I don’t think it says either way, which is why I have all these questions.
Hello guys,
my friends and I have started to play AARHE today, and frankly, we’re enthusiastic. Great rules, kudos to the community!
Three questions cropped up on this first day which we could not resolve by reading the rules carefully over and over:
Upkeep in special terrain
Pay 1 IPC for … every unit occupying AP (transport) at the end of your last turn.
And then it says later on in Non-combat move:
Sea Transport
Units on AP (transport) must be loaded and off-loaded the same turn.
I guess both together do not make sense?
What does connected mean? IPC path? Also via convoy route?
p.s. thanks again for the great rule set!
Thanks for the feedback. This is how improvements are made.
I’ve uploaded a newer version mid August. Not sure how far it differs from the latest on my computer though.
The rule of must load and off-load in the same turn even in non-combat is now removed. Long voyages can be performed at cost. The upkeep rule now extends to “currently or at the end of your last turn.” Note that means both retreat from amphibious assault and defender retreat to transports costs IPC.
It means “connected to capital” via land. I’ll add a * note to my file. So for Japan no VCs are “connected”.
That is definitely unintended. The new ID (infrastructure defence) system models defences for VC and IC. Its not meant to make massive offensive power. I’ll add something to specific that implicit IDs from VC and IC do not fire rockets.
It means “connected to capital” via land
by “contiguous land territories” would be the correct script.
Hi tekky and Imperious Leader,
thanks very much for the quick clarifications! I’ll post if other things pop up during gameplay :-)