Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Just to double check, the only way to sweep a mine is during combat move.

    Screenshot from 2024-09-11 19-57-53.png

    If you sail through in ncm, you just take your chances.

    Also, it takes place in CM, so scramble can’t defend. Against the sweeper.

    Do I have it right ?

  • B barnee referenced this topic on

  • @barnee


  • @The-Captain

    Only Factories at Game Start can upgrade to Heavy Ind.

    Screenshot from 2024-09-28 06-49-14.png

    Question is if a Major is captured and reduced to a Minor and then liberated, the original owner could still update it to a Heavy Industry 1 ?

    For example N Italy is conquered, reduces to Minor, Italy or Germany liberate, Italy can still update to Hvy Ind 1 or if S Italy upgraded to Major, it could still upgrade.

  • @barnee

    Yes - also, in this case the original owner could convert the Minor Industrial Complex to a Major Industrial Complex - and upgrade to Heavy Industry 2 Units.

  • @The-Captain Question about moving Russian factories. Can you move German factories that Russia takes over and now belong to Russia? Same with all other special factory rules that apply to Russia.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21


    If the Soviet player captures an Axis factory, the Soviet player can move that factory on the same terms as any other movement of Soviet Factories.

    Note 1:
    The Soviet player must control the factory from the start of the turn.

    Note 2:
    Only if that factory is in an Original Soviet Territory can this movement occur.

    Note 3:
    If the Soviet player captures an Axis factory that is not in an Original Soviet Territory the Soviet player can move this factory with Combat Engineer units - on the same terms as for other Nations.

  • @The-Captain Thank you! If the Axis factory wasn’t captured in original Soviet territory would they still gain the benefit of being able to destroy it for free at any time, or would they have to pay 4 IPC like other countries?

  • @mkgionet

    Yes - the Soviet player would have to pay 4 IPC to destroy it.

    Only Underground Factories can be destroyed to prevent them from falling into enemy hands.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    The Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion will be expanded further with new units.

    The new units are added as Optional Rules.

    As soon as play testing has ended the new units & rules will be attached to the first post in this thread.

  • @The-Captain Awesome! Looking forward to it. In game play, it’s a little discouraging that Germany has about a hundred special units whereas Japan gets only a few but that is historically accurate. In our games, it seems as if the Yamato and Musashi are very valuable as well as the Combat Engineers for pushing the minor Asian factories into western China and/or Burma but Banzai and destroyer transport have limited value. I am not suggesting any HRE changes from my comments because I love how HRE only expands in a way that aligns with WW2 history, just commenting that the richness of the German unit possibilities and strategies is just not there in the Pacific to the same extent. Having said that, we are salivating at the possibilities which an SS Panzer General can provide after you finish play-testing.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Yea JPN doesn’t have as many fancy dudes as the reich, but no one really does :)

    I try to use Banzai when I can. It’s rarely every turn but sometimes after SSR is in the fight, you can hit some SFE TTys with an LCV. It’s nice to have an Elite when you do.

    Occasionally some Islands or China, but JPN has such a Large Air Force, I almost always send air, although some Islands might be out of range.

    The DDs I usually use a lot, especially if the Allies are pushing hard and my Trprts have mostly been sunk.

    Have never used the Kamikaze.

    When’s your next game ?

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi @The-Captain

    Can’t find the waffen Panzer General thread, so will ask here.

    You’ve stated that you feel the game to be balanced between any level of player and while not playing anyone from your group, I would agree.

    The Waffen Panzer Army seems a big upgrade to Germany. How is that countered ? Does SSR get 3 more Guards ?

    I understand you’re still testing. Curious if there will be an Allied boost as well.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21


    See first post in the thread: G40 Waffen-SS Panzer General - we have attached 2 pdf files…

    The Waffen-SS Panzer General unit is available the same round as Germany can produce Waffen-SS Panzer units.

    To counter this new thread, the Allies (mostly the Soviet Union) must combine their effort in order to put pressure on Germany.

    When Germany starts the formation of the Waffen-SS Panzer Army - the cost is enormous.
    Also, the time that it takes for Germany to produce the Waffen-SS Panzer Army will automatically slow down the reinforcement of Panzer units to the frontlines - since Germany must hold back regular Panzer units in Berlin in order to convert them to Waffen-SS Panzer units.

    This delay in troops must be used by the Allies.

    Also - Germany must spend IPC for this Army - IPC that are much needed elsewhere…

    At this point there are no new Historical units for the Allies to enter the game.

  • @The-Captain

    Regarding the French units in the UK. Do they have to all be in United Kingdom TTy when they change ? Or, for example, the 2 INF could be in Scotland and the Ftr in UK ?


    Screenshot from 2024-10-29 22-25-26.png

    Nice photo :)

  • @barnee

    The French units must be in the United Kingdom territory in Early 1942.

    This has now been clarified in the rulebook.

  • Hi Captain. Quick Total War question. Can specialized units participate in that?? Heavy Bombers for USA and King Tigers for Germany are two that come to mind. I saw in the rules that ME 262’s can, but I didn’t see anything about others which makes me wonder if units where the rulebook is silent cannot participate. Thanks

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hi @Trout

    yea, only the specified units can be Total War mode. So no Hvy Bmbrs or Waffen Panzers :)

    Screenshot from 2024-11-02 20-44-38.png

  • @barnee Thanks Barnee. So the only HRE units that can utilize Total War are Jet Fighters, Carrier Based Fighters and Air Transports right? No Heavy Bombers, no paratroopers, no panzer grenadiers or armored infantry. Only regular infantry, artillery, and tanks for ground units correct???

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Yea, Bmbrs, Tacs, Ftrs and Mech Inf too. Only special is the 262.

    262 hasn’t been activated here but the last two rows show the Total War dudes

    Screenshot from 2024-11-04 00-50-36.png

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    I don’t think I’ve ever asked this one. I know asked if a Allied Escort can Convoy a Allied Trprt. You said yes.

    But, if there is one Escort and Trprt for each Allied player in same SZ, would one of the Escorts be unable to convoy ?

    My guess is yes.

    1 US Escort 1 Trprt
    1 ANZAC Escort 1 Trprt

    One couldn’t have both Escorts on Convoy duty ?


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