Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @The-Captain

    Sweet ! What are the two big Tanks in Northern Iraq ?

  • @barnee

    Those Tank units are German Panther Tanks - transported by Landing Craft units to Syria in Late 1941.

  • @The-Captain ahh … so just regular Panzers then as far as gameplay ? They look badass :)

  • @The-Captain

    Exciting! Quick, too. Gotta say, I almost forgot how nice the board looks when no chips are used and only pieces are laid out. The sheer mass in some territories is always nice to look at (guess I’m too used to TripleA).

    As usual, you’ve proved yourself a master of these rules. Glad to see a game when the Axis win.

  • @barnee

    Yes - regular German Tank units.

    This picture display some of the hand painted German units:

  • @The-Captain

    That brings a smile to my face :)

  • @The-Captain

    I’m no photographer, but very exquisite. Love it!

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 2 barnee vs Panzerstahl-Helm

    This was our 2nd EXP game. I was the Axis and Panzer was the Allies. It took till Late 1948 until Victory was decided. A epic 18 round match !

    Game: 1940

    Axis: barnee

    The Reich started out with heavy U-boat buys.
    JPN focused on china, while the yanks built there Navy.

    UK invested quickly in infrastructure, moving there Major Fctry in London underground, as well as building a Air Base in GIB and a Minor Fctry in Cairo.

    Italia focused on there Army and ANZAC there Navy.

    Although Italy was able to conquer a large swath of Africa, they were never able to take Egypt and were eventually forced from the continent, allowing a “Take Over” by Germany.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 01-04-56.png

    The Soviets withdrew from there border TTys with the Reich, resulting in a German invasion in Early 1941.
    JPN also Declared War on the Western Allies and conquered the PHI and Singapore.

    Jimmy Doolittle, seeking vengenance for his countrymen, successfully sinks a Trprt off of Kiangsu.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 01-22-26.png

    Major combat takes place on the Eastern Front, with Germany able to take an undefended Caucasus by a LCV attack.
    The Caucasus will continue to change hands for the remainder of the War.

    Russia is able to stabilize the Front with Mass Conscription in Early 1942.

    Late 1942 and Stalin does the unthinkable and attacks JPN in Korea, spearheaded by 3rd Corps and 18 Inf Divisions.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 02-32-25.png

    USA gains a toehold in Greece. One they will keep for the majority of the War.

    The Kriegsmarine continues to convoy Britain but remains in a defensive posture mostly, with a delayed launch of the Bismark, as well as sowing Mines.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 02-01-18.png

    A massive Luftwaffe attack along with a U-boat sink the poorly defended Allied Trprts off Greece.

    Screenshot from 2023-12-21 02-40-51.png

    JPN attacks Far East and Central Asia in retaliation of the communist attack on there forces.

    America builds max infrastructure in Greece, with the Fighters stationed at the Air Base making a potential Luftwaffe attack to costly.

    In 1944, Germany and JPN begin to strike deep into the Soviet Union. The Americans are able to take Carolines, but Russia is hard pressed.

    JPN is pressured from Burma, the Huge Allied Fleet that will eventually take PHI and Russian 3rd Corps.
    The Allies fail to coordinate and JPN hangs on by there eyelids.

    The Americans have a strong presence in Greece, including the formation of USA Army Group, but Moscow is under major pressure. Allied Air Units are preventing an all out German attack.

    A war of attrition ensues, with JPN evacuating the PHI and liberating Carolines.
    USA declares War on Turkey, we were using CDG Neutrals house rule ,which is not part ot the Global 40 Expansion Mod by the Captain and Company, (never used it before actually. Just like the way the map looks :)

    Russia is overpowered by Total War Bmbrs and Me262 Ftrs. As well as Massed SS Units and Tiger Tanks supported by Total War Mech Inf.

    Stalin is defeated in Late 1948 and the Allies sue for peace.

    Hitler has Stalin brought before him, where the two mass murderers proceed to get drunk. Well the Fuhrer doesn’t but allows it for his kindred spirit.

    EXP Game 2 Stahl G 18.tsvg

    @Panzerstahl-Helm and I will have a 3rd game , as we continue to test triplea improvements.

  • @barnee

    Sounded very fun! Glad the Axis won. You’re pretty good at these house rules.

  • Hi everyone, I wish you al a happy new year.
    May everyone play a lot of axis and allies games in 2024 🥂🥂

  • @Cornelis-Post

    Happy New Year to you too!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Today at 19.00 CET our next Axis & Allies Global 1940 Expansion Tournament Event begins.

    We have scheduled 2 games this weekend:

    • Game 1: Friday-Saturday;
      Allies: Dark Knight
      Axis: The Captain

    • Game 2: Sunday:
      Allies: The Captain
      Axis: Keld Rasmussen

    Game Reports will be posted here ASAP.

  • @The-Captain


  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 11 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 11 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Dark Knight

    From Early 1940, Germany launched U-Boat attacks on a minor scale in the Atlantic.
    A build up of the German Kriegsmarine began - and included a Heavy Battleship unit among other naval units.
    In Late 1941 the invasion of USSR was launched.

    Soviet Union:
    By Late 1943 the Soviets were still able to slow down the German advance - but as the Imperial Japanese Army had captured China, the Soviets were forced to allocate defensive units close to the borders of China.

    The Imperial Japanese Army swiftly captured China - and pushed the British back towards India.
    By Early 1943 a Japanese invasion of India and the Soviet Union was imminent.

    United States:
    The United States was planning a Germany First strategy. Due to strong Italian and German offensive operations in the Mediterranian and Africa - the US strategy failed.

