OPTIONAL for Strategic Bomber in Air-to-Air combat
Here is two options for StB attack value during Air-to-Air combat:
A- Simpler (but contrary to OOB G40 SBR): no attack nor defending factor for StBs (A0D0).
B- Considering that each StB A1D0, in this phase, is like 1 single @1 AA gun roll but regular, see explanation below: 1A@1 for each StB or intercepting Fg, whichever is less.
I think only fighters can roll dice in the Dogfight phase, both because of playability and historical issues. You can do the same in dogfight, buy nothing but Bombers, and they roll a A1 like twenty times and kill all intercepting fighters. This is gamey, and not historical correct either. Real life… heavy Bombers was slaughtered when on a mission alone, even if they had a machine gun in front and rear. That’s why it was so important to develop long range escort fighters. If the B 17 bomber had been strong in dogfights, the P51 Mustang would never have been made. If all units had the same abilities it would not be fun.
There is a way to treat StBs in dogfight capacity so even a swarm of StBs will not destroy all the defending Fighters.
Example #1: 6 StBs A1 attacking a single Fg D1, but get 2 cycles in the phase.
Normally, StBs will get 6 rolls @1 while the Fg get 1 @1, and if not destroyed can roll a second time (According to the HR above).
You can consider the StBs attack like a 1 shot AAA without preemptive strike, instead of 3.
So, no matter the number of incoming StBs, this Fg unit will just suffer a single roll @1.
StB A4D1M6C12, in dogfight, get 1 Attack roll @1 up to the number of friendly StBs or enemy’s planes, whichever is less.
Example #2, 2 StBs attacks 3 Fgs, then all StBs can have 2 rolls @1 to destroy up to two fighters out of the three.
Example #3, 4 StBs attacks 2 Fgs, then all StBs can have 2 rolls @1 to destroy up to two fighters, even if there is 4 StBs.
I rationalize it that way:
StBs are a kind of machine guns Platform (a kind of AA) against Fgs that are flying around them and much nearer than ground AA gun.
Even if there is more enemy fighters around them, the machine guns doesn’t double magically.
So it is like an Air-to-Air AA situation instead of a ground to air AA situation.
In addition, StBs are not actively chasing Fgs.
Each fighter unit can not go after all incoming StBs (if Fgs are overwhelmed by sheer number, as example #1) and neither StBs chasing Fgs during a raid (it is not their objective), so StBs will pursue their mission even if they never see enemy’s plane!
So, in essence, it is a 1:1 situation, (otherwise Fgs should be treat as an air AAA able to attack more than 1 unit, for instance up to three, if like an AAA).
That’s why, IMO, each intercepting Fg, against StBs, get up to 1 single bad luck to be shot down at 1/6 odds max and up to 1 StB each can roll, which ever the less.
As a side note about historical SBR, here is a long documentary (1h28 min.) on the American 8th Air Force’s bloody battle to defeat the German Luftwaffe in the months leading up to D-Day.
WWII In HD: The Air War
OPTIONAL for a lesser destructive SBR: 2 hits StB during Air-to-Air SBR phase
I was looking for a middle way to reduce the odds of loosing too many bombers if compared to OOB G40 rule for escort that was really protecting StrB behind escorting Fgs.
What is introduced here, is an incentive way for the attacker to choose willingly to take damage on an StB, which means a way to destroy an StB even behind a screen of escort Fgs.
How to make a strategic bombing raid:
1. Announce how many bombers you are bringing to bomb your enemy’s factory.
2. Interceptors: If your enemy has fighters stationed in the territory, these fighters can try to intercept you. In this case you may need to bring escort fighters along with your bombers to help see them through.
3. All planes rolls attack and defense 1@1 (as G40 OOB), except StB, see option A or B.
Option A: Strategical bomber @0
Option B: strategical bomber @1 up to 1/StB or 1/Fg interceptor, which ever is less.
Basically, each StB works like 1 single AA shot @1.
You cannot have more shot than the number of StB or Fg. So the max is 1 shot per Fg.
Then remove casualties. But taking into account this special feature for StB:
In this option, each StB can take 2 hits in SBR air combat phase before the AA gun phase.
4. All intercepting Fg roll a second time. Removed casualties.
5. All escorting Fgs roll a second time. Removed casualties.
StrBomber in the air combat of an SBR, can take a hit before being destroyed.
But if it receives this hit, the StrB cannot do any damage on IC
Any damaged StrB are destroyed at the end of this SBRaid
After the air combat round, any damaged StrB can still be submit to AAA fire and be taken as casualties.
This means that a damaged StB can received another hit, in place of another StB doing the same mission over the same IC.
7. SURVIVING STR BOMBERS (and damaged ones) will face AAA fire from the defending territory’s IC.
StrB (and TcB going against NB and AB) must endure AAA fire before bombing IC (or NB & AB) as usual.
AAA fires 1 dice against each StrB and TacB.
For each “1” it gets a hit and owner’s choose casualties.
8. Removed the CASUALTIES from the IC’s AA guns:
If it is a TcB, then it is destroyed,
if it is an undamaged StB, then it is also destroyed.
As said above, any damaged StB cannot make any bombing drop on IC (or NB & AB), but can be taken as casualty instead of any other StB or TcB.
3 StBs can endure 2 hits from interceptors on the same StB without destroying the other two StB and both can bomb IC.
If there was two escorting fighters, the attacking player have to choose between destroying
a) 2 Fgs,
b) destroying 1 Fg and damaging 1 StB or
c) destroying 1 StB.
During the AAA phase, any “1” rolled destroy a StB but let’s suppose AAA got 1 hit:
net result for…
a) 2 StB can bombard IC, lost 2 Fgs and 1 StB
b) 2 StB can bombard IC, lost 1 Fg and 1 StB
c) 1 StB can bombard IC, lost 2 StBs.
Let’s suppose there was no hit from IC’s AA:
a) 3 StB bombard IC, lost 2 Fgs
b) 2 StB can bombard IC, lost 1 Fg and 1 StB
c) 2 StB can bombard IC, lost no Fg and 1 StB
Do you see the challenge of the attacker when choosing hits during this air combat phase before SBR?
Thus any undamaged StB not hit by AAA can bomb the IC:
at 1D6+2 (1940) or 1D6 (1942)
Finally, keep the damage on IC and NB, AB as 1D6+2 for a StrB and 1D6 for TcB.
To promote more Air battle with interceptors, when a SBR or TcB get a free ride without interceptors, the bombing damage get fiercer:
2D6 keep the better one and add +2. (As if it was a heavy bomber).
If playing 1942.1/1942.2, this could be 1D6+2 (instead of OOB 1D6) for the more accurate bombing.
For Tactical Bomber this could be 1D6+2 against NB/AB (instead of OOB G40 1D6).
I’m sure defending players will allocate more interceptors to prevent this.
7. The total is the amount of damage done to the Industrial Complex.