I would appreciate it if someone could double check for errors the G40 round map I made. I hope the initial view doesn’t freak anyone out.

Download larger map
24 inch (much easier to rotate and view)
60 inch
You can resize this to any dimension you want pretty easily. The original is at 300 dpi.
I started with the concept of an Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. These are mainly used by HAM radio operators. That is why you see the distortion as you get to the arctic circle at the perimeter of the map. The arctic circle is just as distorted on the standard map but that projection is what your accustomed to seeing.
Sea spaces 10 11 and 64 are not well defined as to where they connect to Mexico on the standard map. Any opinions on this would be appreciated. I also moved England to make the channel bigger. I did do some tweaking based on what others had done with their maps.
I had tried to do a North pole perspective but the European continent is just too small for game purposes. I tried projections where the continents are more in a normal perspective but about 70 percent of the map is water. Looks good but not useful for game purposes.
If you wrap the two sides of the standard map, the North American continent does not match up well. The West coast is much smaller in scale to the East coast. You don’t notice this as they are so far apart on the standard map. I also had to fill in some space that doesn’t appear on the standard map Central US and Canada and Mexico.
This mismatch on the North American continent caused me to crush some of the sea spaces and stretch others. 28 is much smaller and 11 is heavily distorted. But to keep the spaces connected as per the game rules I had no choice. Alaska is really stretched.
I stretched the northern latitudes north and south to make them bigger then normal for more game space. This moved the southern latitudes closer to the south pole and you can see space is squeezed on southern Africa and Australia.
I am short on space at home and thought a round map would be the most compact. I have a 60 inch round fold up table. I am going to mount the map on a lazy susan turntable so the players can easily rotate the map. I am going to mount an acrylic center post with a couple of staggered 8 and 12 inch acrylic discs in the center of the map to put the income and turn trackers on. With water slide decals the should be pretty see through and not block the view of the map.
If you print this map at 54 inches you have the same amount of “real estate” as a 72 x 32 standard map. I originally was shooting for 48 inches in diameter that could fit on a standard card table without too much overlap. This would be 10 percent smaller then the standard map but you could easily mount it on a 48 x 48 press board panel they sell at hardware stores.
I am going to make a 60 inch disc by using two 48 x 96 1/8 inch press board panels. If you cut them at 5 feet (60 inches) and the move the 3 ft panel to the side you can draw a 60 inch circle. After cutting, laminate the four pieces together (moving the smaller pieces to different sides) to get a solid 1/4 inch disc. I am going to cover this with felt and use it for other games as well. I have a local sign maker that can print up to 64 inches that I will get my final map printed at.
When I finish my table I will take some pics if anyone is interested.
I have a posterized a file so that you can print this map on your home printer or take the files to a print shop and have them printed on standard 8.5 x 11 sheets. It is about 56 sheets to make the map but should be much cheaper then a sign shop printing one gigantic map if your tight for funds.
If anyone wants to play around with the unmerged graphic files you can download it here.
Designed in Gimp 2.8
Fonts: BarbedorEF for text and numbers
Ariel Bold for some numbers
Any feed back would be appreciated if you find the map interesting please feel free to use it.