Which nation requires the least skill to play as?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Poll was least skill, not easiest to play.

    United Kingdom requires the least skill to play because it is almost impossible for them to loose their capital. Even if the allies loose, odds are the UK capital will still be in play since the axis will most likely just have gotten M84 or the allies have conceeded defeat with the fall of Moscow.

    Also, the lack of any real british involvement in the game is not going to be as detrimental as no American involvement or no Russian involvement as Britian can only add 12-18 IPCs a round in most games anyway (assuming Africa has fallen, perhaps India as well.)

    This is why I like to put the rookie in the UK seat. S/he ca watch the game, participate to learn, and make all the mistakes s/he wants without overly impacting the game.

    Not to say that the British power, in the game, is irrellevant or a non-power, just that given their limitations and their situation, any tactic they choose is almost as good as any other. Perhaps this is why many game masters have multiple British strategies. (IC in India, IC in S. Africa, Wait a turn build a fleet, Build an AC and a Trn immediately, build bombers only, etc.)

  • Good point Jennifer. I guess I’m looking at it from my point of view, and not that of a newb.

  • From my experience, America is pretty well a support role, as long as there’s never much Japanese pressure in the Pacific, America can support the Brits in Germany, and then press on either in Africa or then choose to take some territory in Japan. Because of their massive economy and isolation, I feel they’re removed from the war a lot more than the other four powers - which gives the player a lot more time to plan and judge where the war is going, as well as they’re the last player in a round to go… which helps in this as well.

    There’s really only three options for the Americans as well (as I see it).

    1. Go after Japan and have it all Pacific.
    2. Support the Brits in Germany
    3. Support the Brits in Africa

    Wherever they’re supporting the Brits, this will inevitably mean they’ll end up helping out Russia, if Russia last that long.

    America can be used by the British to hold german territory whilst the UK goes to be Russias’ saviour.

    Just my .02 IPCs ;)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    From my experience, America is pretty well a support role, as long as there’s never much Japanese pressure in the Pacific, America can support the Brits in Germany, and then press on either in Africa or then choose to take some territory in Japan. Because of their massive economy and isolation, I feel they’re removed from the war a lot more than the other four powers - which gives the player a lot more time to plan and judge where the war is going, as well as they’re the last player in a round to go… which helps in this as well.

    There’s really only three options for the Americans as well (as I see it).

    1. Go after Japan and have it all Pacific.
    2. Support the Brits in Germany
    3. Support the Brits in Africa

    Wherever they’re supporting the Brits, this will inevitably mean they’ll end up helping out Russia, if Russia last that long.

    America can be used by the British to hold german territory whilst the UK goes to be Russias’ saviour.

    Just my .02 IPCs ;)

    Exactly correct. When joining in the war in Europe, America is primarily a reinforcing country. Brition takes France, America reinforces. Brition/Russia takes Fin/Nor, America reinforces. In this case, it is rare to see America take and hold land in Europe, at least until Germany’s back has been broken.

    However, should the American player NOT join the European theater and make ill decisions in the Pacific theater, the game can be lost. (UK/USSR can hold Germany by themselves, between them they should about equal the financial resources of the Germans, in this case, America needs to do a land grab as fast as possible in the Pacific. Ignore mainland Asia and Japan and get as much as it can before stacking Alaska and invading Tokyo.)

    Most experienced players will tell you to dump on Germany first. It is the easier of the two targets to destroy and will allow for the Brits to recover and support the American navy in the Pacific while the Russians support the Asian war.

  • i would have to say that the easiest is the us.BUT the truth is that every time a rookie has played the us the allies have lost.the us value is understimated.with its choices it relieves the other two.

    but then again-uk and russia can be easy.uk is imo most valunerable then any other nation.i saw some people say that its capital is impossible to get.ppl imo u r wrong!!every single time i have won as axis it is through london!!it is very easy to fall if u cut it of…and remmber thta the uk can find itself with less than19-20 ipcs each turn very easy!!!

    the axis should never be plays by new players!!us is the choice but the new player will need guidance…

  • I’d say Russia, because you can sit the new player down, explain the defensive value of infantry, and then pretty much leave them alone for the rest of the game until they get their feet under them.

    I’d say the U.S. is vastly more difficult to play, as I know experienced players who swear that the Axis will nearly always win, mostly because they have an insufficient grasp of American strategy.

  • U.S. is the easiest to play because there are only two options: rush masses of troops to europe or rush masses of troops to invade japan. Done , thats it.

  • I have to agree with Shredz how hard is it to play UK, I mean sit there look nice annoy Germany to no end and help defend Russia, easy right? I mean with the limited units they have its hard to make major mistakes that cost you major set backs or even the game, so correct me if I’m wrong, show me the light where I cannot see it for I must be lost because there are 2 votes saying UK is the easiest and 16 saying USSR and USA, i can understand USA a little bit but USSR has to fend off both Japan and Germany if not trying to take Germany, they also have to try and work with UK and rely on them and in my opinion when you have to rely on someone else to get your job done your in for a world of hurt.

    *Just a notice I’m new to this Forum and I’m entering it as if I own the place…so if I’m doing something wrong and this isn’t how you guys do things around here just let me know and let me know what I can do better as not to make people angry, happy to be here :wink:

  • @FirstTurnRussianTakeOver:

    I have to agree with Shredz how hard is it to play UK, I mean sit there look nice annoy Germany to no end and help defend Russia, easy right? I mean with the limited units they have its hard to make major mistakes that cost you major set backs or even the game, so correct me if I’m wrong, show me the light where I cannot see it for I must be lost because there are 2 votes saying UK is the easiest and 16 saying USSR and USA, i can understand USA a little bit but USSR has to fend off both Japan and Germany if not trying to take Germany, they also have to try and work with UK and rely on them and in my opinion when you have to rely on someone else to get your job done your in for a world of hurt.

    *Just a notice I’m new to this Forum and I’m entering it as if I own the place…so if I’m doing something wrong and this isn’t how you guys do things around here just let me know and let me know what I can do better as not to make people angry, happy to be here :wink:

    Your comments are quite welcome, and not misplaced at all.

    Also welcome to the forum. If you are looking for an actual “game”, both Mr. Ghoul and I live in Winnipeg, and i’m sure that we would welcome a game with you.
    (note: that’s three Winnipeggers. At some point we need a tournament. Winnipeggers vs. Americans vs. Europeans vs. other Canadians.

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