Critmonster - “some of us are willing to try new concepts even if “the powers that be” find them sub-optimal i felt it worth mentioning, even if it is only ‘in my head’”
oh yeah, my bad. I meant “in the head” thing as a joke.
Also, please do not say that I am a “power that be”. If anything, I encourage thought.
You did notice I wrote “IMHO”. That means “In My Humble Opinion”. That does NOT mean that I am telling you how to play, or that I say that I have a perfect paradigm, or any such nonsense.
If you want to call me an arrogant bastard, that’s fine, even accurate a fair amount of the time. But call me an arrogant bastard because I’m an arrogant bastard, don’t misquote me!
Also, please do not refer to yourself as “some of us”. Some of us find that offensive. :roll:
A S. Africa IC IS worth mentioning. But I do not PERSONALLY believe that a S. Africa IC is a good purchase for the beginning of the game, for the reasons already mentioned. You will note that I wrote “IMHO S. Africa IC is useless until you’re already winning”. Since I do not feel that this thread is strictly correct for explaining this, if you want to discuss a S. African IC strategy, please make a new thread if you really want to discuss the merits of such a strategy.
If you COULD really set up a “flow of troops into Persia”, it would definitely be worth considering. But I do not believe that you CAN set up a flow of troops into Persia, cost-effectively, anyways.
I am going to say ahead of time that I believe a S. African IC is a strategy that is usually only useful in one of three situations. One, if you are playing in a game in which you do NOT CARE if the Axis or Allies win, so long as you gain territory with UK. Two, it is possibly a plan that you would use if you have absolutely no faith whatsoever in either the US or USSR players. The third possibility is a horrible German build and bid placement.
In the first case, you place a S. African IC because you want to keep your African IPCs and provide some support to India and Australia. Of course, while you have all those IPCs down south, Moscow is going to be horribly imperiled.
In the second case, you can’t count on the US or the USSR for any kind of support. So you can’t rely on the US to help you free Africa OR to support in Asia, and you can’t depend on USSR not to pull all its forces out of a territory leaving your fighters stranded. Basically, if the US and USSR are total idiots, you have to do your own thing, and S. Africa is how you do it.
In the third case, Germany did something dumb like maybe buying two aircraft carriers and a fighter for G1. So the Allies may not be going for KGF because of the German navy, but on the other hand, Russia should do quite wel because of the lack of German units on the front on the initial turns. In this case, the Allies MAY want to go KJF, in which case I think an Indian/Ssinkiang IC strat would perform better. But it is POSSIBLE that a UK fleet unification southwest of Australia combined with a S. Africa IC combined with a US Pacific build could work as well. But understand, I feel that if Germany did something like buying 2 ACs and a sub on G1, that the Allies are ALREADY winning, that is, satisfying the “IMHO S. Africa IC is useless until you’re already winning” statement I already made.