I am happy to say that the rules are nearly done, in the final stages of completion, and I will begin play testing shortly before posting the final copy.
AARHE: Phase 2: Naval Combat
Is Naval Combat like Land Combat in that FTRs must retreat if there are no naval units left at the end of a combat round?
I think this is answered by “At the end combat cycle air units that cannot land on aircraft carrier [ on page 6] or excess to Aircraft Carrier capacity must retreat.” but it seems odd.
e.g., my American FTRs in Hawaii (n.b., willing to brave the withering Japanese naval AA guns) scramble to engage Japanese air in the surrounding sea zone, but only get one round of combat before they have to retreat to Hawaii?
Same with Hawaiian DAS that scrambled to support the fleet under attack. One cycle of combat and they have to land? I’m having a hard time with this one – I tried to justify by saying o.k. you have to land on CV to refuel for the next cycle of combat, however we don’t make that distinction in Land Combat.
I saw some earlier discussions on this. It sounds great on paper, but once I started rolling dice and lost a nice navy while aircraft just sat in Hawaii, I didn’t understand it anymore.
Any insights appreciated.
Enjoy the day!
- Bierwagen
Is Naval Combat like Land Combat in that FTRs must retreat if there are no naval units left at the end of a combat round?
Yes correct. Planes fly back to carriers as the carriers retire from battle.
I think this is answered by “At the end combat cycle air units that cannot land on aircraft carrier [ on page 6] or excess to Aircraft Carrier capacity must retreat.” but it seems odd.
In the event that your carriers are allocated as hits, and you have a situation where you have more planes then carriers to land on them, your required to retreat excess planes, because it now becomes a question of a quasi- kamakazi run, because the planes have no place to land.
e.g., my American FTRs in Hawaii (n.b., willing to brave the withering Japanese naval AA guns) scramble to engage Japanese air in the surrounding sea zone, but only get one round of combat before they have to retreat to Hawaii?
If its just air vs air and no naval below, then yes its one round. Remember the air combat is always aerial combat values.
Same with Hawaiian DAS that scrambled to support the fleet under attack. One cycle of combat and they have to land? I’m having a hard time with this one – I tried to justify by saying o.k. you have to land on CV to refuel for the next cycle of combat, however we don’t make that distinction in Land Combat.
This is different: AS long as you have naval combat you can perform concurrent air combat rounds over the sky, eventually air superiority will occur and you get to attack ships until they retreat or are destroyed. So this may be multi round affair.
I saw some earlier discussions on this. It sounds great on paper, but once I started rolling dice and lost a nice navy while aircraft just sat in Hawaii, I didn’t understand it anymore.
Huh? why didnt the carrier just retreat? If the enemy bring in a fleet and has no air cover, he will be chewed up if the other side has air cover. Thats the way its supposed to be. Perhaps im not getting what happened. Provide an example.
I’m having a hard time with this one – I tried to justify by saying o.k. you have to land on CV to refuel for the next cycle of combat, however we don’t make that distinction in Land Combat.
Yes that was the reasoning. Refuel and rearm.
Actually we have that reasoning in land combat too, you just don’t have the capacity limit thats all.
(For the land combat case you asked a question in another thread.)
Its a bit easier on ground because you use captured air fields or make-shift runways.Same with Hawaiian DAS that scrambled to support the fleet under attack. One cycle of combat and they have to land?
Yes if you have no carriers left (or no carriers to start with) the fighter will have to retreat.
The idea is that air units without carriers to land can only fight on a limited basis in the sea. Hence we make them retreat at end of cycle.
Flying back and thru between the enemy fleet and the airfield at the lsand is no where as effective as having a mobile airfield that hunts the enemy.
But I see your concern. It would make no difference if the action is very close to the island coast anyway, eg. defending an amphibious assault.
This is different: AS long as you have naval combat you can perform concurrent air combat rounds over the sky, eventually air superiority will occur and you get to attack ships until they retreat or are destroyed. So this may be multi round affair.
Note the retreat rule applies regardless.
Thanks tekkyy!… this new guy is a good fortune for us because hes looking outside the box and providing feedback from another point of view. Lets take good care of him. Note my answers may not always be perfectly correct to his questions.
Bierwagen is among the most constructive users.
- karma to him
We shall be able to resolve a few grey areas with him and add him to the contributors list.
yes right.
Thanks for the Karma – it’s been a hell week, so I haven’t had much time to sit in front of the computer.
Really appreciate all the feedback on my questions. Our monthly gaming session is slated for Saturday and so far only 4/10 of us are on board to try AARHE Lite. The others are still trying to master regular AAR and are hesitant. Lite just seems to liven the whole game up by involving everyone constantly and I was hoping to convert/subvert them before they got AAR ingrained on their brains.
I also stumbled on “The War Game” this week and had to immediately order a set for myself and another for the break room at work. The pieces alone are phenomenal!
I was wondering if you tried any of the AARHE concepts with that game as well. It doesn’t seem like anything in AARHE throws the games out of balance, rather it is more of a different approach to combat processes.
Anyway, keep you posted as it develops.
Thanks again for the insights and the fun. AARHE has been all the rage at work trying to convince everyone to give it a go.
Enjoy the day!
- Bierwagen
I worked on the map for The War Game but it was minor. I know jeff personally for many years and have played it yada, yada, yada.
You can use the pieces for AARHE. I do.
yeah should get them to know AAR trying LITE
depending on the crowd, some would be quick to see the shortcoming quick of LHTR/OOB
such as the long waits between turns, could be 45 minutes
and bits and pieces of outright unrealistic rulesthough some would be reluntant even to use LHTR
if thats the case give anyone of this forum a yell
they’ll quickly give you an idea of how serious the mistakes/typos of OOB are -
no we don’t need LHTR, because they uses different victory conditions and has different takes because its tailored for Tournament games. Our rules superseed LHTR EXCEPT for issues that we don’t clarify, that document overrides.