i see alot of german strategies around, but many for japan, which is my country, hence the flag to the left. so i would aprectiate if we could complie some strategies for good ol japan
turn 1- i normally would buy 2 trans, 1 fgtr. then race all my fighters over calcutta to wipe itout (hoping i suvived the UK’s assault) then send in ground troops to take it, this will pretty much destroy th UK influence on the pacific (at least, so far as ive played) then attack china with manchuria and my other coastal terr. leving the coasts quite empty. move your aircraft carriers up to close in on americas east coast. and the subs and destroyers and battle ships.+5 IPC (+4 leftover)
turn 2-at this point id probably want to throw some developments in the mix, and research longe range aircraft, heavy bombers, and either combinde bombardment or jet fighters. that ate up 15 ipc, then ill buy 1 bom, and another transport. ill continue by attempling an assault on los anglees 1st with an air strike, might have to kamikazee a few into his pacific navy,luckiy he never really reinforced his pacific coast and so ill be safe lightning assualting attacking midway then wesern us with 3-4 transports and hopfully air, support and shore bombardment. then i take it . and dont forget to continue assault on the anoying chinese shangheied people.( this might actually take 3 turns to get to this point depending on your luck) Ipc goes up by 10 or 12 and then your raking in the dough, and destroying america.
but really thats the farthest ive gotten, which id say is pretty good for japan. i never have to wory about russia, (the pact) he moves his troops out of western ussr, and il use mine for conquering aisia.