron patch)
    Service Dress (full uniform with jacket)
    Full Service Dress (included gloves)
    Parades (white pants, double brested tunic, pistol belt, saber, white service cap)

    Catholic schools have uniforms.  So do military primary and secondary schools, and many private schools.

    I see NO problem with it, in fact, i think it would solve a LOT of issues.

  • @ncscswitch:

    I see NO problem with it, in fact, i think it would solve a LOT of issues.


  • Gang identification.
    The repeated lawsuits over t-shirt messages
    the harassment of folks who have wardrobes from K-Mart… or from Rodeo Drive
    The debate over what shorts are TOO short…

    I do not recall any lawsuits over rebel flags or intollerant messages, or obscenity regarding clothing at a single school with a uniform.

    And remember, those lawsuits are defended via TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

    Kids can be creative on paper.
    At the very least strengthen dress codes…require SHIRTS not t-shirts and slacks with belts.  Unfortunately schools don’t seem to be strengthening anything but the unrealistic expectations on teachers, reliance on BS data/testing , and fantasy world creations.

  • News flash, your children already wear school uniforms!  Physical Education classes routinely require you wear the same shorts, same shirts, same socks, etc.

    So why not let the PTA put together uniforms for during the class day?  For instance, blue jeans, a school shirt (which can be purchased in bulk so that parents could purchase 5 of them for $10 (not $10 each, $10 for all 5!)), tube socks and white unadorned sneakers.

    It’s gender neutral, it’s cheap (so the poor can easily afford it, or if they cannot, having the government provide it would not be an undu burden on the government) and functional. (They cover the body, they provide some protection from the environment, they have pockets, they are durable.)

    Anyway, arguements over who has the best shoes, or who has the cutest top does nothing but detract students from their job - to pay attention to the instructors and learn the material being presented.

  • @Jennifer:

    Anyway, arguements over who has the best shoes, or who has the cutest top does nothing but detract students from their job - to pay attention to the instructors and learn the material being presented.

    I think that arguments over who has the best shoes and the cutest top teaches valuable social skills.

    Do you like kids, Jen?

  • @newpaintbrush:


    Anyway, arguements over who has the best shoes, or who has the cutest top does nothing but detract students from their job - to pay attention to the instructors and learn the material being presented.

    I think that arguments over who has the best shoes and the cutest top teaches valuable social skills.

    Do you like kids, Jen?

    As far as I like any homo-sapians, yes, I like kids.  However, my definition of “kid” is probably different then yours.  To me children are any homo sapians between conception and 22 years old (when most students earn their first bachelor’s degree from university.)

  • @Nukchebi0:


    That said, my kids are off to Catholic school next year, which means their clothes budget just shrunk and my beer and war game budget just grew a little.  :-D

    Catholic schools are private. Private schools cost money. So you are saying that you spent so much on clothes that the tuition for this school will be less than the annual clothes expenses?

    Well, damn, NCB, I guess you blew up THAT theory . . . man, I get screwed coming or going.  :roll:

  • I think kids should wear uniforms and that these uniforms should be military as in a military academy. I was a student in Brentwood Military academy for 3 years  (ages 5-7) and  we had to carry a heavy gun ( the inside was taken out) we had to drill and pay attention in class. Medals were earned and the only way one student looked better than another was by the example that student set by being awarded medals for good work. The school was extremely expensive so i had to leave, but it was a greatest time.

    Nowadays your class is filled with immigrants and trash is everywhere.

  • I like some aspects of military school, but just like every other educational measure, it won’t work if applied universally.  I would have performed far, far worse in a school run like a military academy than the laissez-faire style of my high school.  That’s the problem with the U.S. educational establishment.  Administrators try to apply universal policies at the state and local level, and I believe that’s only impairing our success.

  • @Imperious:

    Nowadays your class is filled with immigrants


  • The thing is, there is no one method of instruction that works for everyone.  Charter schools, religious schools, military academies and banking schools (what we call Public Schools) all have their places.

    Military uniforms, drill and awards for exceptional achievements is a great way to run an education system, but some people just don’t have the genetic material to succeed in that environment.

    Religious schools with uniforms are also a great way to run an educational system.  But again, some people just don’t have the genetic material to succeed in that environment.

    Banking Schools are an adequate way to train the unexceptional to fill lower level positions so that society can keep functioning.  Uniforms and pride are pretty irrellevant in this type of system because you are only aiming at basic arthimetic training, basic communications training and an ordered and structured day to get them used to going to a “job” for the lions share of the day.

  • So?

    Remember were talking about grade school…


    1. half of them don’t have any language skills and take time away from the teacher who has to constantly stop to explain over and over something thats simple.
    2. The class size goes up because a bunch of families coming from other nations decided to put the burden of education on the American public, which is a burden on the other students ability to get ahead in class
    3. Most of these kids act up in class and start fights because they feel inferior.

    They should be placed in a separate schools and on a separate track to better gauge their educational acumen. Many of them could be re-integrated after they are up to speed. But basically the fleet sails at the speed of the slowest ship, but they are too slow to make the journey acceptable for the majority of students.

  • Well, the nice thing about uniforms is that the district can buy them in bulk and get huge discounts and then have families that can afford them purchase them.  This way all the children have adequate clothing to shield them from the elements.  Remember, a uniform does not mean plaid skirts and ties per se.  A uniform could be jeans, white sneakers, school t-shirt and, for cold weather, a school jacket.

    Furthermore, parents could get together and exchange or sell their children’s uniforms to the next student - since the style would not change, the uniforms would have lasting power.

    And anyway, after school, kids would be free to wear whatever, whenever.

  • @Jennifer:

    Well, the nice thing about uniforms is that the district can buy them in bulk and get huge discounts and then have families that can afford them purchase them.  This way all the children have adequate clothing to shield them from the elements.  Remember, a uniform does not mean plaid skirts and ties per se.  A uniform could be jeans, white sneakers, school t-shirt and, for cold weather, a school jacket.

    Furthermore, parents could get together and exchange or sell their children’s uniforms to the next student - since the style would not change, the uniforms would have lasting power.

    And anyway, after school, kids would be free to wear whatever, whenever.


  • @Jennifer:

    Well, the nice thing about uniforms is that the district can buy them in bulk and get huge discounts and then have families that can afford them purchase them.  This way all the children have adequate clothing to shield them from the elements.  Remember, a uniform does not mean plaid skirts and ties per se.  A uniform could be jeans, white sneakers, school t-shirt and, for cold weather, a school jacket.

    Furthermore, parents could get together and exchange or sell their children’s uniforms to the next student - since the style would not change, the uniforms would have lasting power.

    And anyway, after school, kids would be free to wear whatever, whenever.

    You know what I never thought of until now - college athletic teams sign deals to use Nike and Reebok brand gear, I’m surprised the clothing companies haven’t tried this on the lower levels.  Granted, people would raise all holy hell if a public school tried this, but a private school could get away with it.  “School Uniforms Provided By Nike”, and then they get their apparel at cheap rates, and have all these kids walk around with their swoosh label on.

    Kinda creepy, in that corporate saturation sense, but I’m surprised no one hasn’t tried it.

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