Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @barnee

    Very cool!

    I cannot get over the amazing and beautiful map. Just how can you get it? It doesn’t show up on my TripleA.

  • @barnee

    For some reason, neither the TripleA 2.5 or TripleA 2.6 can open the file you put here. Why is that? What can be done sbout it? Thank you!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    This game is very interesting - we’ll follow the game reports closely.

  • @The-Captain yea, I’m not really sure what the Yanks are gonna do :) Our General Staff is planning for a lot of contingincies :)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    A max zoom of the Pacific lol
    Screenshot from 2023-08-07 21-46-19.png

  • @barnee

    Looks like it is going to be a long War:muscle:

  • @barnee

    Very nice.

  • @barnee

    I am really enjoying the game so far! I hope that I can stop those bad guys from conquering the world this time… :)

  • @VictoryFirst


  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    As part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 & 1943 House Rules Expansion, Naval Mines are being play testet during the 2023 Autumn & Winter Axis & Allies gaming season.

    Final results will be posted here.

    Feel free to play test on your own. Rules are attached below.


    1. G40 Naval Mines.pdf

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 9 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 9 Game Report.

    Axis: Butch Cassidy
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany launched only small scale U-Boat attacks in the Atlantic.
    The German U-Boat production was kept at a minimum - just enough to disrupt Allied shipping in the Atlantic.

    In Late 1940 Germany attacked the Soviet Union along the entire Eastern Front.
    Throughout the Barbarossa Campaign Germany was lacking sufficient support in men and equipment in order to threaten Moscow.

    Soviet Union:
    As soon as the German attack on USSR started, the Soviets produced Mines on a massive scale - continuosly placing them in front of the advancing German forces, as the Soviets were withdrawing to their final defensive line at Archangel-Smolensk-Bryansk-Tambov-Volgograd.

    In Late 1940, Japan declared War on the Soviet Union.
    After defeating China in Late 1942, Japan launched a massive attack against a few Soviet Infantry units in Kazakhstan in Early 1943.

    A massive Japanese build-up of Infantry, Artillery and Tank units took place in Early 1943 in Kazakhstan.

    United States:
    In Late 1941 USA declared War on all Axis Nations - and attacked on all fronts.
    Gradually the United States got the upper hand in both the Pacific, Africa and Western Europe.

    United Kingdom:
    Since Japan launched a massive attack against China and the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom had to send equipment to the Soviet Union on a massive scale.
    Infantry, Tank and Fighter units were transported by Strategic Rail Movement to the Soviet Union to bolster the defense against both German, Italian and Japanese attacks.

    Early 1944 and Late 1944:
    Europe was invaded by US and UK forces on a massive scale - forcing Germany to put an end to the reinforcements for the Eastern Front.

    In Early 1944, the Soviet Union launched two Massive Offensive Operations:

    1. The Soviet 1st Tank Army supported by numerous Infantry and Tank units, attacked the Japanese forces in Kazakhstan - and eliminated all Japanese units including 30 % of the Japanese airforce.

    2. On the Eastern Front the Soviets launched an offensive against German units in Caucasus, Western Ukraine, Belarus, Novgorod, Baltic States - eliminating everything on their way.

    With those two Massive Offensive Operations, the Soviets - heavily supported by both US and UK units - had put an end to further Axis offensive operations in Asia and Eastern Europe.

    In Late 1944 the United States attacked Western Germany - effecticely putting an end to further German offensive operations in Western Europe.

    In Asia, US, UK and ANZAC forces eliminated the Imperial Japanese Navy - captured most islands in the Pacific - and pushed back the Japanese land forces in China.

    By the end of Late 1944 both Germany and Japan were surrounded on all sides - and the Allies were closing in on both Berlin and Tokyo.

    With a combined IPC Level at 195, the Allies won an Economic Victory by Late 1944.

    These pictures display the situation at the end of Late 1944:

    IMG_6931.JPG IMG_6932.JPG IMG_6933.JPG IMG_6934.JPG IMG_6927.JPG IMG_6935.JPG IMG_6936.JPG IMG_6929.JPG

  • @The-Captain

    Ouch. Just ow…

    Anyways, the moment you took charge as the Allies, defeat was inevitable for the Axis. I wonder though:

    Did the Axis do worse than historically or did the Allies do better than historically to cause them to win earlier than historically?

  • @The-Captain Nice ! Hadn’t thought about an early DOW against russia with JPN or vice versa. Doesn’t mean you Have to attack, but when you do, you don’t get penalized.

    I’d think russia being able to sluff a few units to china might make it problematic.

    Idk, something to think about anyways :)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    As the Global 1940, No. 9 Game Report shows, the following should be considered:

    1. When Germany attacks the Soviet Union, the variation and number of German units must be extremely well coordinated in order to achieve succes.

    This means that the German Strategic Plan must be detailed in every aspect. How many Infantry, Panzer and Artillery units are needed during the initial steps of the invasion.

    As well as how are the German Army Groups formed - especially with focus on the combination of Waffen-SS Armies.

    Specialized combat units such as Paratroopers, Combat Pioneers, Landing Crafts and Panzer Grenadiers might also be needed in order to deal with Small Scale Critical Situations that might occur - or even take advantage of any tactical opportunity that would evolve.

    1. How will Germany defend Western Europe against the Allied threat ? Should Germany move the defensive line out into the Atlantic - and mass produce U-Boat units - or should the defense be coordinated with Italian units to build up land and air forces in the Western Europe sphere…

    2. Africa and the Middle East offers an enormous opportunity to gain much needed income - but not without a massive effort…

    3. What role should Japan have - the Japanese Strategic Plan should match the German effort in order to achieve Final Victory.

  • @The-Captain

    Does this work the other way around?

    Does Japan have to be relegated to merely a support role to Germany like Italy, or can it be Japan trying to achieve their strategic goals, assisted by Germany?

  • @The-Captain

    Hi Captain

    Were any Sea Mines used in the Tournament ?

  • @barnee

    We didn’t get that far yet - during our Global 1940 No. 9 Game I think Butch Cassidy was under such extreme pressure, that he simply didn’t consider the use of Naval Mines for the defense of the Imperial Japanese Navy

    The Axis did use Combat Pioneer units with great succes. Both for Japan and Germany.
    These units are highly effective in many ways.

    I expect that the next game (Global 1940 No. 10 Game) where I’m playing against Dark Knight (one of our absolute best Veteran Players) we might see the use of Naval Mines.

    Dark Knight is going to play the Axis…

    The game is planned to begin Friday 27th October at 19.00 CET.

  • @The-Captain

    Awesome !!! Pioneer Units are Engineers ?

  • @barnee

    I think so.

  • @The-Captain

    Exciting! Hopefully the Axis win this time. 😁

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