AARHE: Phase 1: Final Draft

  • edit4:
    Finished justifications.

    Added justifications for “Turn sequence”, “Income”, and “Units”.

    edit 2:
    Under “Units”, “AA”, added “Roll after all selections have been made.”

    edit 1:
    Under “naval combat”, replace “BB” with “BMR”.
    Under “national units” and “national attacks” append with “(optional)”.

    Axis and Allies Revised: Historic Edition (AARHE)
    Final Phase 1 Draft

    Turn Sequence

    1. Purchase Units and Developments
    2. Collect Income
    3. Combat Move
    4. Conduct Combat
    5. Non-combat Move
    6. Mobilize New Units
    7. Develop Weapons

    Purchase Developments: Both weapon research and military production requires time and resources to be allocated ahead. It takes weeks to train an infantry squad, years to research rockets, but only hours for them to be destroyed. Collect Income: Territories under switching of control do not generate income for anyone.

    Victory Conditions

    Total Victory: The winning team is the first to control every territory.
    Major Victory: Axis win if they control 45 VCPs. Allies win if they control 55 VCPs.
    Minor Victory: Both sides bid the number of rounds that they want the game to last if they are the Axis. The team that bids the higher number of turns gets to play as the Axis. The game ends after that many rounds.
    The team controlling the majority of the VCPs at that time wins the game. Note the winner is not the first side to reach a certain number of VCPs.

    Capital VC = 5 VCPs
    Major VC =  3 VCPs
    Moderate VC = 2 VCPs
    Minor VC = 1 VCP

    Moscow (5)–Russia
    Stalingrad (3)–Caucasus
    Leningrad (2)–Karelia
    Novosibirsk (2)–Novosibirsk
    Archangel (1)–Archangel
    Almaty (1)–Kazakh
    Vladivostok (1)–Buryatia

    Berlin (5)–Germany
    Rome (3)–S. Europe
    Paris (2)–W. Europe
    Kiev (2)–Ukraine
    Warsaw (1)–E. Europe
    Oslo (1)–Norway
    Kursk (1)–W. Russia

    London (5)–UK
    Toronto (3)–E. Canada
    Calcutta (2)–India
    Sydney (2)–Australia
    Cairo (1)—Anglo-Egypt
    Damascus (1)–Trans-Jordan
    Cape Town (1)–South Africa

    Tokyo (5)—Japan
    Changchun (3)–Manchuria
    Shanghai (2)–Kwangtung
    Singapore (2)–FIC
    Manila (1)—Philippines
    Guadalcanal (1)–Solomon Islands
    Milne Bay (1)–New Guinea

    Washington (5)–E. US
    Los Angeles (3)–W. US
    Chicago (2)–C. US
    Chongqing (2)–China
    Ãœrümqi (1)–Sinkiang
    Honolulu (1)–Hawaii
    Sao Paulo (1)–Brazil


    During collect income phase if a territory is completely surrounded by hostile/neutral territories and/or hostile sea zones, the territory is under blockade.
    The blockaded territory’s income can only be spent in its own VC or IC. Income from other territories may not be spent in the blockaded territory’s VC or IC.
    If the blockade territory’s income is not spent this turn it is forfeited.

    Regions under blockade only receives, at best, maintenance supplies via air.

    Production interruption
    During collect income phase if a territory suffered one or more attacks since your last turn and at least 3 combat cycles (excluding dogfighting) has occurred in one or more of these attacks, its income is reduced.

    Original income      Production Interruption loss
    1-3                       1
    4-6                       2
    7-9                       3
    10-12                   4

    When fighting in done in home soil, your production capacities are hampered. However core production under strong security is not compromised without defect.

    Unit Purchase and Mobilisation

    Location                                IC cost
    Capital or Moderate VCs          5
    Minor VCs                              10
    Other                                    15

    Abundance of labour in populated areas meant construction costs are lower.

    ICs can be selected for destruction in “purchase units phase”. Remove it in “mobilisation phase”.

    Non-infantry units are mobilised at ICs.  IPCs spent on an IC cannot exceed 4 times the territory’s income.

    Industrial complexes had production capacity limits.

    INF are mobilised at VCs. The maximum number of infantry mobilised per turn is equal to the number of VCPs at the VC.

    Unlike armor and warplanes, infantry divisions are produced from population.

    USSR, Germany, Japan

    Location                                            Infantry Cost
    Capital VC                                         2
    VC contiguously connected to Capital    3
    Other VCs                                          4

    These nations are ruled by authoritarian governments whose influence emenates from their respective capitals. Consequently, infantry units are most easily assembled within these capitals.

