I was hoping you’d post these!
AARHE: Rule files
I am at Gen Con… ill get to them soon.
By the way how did that go? Did you win anything?
In search of a download link for LHTR 1.3 (dicey.net is dead) I read some harrisdesign threads.
I saw them having such a hard time revising LHTR. Someone pointing out how Dug-in Defenders and Destroyers being useless.We’ve easily fixed both of that via historic realism. (Shore bombardment model and submarines can’t hit submarines, respectively.)
I think we’ve done well. -
I got a free copy of AA revised and the Bulge game
I won all my games that 5 in total.
won AA europe tournament
won 3 games of new bulge but declined to play a forth game for championship against a guy i allready beat before. He went on the win that game against our david Jenson.
I fixed the map and will email it now. Both are done the same way.
am I maintaining the latest copy or do you hold the latest copy?
the file posted in this thread I actually made small changes (bold/unbold/underline…) changes to your file
meanwhile you were saying you want to change your copy to update the lend-lease…
did you make any changes to your copy?
I use the copy you sent me as the final copy. Ill send you the player aids tonight.
ok then can you use the slight newer one posted here as the final copy
http://www.speedyshare.com/711572568.htmlplayer aids? nice
is that the player setup or have you been making he battleboard, tech chart, victory city board… :mrgreen: -
I’m curious how people will compare/ rank this version of A&A with the A&A enhanced version of the AH boards.
they are two very different variantsAARe is about adding game options
AARHE is about adding historical realismI shall leave it and that and not mention the philosophical arguments after arguments some of us had with some of the AARe guys :)
Yea… that thing … you said it.
What a way to balance a game… just keep adding to both sides of a sinking ship to balance out the list only to have the ship sink anyway due to its utter lack of History and reality.
Can somebody point me to the version that I should post to the website?
I’ll use PDFCreator to output the PDF file.
ill email the final version tonight.
IL, the rules file that you sent at 11:04am was a corrupted attachment, again.
If all I need to do is take the Dec. 2 RTF file and output a PDF, then I can do that.
wow! I guess use what you got. I sent you the rules in RTF and PDF but i guess its no good.
I am honored to be included in the list of those who helped to develop the AARHE rules, but feel that my own small contributions are not worthy of being listed with all of those who spent so much more time and effort developing the rules.
yea right buddy.
If all I need to do is take the Dec. 2 RTF file and output a PDF, then I can do that.
except latest is Dec 6th now -
I don’t want to be updating very frequently. I’ll upload the Dec.6 version but after that, once a month, please.
Even though I’m sure Ncscswitch provided some good feedback, in a way I agree with him. There are those of you who put in many many hours and those who spent just a few (but valuable) hours. I would like to break down the contributors into “Designers” and “Contributors”? Or some other designation. Let’s make it self-deterministic. Everybody will be considered a contributor unless you speak up and say otherwise. How’s that sound?
At best, I think I fall in to the “initial feedback and evaluation” category.
A couple of ideas for Italy NA’s and a few other devils advocate posts do not merit my inclusion in the credits for the finished product.
there are many many contributors
the contributions you made, ncscswitch, made you significant already on the list of contributors :-)another way to look at it, this hopefully leads to smaller contributors giving yet more feedbacks to us
I once said to Imperious Leader that he could be the lead, producer, or whatever
but he said the project belongs to everyone 8-) -
The project is not about a specific person who created most of its elements but rather the sum of its parts working in harmony. Of course it would be easy to say that one guy was most prominant, but one of the core values was to create a team where everybody had some effect on the final ideas and to be as inclusionary as possible to others who wanted to help. To each contributed to their abilities and naturally not everything that was contributed was included but it was a trial and error approach to the application of those ideas. We specifically didn’t want the project to be a “its about me” ego driven affair, but a few of us acted as facilitators to move progress ahead.