Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @the-captain Awesome game ! Thought Allies toast after India fall but yea a lot going on still.

    Kinda brutal ivan lost urals. I always liked the free tank. That and mass produce is 4 a turn. Well not now :)

  • @the-captain Very exciting. I am eager for the end result :)

  • @barnee
    Japan made an attack against Urals at the end of Late 1945 - eliminating 7 Soviet Tank units.

    This attack put an end to the Soviet Free Tank unit.

    The Soviets have no option at this point to re-capture - and hold on to - Urals.

  • @the-captain whoa ! They dusted 7 Tanks ! That must have been a Powerful JPN Force.

    Thanks for the update. I find these reports very helpful in what others do :)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Late 1946:

    This is the 5th post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    The following pictures show the German Purchase, Combat Movement, Non-Combat Movement - and Place New Units in Late 1946.

    Note that Germany has once again created Army Group South.

    By now, Germany has 3 complete Army Groups:

    • Army Group North on the Eastern Front
    • Army Group South in Germany
    • Army Group Centre in Western Germany

    All three German Army Groups are massively supported Infantry units, Panzer units and Luftwaffe units.

    Germany is now organizing a new Strategic Plan for the defense of Western Front - and a massive counter attack deep into Western & Southern Europe.

    We are now waiting for the Soviets to complete their turn.

    And then Japan will reveal a new Strategy for the coming battles in Asia and the Pacific.

    German Purchase:

    German Combat Movement:
    IMG_6678.JPG IMG_6679.JPG IMG_6680.JPG IMG_6681.JPG IMG_6682.JPG IMG_6683.JPG

    German Non-Combat Movement & Place New Units, including a re-organization of Army Group Centre - and creation of Army Group South:
    IMG_6692.JPG IMG_6695.JPG IMG_6690.JPG IMG_6691.JPG

    The economic situation after Germany’s turn:

    More will follow soon…

  • @the-captain

    That’s a whole lot of tanks in Army Group North.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Tomorrow from 09.15 CET the Global 1943 No. 6 Game will be finished.

    The Allies (Butch Cassidy) are preparing their final Strategic Plan - it will begin with Russia’s turn in Late 1946.

    The Germans are at the Gates of Moscow.

    The Allies have liberated most of Western Europe.

    Japan dominates Asia and most of the Pacific.

    The game is extremely well balanced - and the outcome is unpredictable.

    The Game Report will be attached to this thread asap.

  • @the-captain


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Late 1942 Report for Victory’s and my game 2. Here’s Germany.

    Report complete.

  • B barnee referenced this topic on
  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Late 1947 and Late 1948:

    This is the 6th and last post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    The following pictures show the situation in Late 1947 and Late 1948:
    The quality of some pictures are not satisfactory - sorry for that.

    Late 1947 - Germany attacks Moscow:

    Result of Operation Typhoon:

    Game is over with the fall of Moscow, since the Allies have no options left to re-capture Moscow before the end of this round.

    We agreed to continue the game for two more rounds, since the US had built up a large attack force in France.

    USA attacks Berlin in Late 1948:

    Result of The Battle of Berlin:

    After more than 10 rounds of impressively balanced game, the War finally ends with an overwhelming victory for the Axis.

    This game clearly shows that the Global 1943 Expansion is truly one of the most balanced Axis & Allies games available.

  • @the-captain said in Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports:

    This game clearly shows that the Global 1943 Expansion is truly one of the most balanced Axis & Allies games available.

    Absolutely. Great Game !

    Yes I find more and more options the more i play. Did i say more ? lol How many of the 25 members will play in the next tournament ?

    Hopefully all :) , but that is unlikely :) New members are needed :)

  • @the-captain

    Finally! The Axis won!

    Still undefeated, Captain. Still undefeated. I have much respect for you.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 7 Game Report: Round Late 1944

    This is the only post in the Global 1943 No. 7 Game Report.

    Axis: Dark Knight
    Allies: The Captain

    In Early 1943 Germany attacked Caucasus - and formed Army Group South during Non-Combat Movement.

    A Soviet counter-attack eliminated Army Group South and pushed the Eastern Front further West.

    In the Atlantic & European sphere the Allies gradually got a foothold in Europe and cleared the Atlantic from German U-Boat units.

