I agree with LB.
Infantry spam would be the way to go.
I used to be able to buy 6 inf, OR a battleship. now I can buy 16 inf… Same for tanks as LB mentioned… 4 inf to 1 tank, instead of 2.
This was enough of a probably in classic, that some people said “Infantry breaks the game”.
The other concept you could try… divide all current costs by 1/2, and make it mandatory to buy 2 infantry for $3. You could also pick an arbitrary number for tac’s. (honestly they should cost the same as fighters, they are no better or worse). Make transports cost 4.
Theoretically, the dice effect on the game would diminish, because you’d have so many units on the board… but then managing units, or the “potential” of units - like when trying to calculate if you can defend your capital, become burdensome.
Yeah I know how much inf they will be, Russia buys 36 Infantry every turn.
I may try this for AA41.
Yeah, this would be great for aa41, cause the units will be so little, like germany attacking with 7 Infantry, 3 tanks, 2 fighters.