    United Kingdom:
    The United Kingdom was reinforcing London on a massive scale - since the German Strategic Plan was not clear to the British - and a possible German invasion og the United Kingdom Homeland was lurking, due to the massive build-up of the German Kriegsmarine.

    From Early 1940 the Italians were launching offensive operations in Africa and the Middle East.
    By Early 1943 the Italians had captured Egypt and were preparing for offensive operations deep into Africa.

    ANZAC was overwhelmed by massive Japanese attacks - and since the USA had their focus in the Atlantic, ANZAC was continuously fighting a defensive battle.

    By the end of Early 1943, the military and strategic situation had become hopeless for the Allies - and further resistance was meaningless.

    The Allied Surrender occurred in the beginning of Late 1943. The pictures below show the situation at the end of Early 1943.

    IMG_7121.JPG IMG_7122.JPG IMG_7123.JPG IMG_7124.JPG IMG_7125.JPG IMG_7126.JPG IMG_7127.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Very impressive! You never seem to lose a game. Or maybe you just don’t post the ones you lose?

    Anyhow, that was devastating Axis play. Early 1943? That’s as quick of a war as those nations could hope.

    Glad the Axis won.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 12 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 12 Game Report.

    Axis: Keld Rasmussen
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany launched U-Boat attacks on a minor scale in the Atlantic.
    In Late 1941 the invasion of the Soviet Union was launched, supported by 1st and 2nd Panzer Armies.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets gradually pulled back as the German Army advanced on the entire Eastern Front.
    The Soviets captured Findland, Norway and Iraq as well as several German territories in Eastern Europe that were captured by Soviet Paratrooper units - which strengthened the Soviet economy on a massive scale.

    Japan launched a massive offensive operation in China - and by Early 1943 all of China was controlled by Japan.
    In the Pacific the Imperial Japanese Navy eliminated the 1st US Naval Task Force in the 2nd Battle of The Caroline Islands.
    But this massive battle did not bring a decisive Japanese victory in the Pacific, since the 2nd US Naval Task Force was ready to counter attack the Imperial Japanese Navy in the 3rd Battle of The Caroline Islands.

    Due to the Japanese offensive operations in the Pacific, there was a lack of support for the Japanese troops in Asia - and the United Kingdom was ready to launch a massive offensive operation from India deep into China and Asia.

    United States:
    US troops landed in Europe in Ealy 1943 - and from then on the German defense was under extreme pressure.

    In the Pacific, the US Navy was heavily supported by UK and ANZAC units - and after the re-capture of the Philippines, the pressure on Japan increased.

    United Kingdom:
    UK troopes managed to keep the Middle East under UK control - and so the Strategic Rail Movement was possible in order to transfer troops from South Africa to India as part of the Build Up for the counter offensive against the Japanese forces.

    In Europe, UK units supported the US invasion - and gradually the German defense started to collapse.

    By Early 1944, the Axis forces could no longer hold back the Allied onslaught.

    On Germanys turn in Early 1944, the Axis surrendered to the Allies.

    These pictures show the military situation in Early 1944:
    IMG_7132.JPG IMG_7133.JPG IMG_7135.JPG IMG_7136.JPG IMG_7137.JPG IMG_7139.JPG IMG_7138.JPG IMG_7140.JPG IMG_7141.JPG IMG_7142.JPG
    IMG_7143.JPG IMG_7144.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Very impressive play by the Allies there! I know you sometimes lose, but you’ve continued to prove yourself basically invincible.

    What was the 1st Battle of the Caroline Islands?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 14 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 14 Game Report.

    Axis: Dark Knight
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany launched several U-Boat attacks in the Atlantic and kept an increased U-Boat production until Early 1942.

    After the Fall of France in Early 1940, Germany launched the attack on the Soviet Union in Late 1941.

    The German advance was gradually disrupted by continuous massive Soviet Paratrooper attacks behind the German lines - which kept the German frontline units short of supplies.

    Soviet Union:
    Skillful Soviet Strategic Planning which included Paratrooper units, Mines, small scale counter-attacks all over the Eastern Front and a massive production of Tank units and Red Army Conscription Infantry units - gradually slowed the German advance - and simply wore down the German Army on the Eastern Front.

    By Late 1942 the German advance on the Eastern Front came to a halt, as the Western Allies landed in Europe - and the Soviets prepared for Operation Bagration.

    Japan launched attacks against Asia and the Pacific - triggering the US National Guard to spawn in Late 1941.

    After the Japanese capture of all Chinese territories in Early 1942, the Allies started to push the Japanese forces back by jumping from one island to the next.

    By Late 1942 the Japanese forces were still building up for an offensive against Soviet Union - but Allied offensive operations in Burma and the South Pacific hindered Japan from launching a massive offensive against Soviet Union.

    United States:
    In Early 1942 the first US troops landed in North Africa.

    From then on, US offensive operations were launched both in Europe and the Pacific.

    United Kingdom:
    In Early 1942, the United Kingdom destroyed the last German Wolf Packs in the Atlantic.
    Gradually the UK economy was strengthened - and offensive operations were launched in Europe, Africa and Asia.

    Overall Situation:
    By Late 1942, the Allies were pushing back the Axis forces all over the World.

    In Early 1943 there were no options left for the Axis Powers to halt the Allied onslaught - and an Axis Surrender was a fact by Early 1943.

    The above game report shows a classic example of a War Of Attrition - the Axis were simply outproduced in all types of weapons - and due to a superior Combined Allied Strategic Plan, the Axis were not only outproduced - they were also outmaneuvered.

    The pictures below show the situation at the beginning of Early 1943.

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  • @The-Captain

    Dang, that’s a lot of pieces. Congratulations on another win.

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