• '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Well when I look at numbers my AC and N. fig or AC Dive bomb are just a bit better than g40. Save 6 Icps and 2 Icps.
    Even better with AC C12. Save 8 Icps and 4 Icps & a bit stronger on defense.
    Maybe I’m not seeing what your seeing.
    Only way to make them stronger on defense is raising values.
    AC C16 A0 D2 .49 Now
    AC C16 A1 .25 D3 .74
    AC C14 A1 .32 D3 .96
    AC C12 A1 .44 D2 .87
    AC C12 A1 .44 D3 1.31

    AC C14 A0 D3 .48 Now
    AC C14 A0 D4 .64
    AC C14 A2 .32 D5 .80
    AC C12 A2 .44 D5 1.09

    This may not be the way above, but the other ships where screens for Carriers because yes the Carriers were weaker and making the planes even stronger defense is not the way to go keeping in mind the Carriers planes could be out of range a bit on defense, or reloading pay load or still on deck refueling even though rule says there always in air but there not all the time. My way of seeing it.

    As far as planes taking hits first on planes that is leaning more towards Air Superiority and a game changer for battles.
    I can see giving a fig a double hit if roll is a 1 too if no planes in battle on one side.

    Another option is for figs and N. figs for plane kills is the roll is increased from a 2 to a 3.
    Fig C8 AD@5 + roll a 3 or less get a plane kill too. This maybe to strong too. Did a few tests.
    6 figs @2 = 1 ave bonus plane kill.
    4 figs @3 = 1 ave bonus plane kill.

    Also I looked at your idea of taking planes first on normal hits and looking back at the Moscow battle when it fell last game it would of been worse for Russia with having to take plane hits first. Ger had 13 figs and Russia 6. They would of lost them by round 3. I’m just saying with taking plane hits first this is a Air Superiority thing going on. Once Russia loses there figs then now Ger figs hits go towards ground. I do get it but I think its to strong.

  • '17 '16

    Hi SS,
    all the numbers should be halved. There is probably something wrong with the file. It seems like using “6-sided dice” instead of “12-sided dice” which might explain why you got double values.

    Here is mine:

    Do you see how low on defense a Full Carrier is (0.73, 0,62 or 0,78) compared to Destroyer (1.00). In G40, DD (0.75) was about the same strength as 2 Fgs and Carrier C16 (0.71) on defense.

    I see the relevance of keeping Fighter regular roll with a special DF “2” or less.
    What about Naval Fighter C8 A4 D5, with DF “2”?
    Dive Bombers C10, A5 D5, “1” to hit plane, pick target, ground or naval.

    Along with Carrier A0 D3 C12, 2 hits you get a strength of 0.93 (2 nFgs), 0.68 (2 DvBs) or 0.91 (nFg+DvB)
    Slightly below Destroyer and Cruiser, as you can read above.


  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    I went back an edit numbers. Thought you said 2 hit pieces you double. Funny thing is when I double the BB that’s how I adjust for CR DD. Anyway another day for that.

    I see like 4 options here. First one I would do is lower AC cost. D6 system.
    AC C12 A0 D2 .87 vs DD C7 .98
    Other option is lowering Planes costs ( lower D ) or raise DD costs.
    AC C12 D2 .87
    Fig C8 D4 1.50
    Tac C8 D3 1.13 roll a 1 can pick target.
    DD C7 A2 .98
    AC C12 D2 .87 + 2 figs C16 D8 3.00 = C28 D10 3.87 1.6 hit
    3 DD C21 D6 2.97 = 2.97 ave 1.0 hit
    AC C12 D2 .87 + 2 Tacs C16 D6 = C28 D8 2.26 1.3 hit
    3 DD C21 D6 2.97 = 2.97 ave 1.0 hit

    3 DD C24 D6 2.25 = 2.25 ave 1.0 hit
    Just thoughts here. Can change plane prices too.

    As for your suggestions in above post will look at. Next game 2 weeks.

  • @SS-GEN
    Hi SS,
    Reducing naval Fg cost within your roster seems less interesting because C6 for DD, C7 for Sub.
    If you need to keep A4 D4 M4-5 C8 for Naval, maybe make the “1” bonus on offense while, on defense, “2” or less pick an enemy’s aircraft in addition.

    Maybe land based Fg can be more impressive in defense?
    Fighter A4 D5 M5-6 C8, “1” on offense, “2” or less on defense.

    If you feel “1” is too low, rise the critical to Attack “2” or less; Defense “3” or less for both Fg types.

    Also, 2 hits Carrier cost can hardly go lower 12 IPCs, because DD fodder is 6 IPCs for 1 hit.

