Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @victoryfirst

    Axis win! I’m so excited! This looks like a very tight game.

  • @victoryfirst

    It looks good for Japan.

    The US should make an amphibious attack against Shantung - and maybe also Kiangsu - to liberate those territories - and have the 2 Japanese Industrial Complexes destroyed.

    This will slow down the Japanese advance in Asia - and give the Allies the upper hand.

    The US Naval Task Force in sz 33 should stay - block sz 17 and 18 to avoid a combined Japanese attack with Naval Task Forces in sz 6 and sz 35.

  • @victoryfirst

    I can see that ANZAC and UK have fortified the islands in the Southern Pacific - good idea:+1:

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Clash of the Titans

    Screenshot from 2The two Titans Clash022-02-23 03-51-48.png

    Russian Victory

    Russian Victory.png

    They were able to keep a Tank Army intact. Probably still fall to the Waffen Army to the North along with the Luftwaffe and the Panzer concentration in E POL.

    Not much Allied help but a few fighters, with none coming up next turn. Guess India could send a couple. Might have to.

    Down to 19 bucks. Need another Big Victory, but I suspect they’ll slowly die off at this point lol

    Oh yea the Rockets forced the Waffen Army to disband. That will help.

    End R7.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Major Naval Battle in Pacific

    Major Naval Battle in Pacific.png

    JPN Victorious

    Japan Victorious.png

    All there BBs lived too. USA got some Air assets in Midway they can reload on new CV builds. They’ll need to lol

    Forced JPN into defense a bit. They still pressured Russia with 3 wins though. UK India getting ready to Flex. Might be too late

    End J7.png

  • @barnee


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    It’s Early 1947 and The War Rages On

    The War Rages On.png

    Thought the Axis would have this in hand by now but Russia holding on. Allied Fighters are helping and the Italian Fleet finally got dusted. Probably shouldn’t have scrambled but … Gonna need to do a Total Ftr build most likely. UK units are on the way, with some in Caucasus already. Been sending there two RR dudes as well.

    Germany needs to Crush Moscow soon. I’m tempted to send the Luftwaffe and that solo Panzer. Idk, it’ll kill most of the German Air Force, so it better succeed.

    JPN starting to lose the South Pacific.
    JPN S Pacific G9.png

    India getting ready to breakout into China. Major battle in Yunnan coming up.

    Yunnan Battle .png

    As my buddy Mick said decades ago playing Risk "Good thing I’m not a Dictator. Too many people would die ".


  • @barnee

    It should be possible to captura Moscow - multiple Luftwaffe units are within reach of the Soviet Capital - and can land in Japanese controlled Vologda.

    This game must have seen heavy losses on both sides - I don’t see many surviving troops anywhere on the game board…

    RISK was our favorite game - until we discovered Axis & Allies :relaxed:

  • @the-captain said in Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    RISK was our favorite game - until we discovered Axis & Allies


    Absolutely. I was taking the ferry south to Washington from Alaska. Met a guy who told me about A&A. We had bought a Risk board for a buck at the thrift store in Homer and were playing it.

    No more Risk after that lol

    Germans got there asses kicked. Weak RD 1 roll. 4 hits I think and the commies countered hard. disobeyed the Fuhrer and withdrew lol

    Germans Got there asses kicked.png

  • @the-captain said in Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    This game must have seen heavy losses on both sides - I don’t see many surviving troops anywhere on the game board…

    yea there was a major blood bath in late '45 I think. Recruitment has been down for both sides lol

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Russian manpower finally exhausted. Lost there one counterattack. Brits need to get there quick. USA Air 2 turns away

    End R9.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Yunnan battle didn’t happen. UK too strong. Trying to contain with JPN. Not looking good for what i thought was a sure Axis Victory.

    Heh heh it’s pretty fun finding out though lol

    Yunnan Fail.png

  • @barnee

    It’s just annoying that killing the Soviet Union and Egypt doesn’t let the Axis win-how’s Africa?

  • @barnee

    What is the Economic situation according to the Expanded National Production Chart?

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @the-captain said in Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread:


    What is the Economic situation according to the Expanded National Production Chart?

    It’s 214 Allies 150 Axis Early '48 G10. JPN took some major hits. Think the Allies can just sit on it and strangle now unless a miracle attack on Moscow

    162 103 without bonus points

  • @barnee

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Went ahead and called this one for the Allies. Losing the earlier Moscow battle or at least not killing enough for a successful follow up attack, pretty much sealed it. Idk, I might still be going to heavy in W Europe, Even a couple more units woulda been key in the battle. Or fly some more air in range.

    I never did attack N Africa after Italy got taken out. Thought about it, but it was gonna be pretty much a one time shot without investing a lot of resources to support it. Figured the threat would tie down some UK units anyway, which it did.

    JPN seemed to do pretty good. Got the Islands early, held on to DNG for a few turns. Kept India at bay for the most part. Maybe I should’ve made a push for Russia a bit sooner. Wanted China conquered first though.

    Anyway was a Fun game. Got some fixes sorted which I’ll update in a bit. I guess I should test out the Basic Expansion next, but kinda want to keep playing with all the bells and whistles lol

    EXP 7.534 Game 5 2-12-22 REDO.tsvg

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Test game 17 of 1940 ( have 5 in 43 also ) and decided to mix it up a bit. Bugs still popping up but don’t need to just play to test any more : )

    Anyway, went with more of a Naval strat for Germany. Didn’t follow the strat guide to the T but still went with some heavy U-boat builds. Unfortunately, the 111 SZ attack went poorly for the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, with the Brits only suffering a single hit to their BB.
    111 SZ Aftermath.png
    The ensuing British counterattack basically dusted the Kriegsmarine, except for a couple U-boats in 106 SZ, and also Luftwaffe lost 3 Fighters. The British fleet was sunk and they had a -3 TUV in the battle, but still a good trade, especially killing the German Air.