    In Asia and the Pacific, Japan attacked Chinese units on a massive scale and reinforced the Navy.

    By Late 1943 and Early 1944 the German defense on the Eastern Front began to collapse under the pressure from massive Soviet attacks.

    German Army Group Centre was trying to hold the line in Eastern Poland to prevent a total collapse of the Eastern Front.

    But with US forces capturing Italy, Balkans and South Eastern Europe, the German situation became severely unstable.

    In the Pacific rapid Allied offensive operations captured most islands - and UK forces from India counter-attacked deep into Chinese territories.

    In a desperate attempt to reverse the situation, Japan attacked in the Soviet Far East - but stiff Soviet resistance effectively halted the Japanese offensive, bringing an end to further Japanese expansion.

    The following pictures show the situation in Late 1944:
    IMG_6718.JPG IMG_6719.JPG IMG_6720.JPGIMG_6721.JPG IMG_6722.JPG IMG_6723.JPG IMG_6724.JPG

    With a combined Allied IPC Level of more than 200 IPC, the War ended with an Allied Economic Victory at the end of Late 1944.

  • @the-captain


    I still can’t believe how good you are with these rules.

    When was the last time you lost a game?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Concerning the planning of Global 1943 Strategy - and how to win the Global 1943 game, players should take the following into account:

    • Study the Global 1943 SetUp carefully by setting up your game with all game pieces
    • “Play” the Global 1943 game with your self for at least 2 rounds - and repeat this “Playing The Game” sequence a couple of times until you feel comfortable with troop movements etc.
      This will give you a picture of how you must re-organize your troop positions
    • Plan a Global 1943 Strategy according to your experience with those play tests that you perform with yourself.
    • Play test your Global 1943 Strategy with another Axis & Allies player - and adjust your strategy based on the game results.

    Whether you win or lose the game does not depend on how well you know the rules.
    It is simply a matter of how well you can “read” the game as the game progresses - and react accordingly to the situation as the game progresses.

    Our experience shows that even a new player can defeat an experienced player - simply by reacting correctly to the situation during the game.

    You must be able to know when to purchase Paratrooper units - and when to mass produce Infantry, Panzer, Air units etc.

    The best advice we can give is to carefully study the multiple Game Reports on this thread - and use those Game Reports as inspiration for your strategy.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Early 1943 Game Report for Victory’s and my game. Heres Germany. Rest to follow.

    Old Post got maxed out :) Rest of the Report will be here.

    Italy Builds there Army
    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-00-58.png

    A questionable Attack on Rostov, leads to a disastrous result with the loss of there Bmbr
    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-05-38.png

    They Withdraw from W UKR and send Troops to Yugo and Romania. N African Forces Concentrate in Algeria
    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-09-09.png

    They End with 13 PUs

    ANZAC Builds a Trprt
    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-29-46.png

    They Land in NG unopposed.
    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-31-25.png

    They End with 12 PUs
    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-34-47.png

    France Remains in a Defensive Support Role.

    Allies 180 PUs
    Axis 179 PUs

    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-41-20.png

    Screenshot from 2023-06-18 00-41-48.png

    Saved Game
    EXP Game 2 F 7.tsvg

  • B barnee referenced this topic on

  • @barnee

    Very cool! I really dig that map.

    How do you turn national objectives on or off? I really want to learn that.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Late 1943 Report for Victory and my Game
    EXP Game 2 F8.tsvg

    The Reich reinforces there Atlantic Wall and the Kriegsmarine launches another Wolfpack of Uboats.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 13-39-46.png

    The Wehrmacht Attacks Archangel, Belarus and The Fallschirmjäger make a Daring Attack on Smolensk.
    Denmark is also Attacked.

    A Wolfpack Attaks a British DD in 104 SZ
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 13-43-32.png

    Despite Massive Air Support, the Attack in Archangel Fails as well as the Surprise Strike against Smolensk.

    The Bloody Battlefield of Belarus once again changes hands to German Control. The Denmark Attack Succeeds.

    The Uboat Attack in 104 SZ Successfully Sinks the British DD.

