Glad to help.
one of my favorite things about Pacific
the scale is way of. Airfields would be on every space on the map. Their is no such situation where in a global setting people say " Hey we cant land in India because they don’t have an airfield." In WW2 planes landed in grass fields with no problem. Anything thats flat will do.
Its like having all the worlds restaurants indicated on the map with some modifier for infantry placement.
Its like having all the worlds restaurants indicated on the map with some modifier for infantry placement.
lols :-D
but what if airfeilds just effected inlands, like fighters cannot land on an inland without an airfeild.
oh yes they can, all you need is tractors to level the land. poof airfield.
yah but not every inland had an airfield
so the question is, “Are there any island territories on the map that didn’t have airfields during the war?” A second one then is, “If so, are any of them beyond the capacity to have had one?”
All of the island on the map had more than one airfield. All of the territories on the map also have hundreds of airfields. Places indicated on the map and DONT EVEN HAVE A NAME FOR THEM have multiple airfields.
It would be most proper to label places like Sicily on the map 1,000 steps before you would even consider ‘airfields’
then ehy did the japs need to build one on guadacanal
they built one, so there was one… that’s where the one on Guadalcanal came from.
but in the game, the Solomon’s cover more than just Guadalcanal, such as:
The Solomon Islands is a wide island nation that lies East of Papua New Guinea and consists of many islands: Choiseul, the Shortland Islands; the New Georgia Islands; Santa Isabel; the Russell Islands; Nggela (the Florida Islands); Malaita; Guadalcanal; Sikaiana; Maramasike; Ulawa; Uki; Makira (San Cristobal); Santa Ana; Rennell and Bellona; the Santa Cruz Islands and three remote, tiny outliers, Tikopia, Anuta, and Fatutaka.
ie, more than one airstrip.
i enjoyed it in Pacific in which it saves you a space
then ehy did the japs need to build one on guadacanal
It was bombed many times. But the Solomons had many dozen islands and most of them had airfields as well, so again its an overkill to model the airfield because its as common as toilet paper.
Still, it would add some stratigy and refelct something that did happend.
afterall artllery, something already attahed to every infantry and armor unit, is in the game right? what does that represent?
an airfield could represent a heavy concentration of airfeilds that allows for an increased amount of air units on an inland.
like normally only one air unit per inland put with an airfeild you can have as many as you want. and maybe you could also have rules for bombing them.
ports were pretty common to, put we are talking about adding them in the game.
ports and airfields go togther like peanut butter and jelly, it would be wierd to have a game without with one but not the other.
A port in the game is a specialized military port for warships in WW2 we had only 3-4 major ports for this.
Airfields would be in the hundreds due to the requirement level to sustain planes on a flat land vs. huge drydocks limited to what was actually built to accomodate.
are fields are gonna be on every island group bar none, so whats the point? A port for military would be Truk, Yokohama ship yards, Port Moresby, Puget Sound, Pearl Harbor, and like 2 others.
When you ask where are the historical airfields in the Solomon you get a list alone with 30 of them.
When you ask where are the historical airfields in the Solomon you get a list alone with 30 of them.
yah but were they all there before the war started.
One airfeild marker could represent a region with at least 30 airfeilds.
The japanese thought they needed to build more for some reason!, probably becasue they needed more planes on the inland.
so all inland can noramlly hold 1 or 2 air units, but if you build an airfeild chip you can have as many as you want.
The question then becomes how many airfields did say japan build after 1941?
What is the cost of this compared to what the value of 1 IPC represents in the game. If this is in a really small scale in terms of investment it becomes like a slippery slope….why don’t we include military hospitals?, submarine pens, jeeps, machine guns, cavalry, Q ships, mess halls, Beer halls, bunkers, etc…
The question then becomes how many airfields did say japan build after 1941?
well, i dont know.
I would say for game sake they cost 6 IPCS(inlands are stationnary carriers that have infinite capacity)
I would say airfeilds would add alot to the strategy and to the historical feel of the game, maybe less to the realism.
I could see sub pens and fortifications being added though, the other stuff you mentioned I agree is bogus. I just think if you have ports it feels right to have an equivelant for air units.
I’ve heard a lot of newbs say that having an island take up a movement point is stupid, and I almost agree. I’m considering allowing for friendly islands not taking up a movement point, but I may just get rid of it all together.
oh yes they can, all you need is tractors to level the land. poof airfield.
I think it’s about time we introduce tractors into A&A
Let’s not forget the famous “69th Tractor Brigade” who helped win the battle of El Aimen by literally “paving the way” for the British 7th Armored
I think it’s about time we introduce tractors into A&A
Let’s not forget the famous “69th Tractor Brigade” who helped win the battle of El Aimen by literally “paving the way” for the British 7th Armored
is that a joke :? :-)
I think it’s about time we introduce tractors into A&A
Let’s not forget the famous “69th Tractor Brigade” who helped win the battle of El Aimen by literally “paving the way” for the British 7th Armored
is that a joke :? :-)
Yes, yes it is