    If keeping Carrier Defense 3 against aircraft only, it is another reason to use “3” or less on defense to get 1 hit bonus on aircraft with Fighter.

    It becomes a small way to upgrade the defense feature of Full Carrier without adding a better number like considering rising Carrier to Defense 4.

    About the multiplier number for 2 hits unit, it is 2.62.
    2.5 can be a good approximation with brain only calculator.

    To get the strength of Full Carrier, you add up the ratio and divide by 3 units.
    If CV on Defense is 0.70, 2 Fg 1.00 each, sum: 2.7 / by 3 = 0.90 avg.
    Since DD, Cruiser and BB are at 1.00 or above for both offense and defense, you can compare the numbers from full Carriers.


  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Hi Baron. Ya I know about the divide by 3 for full carrier.
    We played with Figs AD@4 with 1 round of dog fight. The fighter was to weak for ground vs Inf.
    So we raised it back to AD@5 and added bonus plane kill and dropped the DF round.
    The reason for N. fig being lower AD@4 is based on they only had I believe big bullets and most didn’t carry bombs or torpedos
    except maybe US later in war. 2 N. figs should not get to kill a battleship. So we made it some what OK now and besides land fighters were better than N. figs and the other reason why we made land fighters AD@4 naval only is based on the Axis have a huge advantage and its to strong for Japan.
    I just researched N figs. yes they did have bombs on them. So I’m going to look at making figs and N. figs D@5 against naval units.

    You do realize that most attacking fleets don’t bring there Carriers to the battles so the defending Carriers being attacked have the advantage already with D@3 plane and taking 2 hits ?

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Well looks like we’re going with next game Carriers cost 12 and figs and n figs AD@5 and if roll is a 2 or less kill a bonus DF plane.
    Tac / Dive will stay AD@5 if roll is a 3 or less pick target

  • '17 '16

    @SS-GEN said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    Well looks like we’re going with next game Carriers cost 12 and figs and n figs AD@5 and if roll is a 2 or less kill a bonus DF plane.
    Tac / Dive will stay AD@5 if roll is a 3 or less pick target

    It keeps a randomized factor about picking target or not.
    On paper, TcB/DvB A6D6 C10 with “3” or less pick target seems to me a better fit in your roster cost structure.
    Not as high as Cruiser A7 C9, but better than Sub A5 C7. Also, making it @6 make for a better trophy when rolling a “1”.

    But, since Carrier is lowered to 12 IPC and NFg A5D5 C8, a fully loaded CV Fg+DvB bring more punch aboard for the price.

    Also, you also have a lots of in-game infos feedbacks about TcB, DvB killing ratio and balance in naval or land combat to count on. Did you make AAA similar to Carrier but on land?

    What is the main difference between TcB vs DvB? Range?

    You may consider giving +1 bonus damage to TcB vs DvB, land based can lift more payloads at least…

    Besides, are you going to see Midway movie?

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @baron-Münchhausen said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    @SS-GEN said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    Well looks like we’re going with next game Carriers cost 12 and figs and n figs AD@5 and if roll is a 2 or less kill a bonus DF plane.
    Tac / Dive will stay AD@5 if roll is a 3 or less pick target

    It keeps a randomized factor about picking target or not.
    On paper, TcB/DvB A6D6 C10 with “3” or less pick target seems to me a better fit in your roster cost structure.
    Not as high as Cruiser A7 C9, but better than Sub A5 C7. Also, making it @6 make for a better trophy when rolling a “1”.

    But, since Carrier is lowered to 12 IPC and NFg A5D5 C8, a fully loaded CV Fg+DvB bring more punch aboard for the price.

    Also, you also have a lots of in-game infos feedbacks about TcB, DvB killing ratio and balance in naval or land combat to count on. Did you make AAA similar to Carrier but on land?

    What is the main difference between TcB vs DvB? Range?

    You may consider giving +1 bonus damage to TcB vs DvB, land based can lift more payloads at least…

    Besides, are you going to see Midway movie?

    I’ll look at the Tac/Dive bomber AD@6 roll 3 or less pick target but as mentioned the N. Fig has been raised in AD.
    Now its easier for guys & new where 4 planes are now AD@5. Fig, N. Fig, Tac & Dive. So for the 2 extra cost for Tac & Dive bomber is for can pick target. Granted the Dive can only move 4 but its on a Carrier.

    AAA similar to Carrier on land I’m assuming AAA gun D@3 against planes. The answer here is no not yet but it is on table for future changes. Also Subs C7 A@4 D@2 pick target or C7 A@5 D@2 if roll is a 1 pick target.

    Difference between Tac and Dive Bombers are Dive Bombers can only move 4. Tacs can move 5.

