Should this be under House Rules?

  • Okay, I’ve obviously got too much time on my hands, but here’s how I’m going to currupt Global 1940 the minute I get my grubby little hands on it:

    Russian-Japanese Non-Aggression

    Japan cannot declare war on Russia unless the Axis controls at least one of the following at the beginning of the Japanese turn:

    1.  London
    2.  Moscow
    3.  Washington, D.C.
    4.  San Francisco
    5.  Every territory on the map with a Chinese roundel printed on it.

    Russia cannot declare war on Japan unless the Allies control at least one of the following at the beginning of the Russian turn:

    1.  Berlin
    2.  Both Rome and Paris

    If the conditions are met to declare war but the player chooses not to exercise it immediately, he loses the opportunity if he has not done so before the other side re-captures the relevant cities/territories.


    Any major power except China may build marines, but no nation may build more than one per turn.  For purposes of this limit, the British player may build marines on either map, but can still only build one total (although a Free French marine may be built at a British factory on the same turn it is used to build a British marine).

    Marines cost 4 IPCs to build.  They function as regular infantry in all respects, except that they attack with a 2 when making an amphibious landing.  Use a regular infantry piece with a green poker chip under it to represent a marine.

    Amphibious Landings

    Tanks and artillery attack with a 1 on the first round of combat when making an amphibious landing.  If the combat lasts more than one round, they attack normally on all subsequent rounds.  Artillery also cannot support infantry to raise their attack value to 2 on the first round of combat during an amphibious landing.  Tactical bombers may not be paired with a tank to raise their attack value to 4 on the first round of combat when the tank unit is making an amphibious landing.  Tactical bombers can, however, still be paired with fighters to receive the bonus.

    Air Transports / Airborne Assaults

    Air transports cost 7 IPCs to build.  They have no attack or defense value, and may move up to 6 spaces per turn.  Use a bomber with a blue poker chip under it to represent an air transport.

    During the Non-Combat Movement Phase an air transport may be used to transport one paratroop or regular infantry from one friendly controlled territory to another friendly controlled territory.  This ends the air transport’s movement for the turn, even if it moved less than 6 spaces.  Air transports cannot carry tanks, artillery, mechanized infantry, AA guns, or marines.

    During the Combat Movement Phase an air transport that starts its turn in the same territory as a paratroop may load that paratroop and air drop it onto an enemy-controlled territory.  If there is an AA gun in the territory, the air transport must first survive anti-aircraft fire before dropping the paratroop.  If the air transport is destroyed by AA fire, the paratroop is destroyed with it.  If a paratroop is dropped into an enemy controlled territory that contains no enemy combat units, there is assumed to be a “garrison” unit in the territory.  The garrison unit defends with a 1, and must be eliminated before the paratroop can capture the territory.  The garrison unit is ignored if there are also units attacking the same territory that are not making an airborne assault.  When air dropping  paratroops, air transports may not make “suicide runs” (i.e., They must have enough range to land in a friendly controlled territory).


    Any major power except China may build paratroops, but no nation may build more than one per turn.  For purposes of this limit, the British player may build paratroops on either map, but can still only build one per turn total (although a Free French paratroop may be built at a British factory on the same turn it is used to build a British paratroop).

    Paratroops cost 4 IPCs to build.  They function as regular infantry in all respects, except that they attack with a 2 when making an airborne assault.  Use a regular infantry piece with a blue poker chip under it to represent a paratroop.

    Modified Turn Sequence

    Certain powers take their turns at the same time, and can combine their attacks and have their units ride on each others’ transports, air transports, and railroads. The turn sequence is as follows:

    1.  Germany/Italy
    2.  Britain/France/ANZAC
    3.  Japan
    4.  Russia
    5.  USA/China

    Rail Movement

    Each power can transport a certain number of units by railroad during the non-combat movement phase each turn.  Being transported by rail uses a unit’s entire movement allowance for the turn.  Units can move by rail any number of territories per turn, as long as all territories are connected and friendly controlled.  Units may not rail move into or through a territory unless it was friendly controlled at the beginning of the player’s turn.  Rail movement may take place across canals and straits, provided the appropriate territories were controlled at the beginning of the player’s turn.  Rail movement may not take place across impassable areas (i.e., Sahara Desert).  Rail capacity for each player is as follows:

    China – 1 unit per turn.  Limited to territories with a printed Chinese roundel on the map.
    Britain – 2 units per turn.  Limited to Africa, Asia, and Canada.
    USA – 3 units per turn.  Limited to Western Hemisphere.
    Russia – 2 units per turn.  Limited to Asia and Europe.
    Germany – 3 units per turn.  Limited to Asia and Europe.
    Italy – 2 units per turn.  Limited to Europe and Africa.
    ANZAC – 1 unit per turn.  Limited to Australia.
    Japan – 2 units per turn.  Limited to Asia.

    Vichy France

    Immediately following the combat phase when Germany captures Paris, the French government will attempt to negotiate a surrender.  If the German player refuses the surrender, fighting continues as normal, and the French government will not offer to surrender again.  If all three French territories are captured, a Free French government is set up in London, and Free French units can be built at British factories using IPCs from any French territories not controlled by the Axis.  If the German player accepts the surrender, the following actions occur:

    1.  A Vichy government is installed in Southern France.  Any Axis units that are already occupying Southern France are immediately moved to Paris.  Place a German control marker on the territory.  The German player will receive any future income from the territory while it remains Vichy, and the German IPC chart is adjusted accordingly.  The territory of Normandy/Bordeaux, if not already German occupied, is surrendered to the Germans, and a German control marker is placed on it.  The German player may, at this time, transfer as many units as he likes to Normandy/Bordeaux from adjacent territories, even if they’ve already moved during the combat movement phase.

    2.  Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, and French Indo-China immediately become Vichy territories.  A German control marker is placed on the territories. The German player will receive any future income from the Vichy territories on the European map while they remain Vichy, and the German IPC track is adjusted accordingly.  Any French units within these territories plus any French naval units remaining in Sea Zone 94 become Vichy, and cannot move or attack while they remain Vichy.

    3.  Any French units in Sea Zone 112 immediately become Free French, and will continue to fight the Axis for the remainder of the game.

    4.  Roll a die for each French unit still on the map in Normany/Bordeaux, Southern France, and Sea Zone 93 and apply the results as follows:

    On a roll of 1 the unit becomes Free French and is immediately moved to either the United Kingdom or Sea Zone 91, whichever is closer.

    On a roll of 2-4, the unit is disbanded or scuttled and removed from the map.

    On a roll of 5-6, the unit becomes Vichy and is moved to either Southern France or Sea Zone 93.  These units cannot move or attack while they remain Vichy.

    5.  All Vichy naval units are confined to port, and will not interfere with any naval units of either side that move through their sea zones.  If any Vichy territory (other than French Indo-China) is invaded by the Axis, all Vichy units and territories immediately become Free French for the remainder of the game.  If any Vichy territory is invaded by the Allies, roll a die for all units within that territory and adjacent sea zone, and apply the following results:

    On a roll of 1-3 the territory and all its units (including any Vichy naval units in an adjacent sea zone) become Free French.  The German control marker is removed from the territory, and the German IPC track is adjusted accordingly.

    On a roll of 4-5 the territory surrenders to the Allies.  All Vichy units are disbanded or scuttled and removed from the map.  The German  control marker is removed, and the German IPC track is adjusted accordingly.

    On a roll of 6, the territory decides to resist the Allies.  All Vichy units, including Vichy naval units in adjacent sea zones,  are replaced with their equivalent German units and become, for all practical purposes, German units for the remainder of the game.

    6.  A Free French government is set up in London, and Free French units may be built at any British factory (with the British player’s permission) on either map using available IPCs from Free French territories.


    Afghanistran:  2 Infantry
    Bulgaria:  2 Infantry
    Finland:  4 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Greece:  4 Infantry, 1 Destroyer
    Hungary:  2 Infantry
    Iraq:  1 Infantry
    Persia/Iran:  1 Infantry
    Portugal:  1 Infantry
    Rumania:  4 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Spain:  1 Tank, 7 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Destroyer
    Sweden:  5 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 2 Destroyers
    Switzerland:  5 Infantry
    Turkey:  7 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Destroyer
    Yugoslavia:  5 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Ireland:  1 Infantry
    Angola:  2 Infantry
    Argentina:  4 infantry
    Brazil:  3 infantry
    Chile:  2 infantry
    Columbia:  2 infantry
    Peru:  2 infantry
    Venezuela:  2 infantry

    Any neutral countries not listed here use the units printed on the map.