    Anyway, it forced Germany into U-boat only builds instead of a CV and a couple Me-109T. Still having success especially with Convoy Damage in 109.

    Rommel will be landing in N Africa Late 41. Has enough support to create a Desert Army. Eastern Front probably a little light because of this, but they’re gonna get the bulk of the resources going forward.

    The commies may have went a little aggressive in their builds, idk. They have a couple commiesars and a TG. Have their Paras maxed out too. Been withdrawing almost everything from the Far East as well.
    R End Early 41.png

    I just blow all their dough and only save before the Conscripts turn. Have a couple minefields in Belarus and one in UKR. Went a little heavy up North instead of withdrawing. Germany will need to commit some Air and the Paras will make them have to defend in depth.

    Japan just focused on china. Basically this is to test the USA National Guard Rule or I probably woulda attacked by now. Haven’t decided if i want to keep ignoring USA or not. They’re making over 90 bucks now and i should be able to take the Philippines, although it’ll take about everything, so might as well just do a DOW.

    Downside is UK and ANZAC got their Bonus dough because they made a DOW in Early 41. Pretty major income boost for them.
    End Early 41.png

    USA reinforced Philipines, not quite as heavy as suggested but will cost JPN a lot to take it. Forgot to dust the Naval Base at Subic Bay. Might just edit that. Have an Arty build from last turn I can trade. Set up for L&L when the balloon finally goes up. Have some ASW assets ready for the Atlantic.
    End Early 41 B.png

    End Early 41 c.png

    China gonna probably lose their FTR but doing about the best they can.

    UK barely hanging on to Egypt and at the expense of GIB but were able to successfully counterattack in Jordan and Killed iraq. Went max on India builds and took Sumatra and reinforced and Fortified instead of going to E Africa as I usually do.

    The Trprt that reinforced GIB been running from U-boats ever since. Think they’re gonna make it. Had a successful landing in the Netherlands in Early 41. Set up for L&L Air Units, although they still need to repair the AB in Scotland. Unfortunately lost their Bomber on a raid against Normandy Factory to AA fire.

    Italy been doing good. Invested heavy in Paras and made a strong landing in Syria. Didn’t push the Egypt battle and took GIB for the bonus dough instead. Have a small Force in Romania.
    End Early 41 Italy.png

    ANZAC doing well also. Took Java and Celebes. Sent major Air reinforcement to India. Need to reinforce NG and Fortify. Build another FTR.

    The French successfully escaped the Med and got a U-boat kill in 106.

    Anyway, it’s about to get REAL lol

    EXP 7.61 Game 17 2-27-22.tsvg

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    It’s Early 1942
    The Wehrmacht is in need of some major reinforcement on the Eastern Front. Huge blunder in Norway. Kriegsmarine assured the Fuhrer they were safe from UK attack, but Soviet Paras took the OKW by surprise and successfully landed.

    Infuriated, the Fuhrer sacked the Chief of Staff. ( fortunately for him it’s still early in the war or he would’ve had him executed lol ) They have a strong position in E POL with Army Group Centre formed but need reinforced so they don’t overextend themselves.

    After a disastrous Italian attack on Egypt, Rommel is advising against a continued push against Egypt and instead using his Fallschirmjäger Division to take Jordan and cutoff the British Fleet from the Med.

    It will cause the temporary disbandment of his Army, but the Desert Fox knows that Armor reinforcements will restore it before the Enemy can move against him. His request for Luftwaffe support is under consideration.

    UK have made another small landing in Belgium and taken control. The Kriegsmarine is being ordered to withdraw from Sea Zone 109. It’s destination is unknown.
    End Late 41.png

    End Late 41 B.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    The Soviets have sown almost the entirety of the Eastern Front with Landmines. Despite General Zhukov’s pleas for more Tanks or at least Elite Infantry, Stalin only begrudgingly allowed a single Elite Infantry to form after the Nazi attack on the Rodina.

    Let the Hun fear every step was his reply.

    Stalin is pleased with Western Lend Lease support and has ordered Mass Conscription beginning Early 1942.
    Russian LMs Early 42.png

    After a self indulged ego ethnocentric rant against the Western Allies, Prime minister Tojo announces a Declaration of War against them. In true Japanese form, combat operations had started hours earlier.

    In what was expected to be a hard fought but sure victory in the Philippines, MacArthur’s Forces repulsed the Japanese Army. His Army Air Corps was especially effective.
    The obliteration of the overconfident Japanese Army and the loss of two Fighters forced a humiliating retreat. Several officers committed hari-kari.

    Their efforts against china were hard pressed as well. Even though they won a victory by killing the Flying Tiger Air unit, they did so with a single Armor unit surviving, which was quickly defeated by counterattack.
    End JPN Late 41.png

    The Americans promised swift vengeance on japan for it’s cowardly attack on the Philippines, but despite MacArthur’s Heroic defense, their initial counterattacks failed completely.

    An Elite Army Infantry unit with Artillery was sent against the Marianas Islands and were destroyed without generating a single Enemy casualty.
    Likewise, an overly aggressive Sub Commander attacked a IJN DD off Singapore and was promptly sunk.

    Under orders from President Roosevelt, MacArthur reluctantly withdrew from the Philippines, sending 2 Fighters to Carriers in SZ 54 and himself and 2 Fighters to New Guinea. Australia has promised immediate Infantry support.
    The Bulk of the US Navy is now anchored off Queensland with another Fleet forming off the Western US coast.

    The Atlantic Fleet has sailed to 91 SZ to challenge the Italian Navy. They have also activated Brazilian Infantry units.

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