    UK, US

    Location                                            Infantry Cost
    Non-minor VCs, 1st infantry                2
    Minor VCs, 1st infantry                        3
    Any VCs, 2nd infantry                          3
    Ant VCs, further infantry                      4

    These nations are ruled by democratic governments so the territories under their control have a greater rule over themselves. Consequently, infantry costs raise with large recruitments.


    DD costs 10 IPC.

    BB costs 20 IPC, fires in opening-fire.

    Battleships have the biggest guns in the battlefield with a range between 35,000 to 45,000 yards. Destroyers typically had a range of 7,5000 yards.

    AA still costs 5 IPC, may have more than one AA per territory.
    In first round opening-fire each AA selects an enemy air unit independently and rolls a “search” dice detecting on 4 or less. Roll after all selections have been made. Then each AA selects a unit independently among the detected enemy air units and roll an “attack” dice hitting on 1 or less. Roll after all selections have been made.
    Place AA on its side when first built. It may not fire but may move in non-combat. Turn it upright in any mobilisation phase including the the one it is mobilised in. It may now fire but may not move again.

    Antiaircraft batteries have limited time to engage overhead enemy aircrafts before they all leave the scene. Batteries did not get to shoot at every ovehead aircraft. War commands are required to give instructions to all their squads quickly, before engagement results are known. Antiaircraft batteries are, more often than not, fixed installations.

    IC includes 3 AAs built-in.

    War production regions are often target of bombing campaigns. Antiaircraft batteries are scattered through these regions.

    Land Combat
    Coastal bombardment - number of resulting hits limited to number of attacking land units.

    War command dispatch a reasonable amount of forces to defend against an amphibious assault. Only these forces are prone to coastal bombardment.

    Naval Combat
    SS hits can no longer be taken by SS. They still cannot be taken by FTR or BMR.

    Submarines did not have anti-submarine capabilities.

    National Units (optional)

    USSR (T34 Tank) = Once per turn, 2 ARM can be puchased and placed in Russia for 8 IPC.
    Germany (VII Submarine) = Once per turn per IC, 1 SS can be purchased and placed there for 6 IPCs provided no surface naval units are purchased there.
    UK (Spitfire Fighter) = Once per turn, 1 FTR can be purchased and placed in United Kingdom for 8 IPC.
    Japan (Patriotism) = Once per turn, 3 INF can be purchased and placed in Japan for 7 IPC.
    US (Essex Carrier) = Once per turn per IC, 1 CV can be purchased and placed there for 14 IPC.

    National Attack (optional)

    USSR (Shock troops) = 1 INF gets +1 attack modifier and fire in opening-fire instead of main round in the first cycle of combat. No more than 3 INF can get this bonus per turn.
    Germany (Blitzkrieg) = FTR get +1 attack modifier and each gives 1 ARM +1 attack modifier when enemy FTR are not present.
    UK (Radar) = FTR gets +1 defense modifier in United Kingdom, Canada, India and Australia.
    Japan (Lance Torpedo) = FTR gets +1 attack modifier in naval combat, DD fire in the opening-fire instead of main-round for first cycle of naval combat.
    US (Marine)= INF gets +1 attack modifier in the first cycle of combat of amphibious assault.


    VC Victory City
    VCP Victory City Points
    IC Industrial Complex
    IPC Industrial Production Certificate
    INF Infantry
    ARM Armor
    FTR Fighter
    BMR Bomber
    SS Submarine

  • I haven’t post many lately, only because I didn’t had much to add… But these seem to be great rules. Certainly for a Phase 1.

  • Yes that looks good! Micoon not to worry you will have many opportunities to add in phase 2 and 3.

  • i vote against including national units and national attack in phase 1. if we do end up including them there are problems with some of the ones you listed:
    -radar is a tech, right? it can’t be a UK advantage then.
    -instead of russian shock trops, a more accurate/historical advantage would involve the massive number of men, not the ability of some of the best men. I don’t know what you would call it, but the massive number of men would allow 1 russian infantry per battle to act as a 2-hit unit.

    did i ever propose my ideas for optional rules on oil, foreign policy and techs?

    SS hits can no longer be taken by SS. It still cannot be taken by FTR or BB.
    subs can’t hit battleships? since when?

    i don’t think we “need” to reduce the cost of DDs and BBs. I think for phase 1 the prices should be left alone.

    i think production interruption requires too much info for players to keep track of. i vote against it.