    Ya I might go see Midway. I got a bud that goes to movies on opening day so I wait for his Imput.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    There is some option changes out there yet.
    DD C7 A3 .73
    AC C12 D3 .65
    N. Fig C8 D5 .94
    Dive C10 D5 .60 = 2.19
    C30 D13 = 2.19 .73
    3 DD A9 C21 = 2.19 .73

    DD C6 A3 1.00
    AC C12 D4 .87
    N Fig C8 D5 .94
    Dive C8 D5 .94 = 2.75
    C28 D14 = 2.75 .91
    3 DD C18 A9 = 3.00 1.00
    Good chance land AAA gun goes to D@3. Depends on if there’s
    Spam plane buys. Definetly be easier if all planes C8 and AD@5.
    The issue in game is with planes is from what I’ve seen in over 80 games at least
    are is one side always is either to weak or to strong because its land planes mostly
    in Europe and N planes in Pacific and of course extra land figs from Japan.

    Remember BB CR DD each if roll is a 1 get a
    bonus AA plane kill same time.

  • '17 '16


    Personally, I like this new Sub: C7 A@5 D@2 if roll is a 1 pick target.

    I see the interest of these 4 being similar:
    Now its easier for guys & new where 4 planes are now AD@5. Fig, N. Fig, Tac & Dive.

    Personally, if all aircraft go at Cost 8, I like this variation: bombers being A5 D4 while Fighters being A4 D5.
    Bombers being better on offense, Fighters better in defense (kind of air interdiction).

    This would definitely be my choice:
    DD C6 A3 1.00
    AC C12 D4 .87
    N Fig C8 D5 .94
    Dive C8 D5 .94 = 2.75
    C28 D14 = 2.75 .91
    3 DD C18 A9 = 3.00 1.00

    But, can Carrier still be OK with @4 vs aircraft?

    If a lot of Axis aircraft go into Europe, my guess is that AAA must be at Cost 4.
    You may try to make them more affordable and efficient to help USSR.
    Maybe, @2 against up to 4 aircraft each round, but 3 IPCs, only.
    I don’t remember how it works and values in your game.

    Also, a different mechanic maybe use to help defend against many attacking aircrafts:
    In land combat, a “1” roll can be applied to AAA instead of a precious aircraft.
    So, Fg or TcB attacking rolling “1” allowed defender to pick AAA unit as the critical hit effect.
    But if “2” was rolled for attacking Fg then defender must hit his aircraft.

  • @baron-Münchhausen said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:


    Personally, I like this new Sub: C7 A@5 D@2 ***if roll is a 1 pick target
    I seee interest of these 4 being similar:
    Now its easier for guys & new where 4 planes are now AD@5. Fig, N. Fig, Tac & Dive.

    Personally, if all aircraft go at Cost 8, I like this variation: bombers being A5 D4 while Fighters being A4 D5.
    Bombers being better on offense, Fighters better in defense (kind of air interdiction).

    This would definitely be my choice:
    DD C6 A3 1.00
    AC C12 D4 .87
    N Fig C8 D5 .94
    Dive C8 D5 .94 = 2.75
    C28 D14 = 2.75 .91
    3 DD C18 A9 = 3.00 1.00

    But, can Carrier still be OK with @4 vs aircraft?

    If a lot of Axis aircraft go into Europe, my guess is that AAA must be at Cost 4.
    You may try to make them more affordable and efficient to help USSR.
    Maybe, @2 against up to 4 aircraft each round, but 3 IPCs, only.
    I don’t remember how it works and values in your game.

    Also, a different mechanic maybe use to help defend against many attacking aircrafts:
    In land combat, a “1” roll can be applied to AAA instead of a precious aircraft.
    So, Fg or TcB attacking rolling “1” allowed defender to pick AAA unit as the critical hit effect.
    But if “2” was rolled for attacking Fg then defender must hit his aircraft.

    @baron-Münchhausen said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:


    Personally, I like this new Sub: C7 A@5 D@2 if roll is a 1 pick target.
    I see the interest of these 4 being similar:
    Now its easier for guys & new where 4 planes are now AD@5. Fig, N. Fig, Tac & Dive.

