AARHE: Phase 1: Final Draft

  • I don’t see how this is a game breaker:

    Once per turn, Russia may declare 1 infantry either on attack or defense to be a 2-hit unit.

    What is this worth? Well, if Russia got 1 free infantry to place anywhere at the site of any battle, that would be worth about 3 IPCs. It would be worth a little better than 3 IPCs because the infantry can be placed at any battle, not at any VC. The reduced criteria for infantry placement would increase the value of this to be about 3.5 IPCs or so. However, the above rule that I’m proposing isn’t as good as 1 free infantry because although, it counts the same as 1 extra infantry hit when assigning casualties inflicted by the opponent, there is no “extra infantry” firing on attack or defense. Therefore, the rule above is not as good as even getting 1 free infantry per turn. I would say that the inability of the “extra infantry” to fire would reduce the worth of this advantage down to 2.5 IPCs total (including the +0.5 IPCs for the unrestricted placment. Is an advantage worth 2.5 IPCs per turn a game breaker? IMO it is not.

  • AS you state allowing one unit per turn to get a 2 hit deal… is not really anything that gives the Soviets any benifit at all… its like a table scrap for them… Its actually too little of a benefit compared to say what Japan gets or USA.Now look at the current line up: the Soviet gets something that they can build a playable strategy with. As you know they are relegated to the defense… this allows them to get some attacking punch with infantry. The other idea as you propose gives them more defense… which is a closed as opposed to active benifit… So what we do is spice up Soviets options so they will perform a bit more aggressive… I also note the UK gets a defense thing as well… perhaps they should get some offensive trait… ( e.g. bombers?)

    Heck everybody is getting nifty offensive tactics and the Soviets get squat…If we can come up with some benifit that is balanced with the other nations then post something that has the same “value”

    USSR (Shock troops) = 1 INF gets +1 attack modifier and fire in opening-fire instead of main round in the first cycle of combat. No more than 3 INF can get this bonus per turn.
    Germany (Blitzkrieg) = FTR get +1 attack modifier and each gives 1 ARM +1 attack modifier when enemy FTR are not present.
    UK (Radar) = FTR gets +1 defense modifier in United Kingdom, Canada, India and Australia.
    Japan (Lance Torpedo) = FTR gets +1 attack modifier in naval combat, DD fire in the opening-fire instead of main-round for first cycle of naval combat.
    US (Marine)= INF gets +1 attack modifier in the first cycle of combat of amphibious assault.

  • Once again, I don’t like radar as a UK advantage, but as a tech replacement for combined bombardment. I’ll post all my new ideas together so everyone knows how my rules will play off each other, compliment each other and I don’t have to keep posting each new idea separately in a confusing manner.

  • radar is a tech isn’t it
    Just a minority I think. Rules are to be changed as we introduce other rules. Edited the national rules to be “optional” now as we agreed earlier.
    We could use a different word instead of “Radar” for the London bonus? The rule isn’t all about Radar anyway but the pilots and stuff.

    shock troops
    Its not a simple switch from shock troops to people power (the 2-hit rule proposed). The rule now of 1  INF per battle makes sense because its about expert troops.
    For people power its only logical to include all INF. But it could be too powerful.

    SS hits cannot be taken by BB
    Sorry typo. Its meant to say BO. Edited.

    optional rules on oil
    Yep I think you did propose something.

    Production interruption
    As for keeping tracking I also think its not too bad. I think its quite inherent in AA that you help/remind each other about things. If we can make it easier again later on it’ll be even better of course.

    2 cheaper units
    I am ok with that if you guys want it. I pefer that then having a price different across the board for all units. It’ll be all kept under optional national rules rather than everywhere in the game then.

  • having cheaper DDs and BBs is the type of things that we can add in at the last minute after playtesting. There’s no point in really debating cheaper units until after we playtest it.

    SS hits cannot be taken by BB
    Sorry typo. Its meant to say BO. Edited.

    What exactly do you mean by BO??

  • BO = Bomber
    Maybe I should’n’t use abbreviations since there are more than one system. I recall you probably don’t use SS as submarine hence you asked what SS was that time.

    Yeah we shall all go off and playtest a bit with friends before starting phase 2.

  • Previously I’ve only seen bmb or bmr for abbrev. for bomber, which is why I was confused. When I see BO I think “battle orders” or something. When I write up my version of phase 1 rules, I’ll start the writeup with a key to all abbrev. and terms.

    If you haven’t started playtesting your rules yet, please start. I’ve still got to work out some stuff with mine before we can compare them.

  • Everyone’s pretty quiet. Playtesting right?  :wink:

    The Anti-aircraft rule requires further clarification.

    The ability to target a particular enemy unit is new to the game.

    Select all search targets before performing any “search” rolls.
    Select all attack targets before performing any “attack” rolls.

    Inline with battles. You don’t get to see the outcome of one battle before deciding whether to have another battle or how many troops to commit. We model limited time AA gets to shoot at over flying enemy planes and you need to instruction them at the same time.

  • Yes important distinction. good point

  • By the way you can’t wear-down Germany over time any more with amphibious assaults.
    The typical strategy is out the door.

    With the new SS can’t kill SS rule…I just take it that combat ends when both sides only have SS left. I think thats our intention.

    OMG have you been monitoring the forum? You replied 10 seconds later!

  • Yes! by accident!

  • I’ve updated to include the minor AA change of roll after all selections have been made.

  • Justifications for turn sequence, income and units rules added.

  • Finished writing justifications.

  • ok

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