• Still don’t see how moscow has a chance of holding with 20 less units… I’ve never had a problem taking moscow in any game played. Most of the time Germany does sustain heavy losses, but with 20 less units they will get out with all their mech, armor, planes, and even arty.

  • '16 '15 '10

    I’m going Barbarossa with Germany then my objective is to take Moscow on G5, before the Siberian units can make it back.  The earliest the first 6 can get there is R6, then the rest on R7.

    On the other hand those units (when retreated) could be useful if Russia can stall Germany a turn or 2, or they could be useful in helping out China or fighting Jap units coming out of China.

    It’s an interesting question whether sitting in Korea and inviting the Japs to attack is worth it.  It’s +3 for each turn you hold Korea, plus the headache faced by Japan with USA being to land aircraft there, plus whatever kills those infantry/aa can inflict if/when Japan attacks.

  • TripleA

    wow zhukov44, g5 russia… I put 18 inf and 2 aa guns in korea and held out way longer. lol.

    I like korea, iz good money. same with russian persia/iraq. good money.
    Japan is usually better off ignoring infantry sitting in korea, it is just -3. if it goes to manchuria and beyond… yeah sure kill it, it’ll be in range of the air units.

  • Do what you can to have 2 subs in SZ 6 at all times - Russia then gets nothing IPC-wise.

    And build an IC in Shantung and pump 3 infantry there each round.
    Eventually you’ll be able to keep those Russians bottled up permanently.

  • TripleA

    iraq and persia is still good money +7

  • Taking moscow G5… seems like a stretch, and if you can with 90%+ the game is flawed horribly.

  • typically by building a carrier and transports

  • TripleA

    still not enough lol.

  • Has anybody considered taking the four inf from korea and moving them into manchuria so you now have a stack of  inf there.  If he tries to attack Manchuria he’ll either break his entire stack or if he opts to take Korea you concede the three ipc a round to him but he’s trapped there because if he attacks Manchuria even if he wins he’ll only have a few inf left which is easily handled.  the only problem arises if the US Lands their four units on Korea and then the next turn before Japan goes the Russians reinforce then the US builds a factory on Korea.  Thats a major threat and pain in the ass.  If that doesnt happen then the dirty commies get Korea and their three ipc a round.  Germany should start srat bombing moscow by round three or four anyway.  I’m a firm believer in barbarossa think SeaLion blows.  I’ve never tried it but I’ve seen it be successful every game and Germany starts decay not long after.  Can’t take your foot of the Soviet neck at all Barbarossa G3 the absolute Latest.

  • TripleA

    So I take it you suggest keeping manch kaput and move korea into manch and keep kaput.

    guess you doing J3 declare war. but then your transported will get blocked so you can only nab malaya borneo and pinoy. (I guess you can hover over a spot with the transport that starts from japan over sumatra).

    but if you leave them there on J1 russia moves west and enters through the backdoor of china, he’ll get to kansu before you.

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