    Personally, if all aircraft go at Cost 8, I like this variation: bombers being A5 D4 while Fighters being A4 D5.
    Bombers being better on offense, Fighters better in defense (kind of air interdiction).
    This would definitely be my choice:
    DD C6 A3 1.00
    AC C12 D4 .87
    N Fig C8 D5 .94
    Dive C8 D5 .94 = 2.75
    C28 D14 = 2.75 .91
    3 DD C18 A9 = 3.00 1.00
    But, can Carrier still be OK with @4 vs aircraft?
    If a lot of Axis aircraft go into Europe, my guess is that AAA must be at Cost 4.
    You may try to make them more affordable and efficient to help USSR.
    Maybe, @2 against up to 4 aircraft each round, but 3 IPCs, only.
    I don’t remember how it works and values in your game.
    Also, a different mechanic maybe use to help defend against many attacking aircrafts:
    In land combat, a “1” roll can be applied to AAA instead of a precious aircraft.
    So, Fig or TcB attacking rolling “1” allowed defender to pick AAA unit as the critical hit effect.
    But if “2” was rolled for attacking Fig then defender must hit his aircraft.

    Yes if a lot of aircraft in Europe makes the Germans to strong. Most battles don’t have defending planes unless its a Capital
    attack where defending planes are used mostly or a victory city you need to hold to prevent an Axis victory.
    Also Tac/Dive can single out AAA guns too on attack or defense at @4. You just can’t use them in the battle now. Its a one shot at AAA gun if it survives the AAA defending shot @2.

    The highlited and Cap text is so you can see my answers. Sorry, but I can’t believe i can change color unless its there somewhere.

    EDIT: This is what we may go with. Group discussing now.
    Gave 3 options. Right now each option voted once. Will see.
    AC C12 D4 1 AC 2 N figs C28 D14 .91
    1 AC 1 N. fig 1 Dive C29 D13 .83
    1 AC 2 Dive C30 D12 .78
    3 DD C21 A9 1.00
    Fig/N fig C8 A4 D5
    Tac/Dive C9 A5 D4
    SS C7 A5 D2 if roll is a 1 pick target.

    This way it seems to be the counter for both sides of map
    with Axis having more attacking figs than allies at start.

  • @SS-GEN said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    There is some option changes out there yet.

    DD C6 A3 1.00
    AC C12 D4 .87
    N Fig C8 D5 .94
    Dive C8 D5 .94 = 2.75
    C28 D14 = 2.75 .91
    3 DD C18 A9 = 3.00 1.00
    Good chance land AAA gun goes to D@3. Depends on if there’s
    Spam plane buys. Definetly be easier if all planes C8 and AD@5.
    The issue in game is with planes is from what I’ve seen in over 80 games at least
    are is one side always is either to weak or to strong because its land planes mostly
    in Europe and N planes in Pacific and of course extra land figs from Japan.

    Remember BB CR DD each if roll is a 1 get a
    bonus AA plane kill same time.

    About Aircraft issues, did you try somekind of air retreat for attacker and defender?

    Or allowing maybe 2 aircraft to land on a just conquered TTy assuming none can be part of this if only 1 move left.

  • Yes attacking and defending planes can retreat after 1 round of combat or any round after1.

  • '17 '16

    @SS-GEN said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    Yes attacking and defending planes can retreat after 1 round of combat or any round after1.

    What did you observe about this rule during play?
    Does defending player use it or forget to use it?

    Is it a 1 move retreat for defender?

  • @baron-Münchhausen said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    @SS-GEN said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    Yes attacking and defending planes can retreat after 1 round of combat or any round after1.

    What did you observe about this rule during play?
    Does defending player use it or forget to use it?

    Is it a 1 move retreat for defender?

    Yes it’s a 1 move only for defending planes.
    I’ve seen it a battle with scrambling figs were defender lost a few planes from DF and if lost to many ships so best to save a plane or 2.
    I used it as a defense in a land territory for 1 round and then land in a territory 1 move away but can’t to another territory being attacked.
    Not much in pacific unless u are around islands you control.

  • '17 '16

    HI @SS-GEN,
    Discussing Submarine combat values, here is a picture about Attacking 3 Defending 2 Cost 5:


    Compared to Submarine A5 D2 Cost 7:

    With Sub A3 D2 C5, you have more room to increase attacking value with various bonus without being too near of Heavy Cruiser @7 firepower.

    Also, from Germany POV, if you need to attack an Allied fleet, it becomes easier to sacrifice Subs while keeping aircraft at 8 IPCs.


  • WinterTiger.JPG

    I would like to donate this Tiger Tank (I painted and dolled up recently) to the next battle at the General’s Fortress, November 16th. If accepted, he will serve proudly for the German player on the Eastern Front or in the Ardennes.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Yes you can. Will make it A10 D10. Lol
    You have heard of the White Tiger right ?

  • Lol Those are awesome A/D ratios. No, I haven’t heard about the White Tiger. I looked it up and I see the Russians made a movie about it though. Do you have a good resource you can point me to to learn more about it?

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    I know of the movie. I watched it. As far as having one no idea. Wouldn’t think so. Stand out like a sore thumb. It will
    On map lol

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