    Reinforcements are Placed to All Combat Areas.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 13-54-39.png

    Rail Movement Reinforces Baltic States and E POL
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 13-58-16.png

    Germany Ends with 64 PUs.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 13-56-41.png

    The soviets produce Mass Tanks and an Elite Infantry Unit.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-09-12.png

    They Successfully CounterAttack in Belarus, W UKR and UKR as well as an unopposed Airborne Attack against Bulgaria.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-11-31.png

    The Commander of Third Corps moves to Novosibirsk via Rail.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-14-27.png

    The soviets end with 39 PUs.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-17-15.png

    Japan Launches 4 DDs and Reinforce there Army with Tank and Infantry Builds. They also Launch a Tactically Important Submarine.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-27-29.png

    JPN Attacks, Yunnan, Hunan and Shan ST.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-31-53.png

    They also Continue the Bloody Struggle in New Guinea as well as Attacking an American Blocker in 55 SZ.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-34-13.png

    All Attacks Succeed. Chinese Control of Kwangsi Prevents a National Objective.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-35-27.png

    JPN remains the most Powerful Force in the Pacific.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-37-58.png

    They finish with 91 PUs
    Screenshot from 2023-07-03 14-39-21.png

    USA Produces 4 Total War Ftrs as well asTroops for there Army and Support Ships for there Navy.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 15-49-09.png

    They Successfully Attack Wolfpacks in 104 and 109 SZs. They also make an Amphibous Attack on Yugo and Sink the pesky Italian Sub in 98 SZ.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 15-51-36.png

    In The Pacific, The Marine Corps and Navy Liberate New Guinea.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 15-56-05.png

    The Majority of there Reinforcements are Placed in the European Theatre. They End with 83 PUs.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 15-59-56.png

    China Recruits for there Army.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-08-20.png

    They Successfully Attack an Elite JPN Inf Unit in Kwangtung.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-09-32.png

    The Bulk of there Forces Remain in Burma. They Finish with 4 PUs
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-11-38.png

    The UK Continues to Build there Army and Add an Air base to GIB.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-16-22.png

    They Occupy Albania and Successfully Attack Denmark.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-19-18.png

    They also Strike in Shan ST.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-20-55.png

    Burma is Heavily Reinforced.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-23-12.png

    Mechanized Forces Continue to Move Into the soviet Union. They End with 58 PUs.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-25-49.png

    Italy Buys Two Air Transports and an Inf Unit.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-28-44.png

    They Attack Yugo and Blitz in and out of Morocco.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-30-53.png

    The Yugo Attack Fails. They Finish with 13 PUs.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-32-49.png

    ANZAC Purchases a Harbor for NG.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-35-55.png

    They Conduct No Combat Operations this Turn. They Reinforce NG with Air and Army Units. They End with 10 PUs.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-37-50.png

    France Remains in a Defensive Support Role.

    The Allies Regain a Slight Edge in the Economic Situation.

    196 to 168

    Screenshot from 2023-07-05 16-41-25.png

    EXP Game 2 F8.tsvg

    Early 1944

    Germany continues to build the Atlantic Wall and reinforces all areas of there military.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 22-52-49.png

    They Attack Belarus, W UKR, Denmark and SZ 104.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 22-58-42.png

    The Belarus Attack Fails, which will have Major Consequences for Germany.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 23-02-40.png

    They place there Units and Finish with 70 PUs
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 23-05-48.png

    The soviets mass produce Tanks, a Guards Contingent and an Airborne Division.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 23-09-22.png

    With the successful Defense of Belarus, the soviets are able to concentrate there two Main Forces on Army Group North, resulting in it’s Destruction.
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 23-11-22.png

    They also make an Airborne Strike into Austria and Finish with 44 PUs
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 23-16-42.png

    After the Destruction of Army Group North, the Wehrmacht has had enough of hitler and overthrow him, killing him and his inner circle.

    Germany Surrenders
    Screenshot from 2023-07-20 23-20-08.png

    Japan asks for an Armistice, knowing that without there European Allies, Victory is Impossible.


    This was our 2nd game and 1st on @Black_Elk s Excellent UHD Map.

    We have started our 3rd Game using the UHD Map with Combat Boxes and the Timetable added.

    Victory and I continue to Enjoy this Awesome Mod ! Thanks Again to The Captain and Company !

  • @barnee

    Still can’t get over that very nice map and those new units. Those shapes look so much more accurate and neat.

    Looks exciting! Sure hope the Axis win. The look like they’re doing well.

  • @barnee

    Nice. I really dig that lighter American green colour.

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