  • -radar is a tech, right? it can’t be a UK advantage then.
    -instead of russian shock trops, a more accurate/historical advantage would involve the massive number of men, not the ability of some of the best men. I don’t know what you would call it, but the massive number of men would allow 1 russian infantry per battle to act as a 2-hit unit.

    ++++ Ok the idea here is to promote some historical based idea that encapsulated that nations contribution to the war in terms of the ability to change its outcome. The Soviets great contribution to the war in terms of some battlefield tactic would be remembered as the allocation of Zhukovs Siberian “Shock Troops” from the orient that represented Stalins best soldiers… If we were going to be realistic to a fault then Soviet infantry should be at 2 IPC and they should be at 1/1… but that is a major game change because even defending at 1 would allow them to make too many infantry… The other “invention” if thats the correct term would be the Katyuska rocket… but this was hardly a battlefield breaker. Only these “shock Armies” had any effect and this effect turned the tide of war against Germany at the crucial moment. They were involved in the operation to push the germans from Moscow after the failure of Typhon of dec 5th and they also were the catalist for surrounding the germans at Stalingrad. In both cases they were expert soldiers at winter fighting and Hitler had nothing to stand in their way.

    This symbolicially is akin to a similiar ability for the British to defend their homeland against the Luftwaffe blitz of 1940… in that case Radar was equal to the performance of the few pilots that served in the RAF. w/o both England would have been invaded.

    did i ever propose my ideas for optional rules on oil, foreign policy and techs?

    SS hits can no longer be taken by SS. It still cannot be taken by FTR or BB.
    subs can’t hit battleships? since when?

    ++++++ SS can be taken by Fighters and BB’s where does it say they cant?

    i don’t think we “need” to reduce the cost of DDs and BBs. I think for phase 1 the prices should be left alone.

    ++++++++++  This could be included with the rules for new units under phase two… they dont have to be in phase one…but why not?  Phase one is quite small in terms of changes.

    i think production interruption requires too much info for players to keep track of. i vote against it.

    IT can be easily solved with player aids to keep track of it for you. Its also not too difficult to employ these rules… perhaps phase two could have it?

  • SS hits can no longer be taken by SS. It still cannot be taken by FTR or BB.
    subs can’t hit battleships? since when?

    ++++++ SS can be taken by Fighters and BB’s where does it say they cant?

    I don’t understand. Are you proposing that subs cannot hit battleships? If so, why?

    I like the idea of massive infantry better than shock troops. I think the massive number of men played a more important facotr in the outcome/tactics of the Soviets.

    We can’t have radar as a UK advantage and a tech.

    as production interruption stands as of now I think it’s too much. That doesn’t mean I won’t like it if we can make it simpler.

    Why do you mant to change the cost of DDs and BBs?

    You didn’t include a lot of stuff that I thought we were going to include in phase 1. Is this a complete list of what you wanted phase 1 to be?

  • I don’t understand. Are you proposing that subs cannot hit battleships? If so, why?

    I like the idea of massive infantry better than shock troops. I think the massive number of men played a more important factor in the outcome/tactics of the Soviets.

    ++++ Giving each Soviet infantry unit “2 hits” is a game breaker. Everything in this category has to be some +1 thing for some type of combat for some type of unit either in combination or alone…  The Shock troops ARE a tactic because they are specifically trained soldiers for winter combat and were given better leadership, training, experience, equipment. WE cant underscore the contribution of those “Ivan” rifle divisions because they were poorly trained troops w/o training and given a few bullets and told to fight germans or be shot in the head… why would be attribute the eventual Soviet victory to these… all they offered was liquid courage and nothing more. The Soviet siberian army was the turning of the tide… otherwise we go down the road of national costs for everybody … If you really want to have those comrade ivans as the “hero” then we can change the T-34 Soviet tank rule and modify it to something similiar to what japan has ( cheap infantry)… WE did offer two such benifits for each nation in the past… so perhaps we can go back to that and now each nation has 2 different cheaper unit deals…?

    We can’t have radar as a UK advantage and a tech.
    'ok how is it a tech as well? where are these rules?

    as production interruption stands as of now I think it’s too much. That doesn’t mean I won’t like it if we can make it simpler.
    OK what makes it too much? how is it a problem of deducting a few bucks from some attacked territory? Its pretty simple as it looks. what problems does it create for the game?

    Why do you mant to change the cost of DDs and BBs?