    Starting Forces:

    France:  11 infantry, 2 tanks, 2 artillery, 1 mechanized infantry, 2 fighters, 2 tactical bombers
    Normandy/Bordeaux:  4 infantry, 1 artillery
    Southern France:  2 infantry, 1 artillery
    Morocco:  1 infantry
    Algeria:  1 infantry
    Tunisia:  1 infantry
    French West Africa:  1 infantry
    Syria:  1 infantry
    Sea Zone 93:  2 battleships, 1 cruiser, 2 destroyers, 1 submarine, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 94:  1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 112:  1 battleship, 2 destroyers

    Germany:  5 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 paratroop, 1 fighter, 1 bomber, 1 air transport 1 AA gun, 1 minor IC
    West Germany:  6 infantry, 2 artillery, 3 mechanized infantry, 3 fighters, 5 tactical bombers, 1 AA gun, 1 major IC, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Greater Southern Germany:  4 infantry, 2 tanks, 1 artillery, 1 fighter
    Holland/Belgium:  10 infantry, 4 tanks, 2 artillery, 1 mechanized infantry, 2 fighters, 2 tactical bombers
    Denmark:  1 infantry, 1 fighter
    Norway:  2 infantry, 1 fighter
    Poland:  3 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber
    Romania:  2 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter
    Slovakia/Hungary:  2 infantry, 1 tank
    Sea Zone 103:  1 submarine
    Sea Zone 108:  1 submarine
    Sea Zone 113:  2 battleships, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers
    Sea Zone 117:  1 submarine
    Sea Zone 118:  1 submarine
    Sea Zone 124:  1 submarine

    United Kingdom:  2 infantry, 1 mechanized infantry, 2 fighters, 1 tactical bomber, 1 air transport, 1 AA gun, 1 major IC, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Alexandria:  1 infantry, 1 tank, 1 artillery, 1 mechanized infantry, 2 fighters, 1 tactical bomber
    Egypt:  1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 fighter, 1 naval base
    France:  1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank
    Gibraltar:  2 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Iceland:  1 air base
    New Brunswick:  1 naval base
    Ontario:  1 tank
    Quebec:  1 infantry, 1 minor IC
    South Africa:  1 infantry, 1 minor IC, 1 naval base
    West India:  1 infantry
    India:  1 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 AA gun, 1 major IC, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Burma:  1 infantry
    Kwangtung:  1 infantry,
    Malaya:  1 infantry, 1 naval base
    Sea Zone 71:  1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 85:  1 cruiser, 1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 91:  1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 3 battleships, 2 cruiser, 2 destroyers, 1 carrier
    Sea Zone 106:  1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 109:  2 destroyers, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 110:  1 fighter, 1 transport, 2 battleships, 2 cruisers, 3 destroyers, 1 carrier, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 112:  1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 3 battleships, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 carrier, 1 submarine
    Sea Zone 37:  1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 39:  1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 transport

    Southern Italy:  2 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 minor IC, 1 naval base
    Northern Italy:  3 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 AA gun, 1 major IC, 1 air base
    Albania:  1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter
    Libya:  1 infantry
    Tobruk:  2 infantry, 1 tank, 1 artillery, 1 mechanized infantry, 2 fighters, 2 tactical bombers
    Ethiopia:  1 infantry
    Italian Somaliland:  1 infantry
    Sea Zone 95:  3 battleships, 3 cruisers, 5 destroyers, 2 submarines, 2 transports

