• @Midnight_Reaper said in D12 Battle, or Hit, Dice:

    Nobody makes “hit dice” in d12, not yet anyways. Many d12s in distinct colors are available from online retailers, though. Nothing is stopping you from buying 10 or 11 different colors of d12s, in groups of 10 or 12 or 20, putting together a chart (Red is for to hit on 1, pink is for to hit on 2, blue is for…), and having at it yourself.

    My 2 IPCs,


    Yes Midnight is correct here as far as I know. I was looking for them too. All I could find was blank d12s now your best option that I know of is u could dye the dice a color and some how stamp a hit symbol of some type maybe using the another dye color on the stamp like a post mark. I do know Siredblood just counter sinks a hole for each dice he has but u need a jig and a drill press. Maybe his dice off balance ?.Dont think a few stamps of dye throw off balance. Maybe anything below a 6 hit. Lol Here’s pic of dice. Blanks are a bit bigger than what we use in game in middle and right side dice is even smaller which gives u more roll. Just saying.


  • To add to the esteemed SS Gen had to say - stickers. Stickers and clear coat sealant. Take those blank dice that SS Gen showed us. Get some dot stickers (I will give an example below) in three colors of your choice. Color one, hits. Color two, misses. Color three, one per die. Use your color three dots to label how many hits on the die (1 or 3 or 7). I would use black for hits, white for misses, and red for the identification dot. So, a “4 hit” die would have 12 sides, with 4 color ones, 7 color twos, and one color three with a “4” printed on it.

    The clear coat? After dots are applied and the color three dots are labeled, evenly coat the dice and dots with sealant to keep them together and stain-free.

    Dot Stickers Example

    Another 2 IPCs,


  • @Midnight_Reaper Love it, love it, Gentlemen! Thank you. I feel we are getting somewhere!

    I like the blank dice, and the dots, but with a slight twist that may simplify things. What about two colors of dots? One red, for hits, and one white with a number printed on each. So, each side of the die would either be a hit or a number, and you’d more easily be able to identify the correct die to roll, as each die would have its number printed on multiple sides.

    A “1” die would have one red dot, and 11 white dots with the number “1” printed on it. Easier to identify in a pile of dice on the table.

    Actually, combining this, WITH multi-colored dots would be even better, as long as the colors chosen still allowed the numbers to be easily visible, until the number/color correlation is memorized.

  • You would still pick through dice looking for the number to hit number. I’ve played with colored hit dies. For me looking for a color die is easier. Oh black 1, green 2, blue 3, red 4, white 5 but just me.

  • @SS-GEN said in D12 Battle, or Hit, Dice:

    You would still pick through dice looking for the number to hit number. I’ve played with colored hit dies. For me looking for a color die is easier. Oh black 1, green 2, blue 3, red 4, white 5 but just me.

    You could do a variation on that, which would simplify the whole operation: black for hits, color dots on the misses for what number. Say “3 hit” dice with 3 black dots and 9 blue dots, “5 hit” dice with 5 black dots and 7 orange dots. You use a chart to correlate your hit numbers with the colors or you could write the number on all 12 sides. If all sides have ink, then none of the sides are off due to ink. Something like “4 hit” dice with 4 black dots, 8 pink dots, and a “4” written on all 12 sides.

    Yet another 2 IPCs,


  • '20 '16

    Unless I can find blanks, cheaper than regular D12s, I’ll probably just put dots over the numbers, and use colored dice to add to the ease of identification.

  • @CaptainNapalm said in D12 Battle, or Hit, Dice:

    Unless I can find blanks, cheaper than regular D12s, I’ll probably just put dots over the numbers, and use colored dice to add to the ease of identification.

    That works, too. You do you!


  • Use the multiple color die and either paint over or chip color out of the miss numbers?

  • '20 '16


    Wanted to update you guys on the battle dice I made. Your input was instrumental, and I thank you! I am very happy with how they turned out.

    I used colored dice. I used round stickers on all 12 sides. The misses are colored to match the dice, and have the number written on them of the dice value. (If it is a hit dice for 4 or less, they all have “4” written on them) The hits are all stickers spray painted black. My latest modification is to add a silver dot in the center of the hits that would be target select for submarines and tactical bombers, as shown in my photo.

    These don’t cover all units or situations, and regular D12’s are still often necessary, but it has been helpful and fun, for our games. Happy gaming!

  • '18 '17 '16

    Check out this video. At about the 15 minute mark I show how we do hit dice.

  • @GeneralHandGrenade said in D12 Battle, or Hit, Dice:

    Check out this video. At about the 15 minute mark I show how we do hit dice.

    I see. Yes, we were doing that, but felt it slowed the game down. Putting the dice on the battle board, and then referring back to the battle board to see the value, and determine what is a hit. We really like grabbing the dice you need, rolling them, and all the hits show on the dice. No need to place anything on the battle board, refer back to the battle board, or memorize what colors are what values. Hours of work, for me to make the hit dice, but it was a labor of love! Happy gaming!

    PS In the battle you referred me to, the defending fighter got a hit, but you did not take a plane as a casualty. Is that a change in the V3 rules?

  • @CaptainNapalm No the rules didn’t change regarding fighter’s first round. He only had 2 units and lost them both (including the fighter).

  • alt textYes, but it didn’t look like you lost a fighter, and his fighter got a hit…

  • @CaptainNapalm We rectified that later when we also realized that he hadn’t flew his other fighter back from the previous turn.

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