    Hell Yes! Its a major problem with the game… the naval aspect of the game is very dry. Everything is infantry and more infantry… all naval must go down in price. it was allready established on a cost basis that 10 IPC 2/2 ship and a 20 4/4 ship (with 2 hits and free first shot) gives these units or values balanced.

    AS far as each phase goes… their are two directions we can go:

    1. gradually introduce each rule with greater complexity in each phase
    2. introduce the complete specific rule starting with easier to digest rules leading to more complicated rules
    3. introduce the most glaring problems with oob first leading to less important subjects on latter phases.

    You didn’t include a lot of stuff that I thought we were going to include in phase 1. Is this a complete list of what you wanted phase 1 to be?

  • I never said each russian infantry is a 2-hit unit. Do you actually think that I would propose something that rediculously powerful??? You apparently don’t know me very well if you would think for even a second that I would propose anything like that. What I said was that we should allow 1 infantry, and only 1 infantry, per battle to be a 2-hit unit. If this is still too powerful relative to the other advantages, than it should be limited to only 1 infantry per turn (not per battle), but for any battle chosen by the russian player. I think russia should get 1 2-hit infantry on attack and 1 on defense on each turn.

    This would be an easy rule to imploy that would replace 1 normal unit of infantry men attacking/defending at the normal ability with twice the number of infantry men attacking and/defending at half the normal ability.

    Justification: The Soviets sent massive number of untrained men to fight= 1 infantry per turn on offense and defense as a 2-hit unit but still attacking/defending at the normal number.

  • I got it from here: “I don’t know what you would call it, but the massive number of men would allow 1 russian infantry per battle to act as a 2-hit unit.”

    I dont think you would propose a rule as giving “soviets a 2 hit infantry” my paraphrasing is lazy… i was only commemting on the potential problem of how the soviet player would use this to his advantage and produce a game breaker.

    If this is still too powerful relative to the other advantages, than it should be limited to only 1 infantry per turn (not per battle), but for any battle chosen by the russian player. I think russia should get 1 2-hit infantry on attack and 1 on defense on each turn.

    +++++ I think it would be misused to the point where the soviets would engage in lots of infantry attacks for the basic carnage. I think your idea is better of only allowing infantry in ONE battle be able to do this… but it would also hurt Germany because taking moscow is like impossible with 2 hit infantry. The problem is Infantry are the most purchased unit and its alot of cheap plastic thats getting the benifits… I think the t-34 tank thing is better… Do you like the idea of 2 benifits per nation?

    This would be an easy rule to imploy that would replace 1 normal unit of infantry men attacking/defending at the normal ability with twice the number of infantry men attacking and/defending at half the normal ability.

    ++++ i think its easy but its also not too balanced IMO… can you give an example of how it would look like with equal value of German forces and Soviet forces? perhaps a 50 Point battle for moscow with the germans getting their goodies Vs. the soviets and this infantry idea? I think the germans would get trumped big time…

    Justification: The Soviets sent massive number of untrained men to fight= 1 infantry per turn on offense and defense as a 2-hit unit but still attacking/defending at the normal number.

    Yes i agree with the idea… only how its packaged is the problem…

    ok try this:

    each turn both the soviets and germans roll one die. The result equals the number of infantry that can be created for 2 IPC each this turn.

    example germany rolls 4 and soviets roll 5… Germany can spend 8 IPC and get 4 infantry, Soviets can spend 10 Ipc and get 5 infantry this turn… you can extropolate this to other nations… you can even have some fixed system… check this out:

    1. axis get 4 infantry per turn at 2 IPC ( its the axis decision who gets what combination)

    2. allies get 6 infantry per turn at 2 IPC ( ditto on decision)

    does this not reflect the accurate manpower situation of both sides? Or do you like a national based system?


  • I don’t see how this is a game breaker:

    Once per turn, Russia may declare 1 infantry either on attack or defense to be a 2-hit unit.

    What is this worth? Well, if Russia got 1 free infantry to place anywhere at the site of any battle, that would be worth about 3 IPCs. It would be worth a little better than 3 IPCs because the infantry can be placed at any battle, not at any VC. The reduced criteria for infantry placement would increase the value of this to be about 3.5 IPCs or so. However, the above rule that I’m proposing isn’t as good as 1 free infantry because although, it counts the same as 1 extra infantry hit when assigning casualties inflicted by the opponent, there is no “extra infantry” firing on attack or defense. Therefore, the rule above is not as good as even getting 1 free infantry per turn. I would say that the inability of the “extra infantry” to fire would reduce the worth of this advantage down to 2.5 IPCs total (including the +0.5 IPCs for the unrestricted placment. Is an advantage worth 2.5 IPCs per turn a game breaker? IMO it is not.

