look at Websites that print vinyl banners. You can get them as low as $50. I printed my map using cheapbanners.com
Thanks… I’ll check it out.
Hey GEN-MANSTEIN, its me!
I was wondering, how do you print this map out so it’s playable?
This looks interesting. If I can print I’ll play. Out of curiosity, is this a custom made project or a HBG related product?
This is a custom game by Milk and me. I’ll PM you a message.
@GEN-MANSTEIN @Militarized-Milkmen
Well done you two! This looks really impressive!
More stuff gonna be added to map. I basically did map and helped with some stuff but milk came up with most rules.
You guys did a pretty good job on this. I read through some of the Google Doc pdfs and the rules look quite interesting.
Just exported the rules to PDF on my laptop. I’ll read the rest of them tonight.
Be warned, a lot of problems have already come up with the rules during playtesting. The major rules won’t be changed so it’s still worth a read, but the games not playable yet. There will be new liberation rules, a fourth power, alliance objectives and advantages (national objective and advantages retooled for this game) and victory conditions will be completely removed and replaced with lose conditions.
@MonsieurMurdoch We would live to work with you on this if your interested, I just don’t want you to get invested in a game and realise its cool on paper, but doesn’t work in practice
I’m definitely interested! And I don’t mind that. It’s a fun project!
@MonsieurMurdoch Thank you!
No problem!
So heres the scoop everyone…
National objectives have been completely fleshed out. If that interests people I’ll post it here, if not, I’ll just add it to the Google doc.
Victory Conditions are gone! they’ve been replaced with all no lose conditions. You win the game if all the powers in the other side have lost, and you have not.
There’s a new power. NATO lost 25% of its power which has gone to the brand new power SEATO.
National Advantages are here! Optional rules for national advantages are almost done. I’m thinking six each so it’s fair to all the powers. If people want to see em I’ll post them here
I’ve read other people’s previous comments and I’ve tried to make sure that most of my advantages are national not just honorable mentions to famous units or one trick ponies in their militaries
Some map Updates
Some updates
No island should be surrounded by only one sea zone and its better to remove unnecessary islands
Sahara desert should block Algeria and Libya only to move south
Why Eastern Germany is more valuable than Western Germany? Why Italy is more valuable than France or Britain? Azores and Libya do not deserve these values
Portugal should not touch to sz 16, Germany slo should not touch Italy.
There should have been less sea zones in the Pacific.
Some territory names are wrong.
@Navalland #1: I completely disagree. Just because an island is small doesn’t mean it’s not important. The startegic value of staging areas was very important in nearly every war, ever. And just because a island is important, strategically, doesn’t mean that it should get it’s very own seazone. Like I said above, size does not correlate to importance.