    Russia:  1 infantry, 1 paratroop, 1 air transport, 1 AA gun, 1 major IC
    Novgorod:  1 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber
    Karelia:  2 infantry
    Vyborg:  2 infantry, 1 artillery
    Baltic States:  2 infantry, 1 tank
    Belarus:  1 infantry, 1 tank, 2 fighters, 1 tactical bomber
    Eastern Poland:  2 infantry, 1 tank, 1 artillery, 1 mechanized infantry
    Western Ukraine:  1 infantry, 1 tank, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 naval base
    Bessarabia:  2 infantry, 1 tank, 1 artillery
    Caucasus:  1 infantry
    Volgograd:  1 infantry, 1 minor IC
    Buryatia:  1 infantry
    Sakha:  1 infantry
    Amur:  3 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter
    Sea Zone 115:  1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 2 cruisers, 1 submarine, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 127:  1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 100:  1 destroyer
    Sea Zone 5:  1 submarine

    Szechwan:  2 infantry
    Yunnan:  5 infantry
    Hunan:  4 infantry
    Shensi:  1 infantry
    Suiyuyan:  2 infantry
    Hopei:  1 infantry
    Anhwe:  2 infantry
    Chahar:  2 infantry
    Kweichow:  3 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter

    Japan:  6 infantry, 1 tank, 2 artillery, 1 fighter, 1 air transport, 1 major IC, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Korea:  1 infantry
    Manchuria:  3 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 AA gun
    Jehol:  2 infantry, 1 artillery
    Shantung:  1 infantry
    Kiangsu:  2 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber
    Kiangsi:  2 infantry, 1 artillery
    Kwangsi:  2 infantry, 1 artillery
    Siam:  2 infantry
    Palau Island:  1 infantry
    Caroline Islands:  1 infantry, 1 AA gun, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Iwo Jima:  1 infantry
    Okinawa:  1 infantry, 1 fighter
    Formosa:  1 fighter
    Sea Zone 6:  5 fighters, 5 tactical bombers, 4 battleships, 3 cruisers, 7 destroyers, 5 carriers, 3 transports
    Sea Zone 19:  1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 submarine
    Sea Zone 33:  1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 carrier, 1 transport

    Eastern US:  1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 air transport, 1 major IC, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Central US:  1 infantry, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 major IC, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Western US:  1 infantry, 1 marine, 1 AA gun, 1 major IC, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Hawaii:  1 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Midway:  1 air base
    Wake Island:  1 air base
    Guam:  1 air base
    Philippines:  2 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 tactical bomber, 1 naval base, 1 air base
    Sea Zone 10:  2 fighters, 2 tactical bombers, 5 battleships, 2 cruisers, 3 destroyers, 2 carriers, 1 submarine, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 26:  1 cruiser, 2 destroyers, 1 submarine, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 35:  1 destroyer, 1 transport
    Sea Zone 101:  2 fighters, 2 tactical bombers, 4 battleships, 2 cruisers, 3 destroyers, 2 carriers, 1 transport

    No changes from standard deployment for ANZAC.

  • The answer is yes

  • holy crap! are you getting paid to make your own game or are you just crazy?

  • How do you create such a long post? When i run out of room at the bottom of page i dont know how to extend it.

  • Yes, I am quite insane  :-D

    As for how I got it all to fit, I typed it into a Word document, and then copied and pasted.

    I plan to playtest these rules and modify them as needed.  I was trying for as much historical accuracy as I could with the starting forces, while making the minimum number of changes to the official rules.  I got the idea from World in Flames, which is a great game, but, practically speaking, unplayable.  Even if you read and understand all the rules, finding one or more opponents who also have read and understand the rules is pretty much impossible.  You can, however, play Axis and Allies while you’re drunk (Been there.  Done that.  Got the T-shirt.)  But I like the idea of having the same basic problems, options, starting forces, and deployments the real military and political leaders of the time had to face.

    Now, I’ll admit that the Vichy France rules are a bit more detailed than most A&A players prefer, and I understand why the game disigners decided to just leave them out.  But, if I was going to give the French a realistic starting fleet, I had to have the Vichy option to keep the combined French and British fleets from blowing the Italians out of the water on turn one.  It also gives the Allies the same uncertainty about what the Vichy French forces would do if their territories were invaded.  Historically, it was a major concern for the British.  Remember that they actually bombed the Vichy French fleet in port in North Africa, killing, IIRC, a couple of thousand French sailers , because they were afraid of having it fall into Axis hands.

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