If you’re going to use the US as your trading country, then make sure you have a good transport system in place. Get a 4x4 going on. Four transports from Ecan to UK, and UK to EEU (preferably) or Kar. And buy a fighter EVERY round so you can fly it to Russia. Do the same with the UK. Buy a fighter every round and fly it to Russia. Get a good fighter cover going, have Russia buy infantry out the wazoo (and an armour every now and then) and continually wear Germany down.
USSR Non-Aggression Treaty National Advantage
A question came up while playing this game regarding Russia’s National Advantage, the Non-Aggression Treaty between Japan and Russia. If Japan attacks Russia in multiple territories at once, do they get 4 additional infantry in only one territory, or does each territory that is attacked get 4 infantry? The rule is not entire clear about this. It could be read either way.
“The first time in the game that Japanese forces attack any red territory, you may place four infantry from your inventory in that territory for free before resolving combat. If you attack Japan before it attacks you, you lose this advantage.”
From the Revised FAQ:"Q. The Nonaggression Treaty allows the USSR to place four units in the territory Japan attacks
first. What if the Japanese player attacks two or more red territories on the same turn?A. In that case, the Soviet player chooses which of the territories being attacked gets the four infantry."
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