  • AS you state allowing one unit per turn to get a 2 hit deal… is not really anything that gives the Soviets any benifit at all… its like a table scrap for them… Its actually too little of a benefit compared to say what Japan gets or USA.Now look at the current line up: the Soviet gets something that they can build a playable strategy with. As you know they are relegated to the defense… this allows them to get some attacking punch with infantry. The other idea as you propose gives them more defense… which is a closed as opposed to active benifit… So what we do is spice up Soviets options so they will perform a bit more aggressive… I also note the UK gets a defense thing as well… perhaps they should get some offensive trait… ( e.g. bombers?)

    Heck everybody is getting nifty offensive tactics and the Soviets get squat…If we can come up with some benifit that is balanced with the other nations then post something that has the same “value”

    USSR (Shock troops) = 1 INF gets +1 attack modifier and fire in opening-fire instead of main round in the first cycle of combat. No more than 3 INF can get this bonus per turn.
    Germany (Blitzkrieg) = FTR get +1 attack modifier and each gives 1 ARM +1 attack modifier when enemy FTR are not present.
    UK (Radar) = FTR gets +1 defense modifier in United Kingdom, Canada, India and Australia.
    Japan (Lance Torpedo) = FTR gets +1 attack modifier in naval combat, DD fire in the opening-fire instead of main-round for first cycle of naval combat.
    US (Marine)= INF gets +1 attack modifier in the first cycle of combat of amphibious assault.

  • Once again, I don’t like radar as a UK advantage, but as a tech replacement for combined bombardment. I’ll post all my new ideas together so everyone knows how my rules will play off each other, compliment each other and I don’t have to keep posting each new idea separately in a confusing manner.

  • radar is a tech isn’t it
    Just a minority I think. Rules are to be changed as we introduce other rules. Edited the national rules to be “optional” now as we agreed earlier.
    We could use a different word instead of “Radar” for the London bonus? The rule isn’t all about Radar anyway but the pilots and stuff.

    shock troops
    Its not a simple switch from shock troops to people power (the 2-hit rule proposed). The rule now of 1  INF per battle makes sense because its about expert troops.
    For people power its only logical to include all INF. But it could be too powerful.

    SS hits cannot be taken by BB
    Sorry typo. Its meant to say BO. Edited.

    optional rules on oil
    Yep I think you did propose something.

    Production interruption
    As for keeping tracking I also think its not too bad. I think its quite inherent in AA that you help/remind each other about things. If we can make it easier again later on it’ll be even better of course.

    2 cheaper units
    I am ok with that if you guys want it. I pefer that then having a price different across the board for all units. It’ll be all kept under optional national rules rather than everywhere in the game then.

  • having cheaper DDs and BBs is the type of things that we can add in at the last minute after playtesting. There’s no point in really debating cheaper units until after we playtest it.

    SS hits cannot be taken by BB
    Sorry typo. Its meant to say BO. Edited.

    What exactly do you mean by BO??

  • BO = Bomber
    Maybe I should’n’t use abbreviations since there are more than one system. I recall you probably don’t use SS as submarine hence you asked what SS was that time.

    Yeah we shall all go off and playtest a bit with friends before starting phase 2.

  • Previously I’ve only seen bmb or bmr for abbrev. for bomber, which is why I was confused. When I see BO I think “battle orders” or something. When I write up my version of phase 1 rules, I’ll start the writeup with a key to all abbrev. and terms.

    If you haven’t started playtesting your rules yet, please start. I’ve still got to work out some stuff with mine before we can compare them.

  • Everyone’s pretty quiet. Playtesting right?  :wink:

    The Anti-aircraft rule requires further clarification.

    The ability to target a particular enemy unit is new to the game.

    Select all search targets before performing any “search” rolls.
    Select all attack targets before performing any “attack” rolls.

    Inline with battles. You don’t get to see the outcome of one battle before deciding whether to have another battle or how many troops to commit. We model limited time AA gets to shoot at over flying enemy planes and you need to instruction them at the same time.

  • Yes important distinction. good point

  • By the way you can’t wear-down Germany over time any more with amphibious assaults.
    The typical strategy is out the door.

    With the new SS can’t kill SS rule…I just take it that combat ends when both sides only have SS left. I think thats our intention.

    OMG have you been monitoring the forum? You replied 10 seconds later!

  • Yes! by accident!

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