No thank you, I don’t have the time. So you’re reducing the IPC value of Japan whilst giving fixed bonuses? Hmm, that does limit Japan’s options and would definitely be a slight nerf.
Global 1943 Expansion, Revised
Good to know!
For the Global 1943 Expansion, we are working on the SetUp to include the Flak Tower rule (see thread: Flak Tower).
We expect to be able to release this SetUp in Late 2024, after play testing.
Printing Error:
We have discovered 3 printing errors in the Japanese Set Up:
Hainan is not mentioned in the Japanese Set Up. Hainan must have an IPC value of “1” - and a Japanese control marker.
Palau Island does not need a Japanese control marker… the number (1) described in the column should be placed in the column for the IPC value instead. Palau Island must have an IPC Value Marker at “1”.
Kiangsi is not mentioned in the Japanese Set Up. Kiangsi is Japanese controlled from game start (Early 1943).
We naturally apporlogize for those shortcomings.
Thank you!
The revised pictures for Global 1943 Expansion, Revised have now been added.
Please note the German Flak Tower unit in Berlin (Germany).
The next Axis & Allies Global 1943 game played by Dark Knight and The Captain is scheduled to start on Friday 12th April until Sunday 14th April
Dark Knight and The Captain will draw lots to decide who is going to play the Axis.
The Game Report will be announced at the Game Report thread shortly after the Global 1943 game has ended.
This Global 1943 game will mark the end of the 2023-2024 Axis & Allies Wiking-Con Season.
Good luck!
@The-Captain I believe I discovered an error with the British starting IPC level from the 1943 setup. In the rulebook it says ‘47’, but I arrive at ‘46’. Here is my calculation:
British start the game with 45 IPCs.
ANZAC territories (10)
Libya (1)
Ethiopia (1)
Syria (1)
Iraq (2)
Persia (2)Negative:
Burma (1)
Shan State (1)
Malaya (3)
Kwangtung (3)
Borneo (4)
Solomon Islands (2)
Gilbert Islands (2)The total positive is +17, and the total negative is -16, so a net income of +1, thus 46. Did I miss anything?
The German U-Boat Bunker will be introduced soon.
The German U-Boat Bunker will be a permanent part of the German Set Up for Global 1943.
More information and pictures will be released in Late 2024.
Is this different than the subpens ? Or German U-boat pen
It is the same rule - we just need to implement pictures for the Starting Set Up.
As part of the Optional Rules, the Waffen-SS Panzer General unit is being play tested.
Play testing is expected to end in Early November 2024.
In the SetUp for Global 1943, a Waffen-SS Panzer General unit will be part of the German SetUp from game start (Early 1943).
More information will follow to show details in SetUp placement, combat details etc.