The AAPacific rules do not permit the US to place an IC in Australia.

Latest posts made by saburo sakai
RE: Industrial Complex
2009 AAMC AA50 1941 Tournament
Signups for the first ever AAMC AA50 Tournament are now open.
AAMC has just completed work on its AA50 dicey and we believe that you will find it to be the best way to play AA50 online. Signup for the tournament and see for yourself.
This is a fundraiser tournament, but no donation is necessary to join. If you do decide to make a donation, you will be entered in a draw to win a Larry Harris autographed copy of the soon to be released Axis & Allies 1942. This tournament starts on September 28, 2009, so signup by September 27, 2009.
This signup thread is here:
Saburo Sakai
AAMC Commander of Tournaments and AAMC League -
RE: Sub Destroyer Handicap
- The presence of an enemy destroyer prevents submerging in both games.
This is the only statement that I think is incorrect.
The FAQ for AAPacific reads, in part, as follows:
Attacking subs, however, can move into a sea zone and immediately submerge (this is called sub-stalling – for an in-depth analysis of this essential tactic, see James Redford’s Explanation of Sub-Stalling essay).
Further, the rule book does not have any statement that a DD prevents a sub from submerging, only that it negates its first strike attack and that it permits planes to attack subs.
RE: Optimum vp bid
Four 4 VP rounds for Japan is usually death for the Allies in either a 24 or 25 VP game. If you allow Japan to get 4-4’s, Allies will usually lose.
The idea of securing Bonin islands is a good plan but you should also consider taking Marianas so that you can SBR 1 turn early. However, Allies cannot neglect sending some forces to try to get Japan below the 4 VPs by J5. This may take the form of subs to take away convoy routes, sufficient units to pry Japan out of Siam or FIC or some ground units to take Sumatra while blocking a Japanese counterattack.
RE: Substalling
Japan does a 4 VP opening which may or may not result in 4 VPs rd 1. On round 2 grab Northern Australia and Queensland. Using the Naval bases shuttle transports and fresh troops from Japan to French Indo-China to Northern Australia /Queensland. While this is going on try to take out as many UK convoy zones as possible and SBR India every turn. By the time the Allies have enough of a presence to start pushing Japan out of Australia Japan is ready to start slowly retreating. If possible redeploy the troops from Queensland to FIC. This ntes Japan 4 VPs a turn for around 4 turns or so and forces the Allies to Australia to respond to the heavy Japanese presence. It is similar to an invasion of Australia but without the actual capture of a planned invasion.
While all of your units are in Australia, what is preventing the Allied units in Asia from rolling up FIC, Siam, Malaya, Hongkong and the other IPC territories?
Moving units back to FIC will almost certainly be impossible, because by Round 3 or 4, the Allies will be in a position to substall any transports located in sz32. Meanwhile, UK has almost certainly retaken Sumatra and the Americans will, as Kreighund has stated push submarines forward to cut convoy routes. While a VP target of 22 might be attainable for Japan, I don’t think that 24 or 25 would work with this strategy.
In my experience, a large commitment of troops to Australia means that Japan must win by capturing and holding New South Wales or it will not win at all.
RE: Saburo Sakai's AAPacific Essays - #6 Japan's Futile Battles
I still come around once in a while. I claim some expertise for AAPacific but none at all for the other A&A games. I have played most of them, but there are many players more able than me who you should look to for strategy tips on AAR, 2nd Edition or the other versions of the game.
RE: How bad is this strategy?
I think I prefer to play Allies and if I have to choose among the Allies, I would prefer to play the US.
RE: How bad is this strategy?
With the corrected setup, the stall America strategy is more difficult because you aren’t able to move a sub to block the US move to sz14.
Generally, my Japanese tactic to delay the Allied advance into the Central Pacific is to commit a large force to sz28 and then to have large numbers of subs to slow down the advance later in the game. Finally, committing the entire IJN to sz38 with CAP fighters from the Philippines late in the game usually allows Japan to hold on for the VP victory.
RE: How bad is this strategy?
As Japan what nation should you go after first?
India is the easiest target.
RE: Pearl Harbor
Well, I won’t give away all my secrets and I will say that my opening depends a little on what I think I want to do in the game and sometimes depends on who I am playing. But, a standard opening will see the following:
Capture Anhwe, Kiangsi, Hongkong, Malaya, sz46, sz44, sz43, Java, sz38, Philippines, New Britain, New Guinea, Midway, Solomon Islands, sz15. I would also attack sz9.
I would attack sz38 with at least 7 attacking units to ensure the sub there is killed in the first round to prevent it from diving. In sz27, my attack includes 2 DD and 1 BB to ensure the sub there is killed. I hold the sub and transport from sz26 out of combat to be used in NCM. My attack on Midway includes 2 infantry and 1 fighter and the attack on sz9 includes 2 subs and 5 fighters.
On NCM, I move the sub from sz26 to sz28 and the transport from sz26 picks up the infantry from Marshall Islands and drops them in New Guinea. The ACs from sz20 and the fighters from sz9 move to sz27. I land a couple of fighters in FIC along with fighters on Formosa. Bombers are sometimes in Formosa and sometimes in FIC. The BB and AC from sz45 end up in sz43 and I use a DD to capture sz46 convoy route.
That’s a basic opening. Like I said, sometimes I change that up.