AARHE: Phase 3: Revised NA's

  • Here it is  :evil:

    ~~National Build (optional)

    USSR (T34 Tank) = Once per turn, 2 ARM can be purchased and placed in Russia for 8 IPC.

    Germany (VII Submarine) = Once per turn per IC, 1 SS can be purchased and placed there for 6 IPC provided no surface naval units are purchased there.

    UK (Spitfire Fighter) = Once per turn, 1 FTR can be purchased and placed in United Kingdom for 8 IPC.

    Japan (Patriotism) = Once per turn, 3 INF can be purchased and placed in Japan for 7 IPC.

    US (Essex Carrier) = Once per turn per IC, 1 CV can be purchased and placed there for 14 IPC.~~

  • Moderator

    And Tekkyy throws his brainchild into the waste paper basket! :-D



  • I am not clear. Isnt that list our current starting national build structure… as part of the purchase sales?

  • well we also have this…

    National Attack (optional)

    USSR (Shock troops) = 1 INF gets +1 attack modifier and fire in opening-fire instead of main round in the first cycle of combat. No more than 3 INF can get this bonus per turn.

    Germany (Blitzkrieg) = FTR get +1 attack modifier and each gives 1 ARM +1 attack modifier when enemy FTR are not present.

    UK (Radar) = FTR gets +1 modifier when defending in United Kingdom, Canada, India and Australia.

    Japan (Lance Torpedo) = FTR gets +1 attack modifier in naval combat, DD fire in the opening-fire instead of main-round for first cycle of naval combat.

    US (Marine) = INF gets +1 attack modifier in the first cycle of combat of amphibious assault.

  • I think we can probably scrap both list.

    Some of it has been made redundant by rule changes, tech changes and probably further redundant by the NAs coming through.

  • lets move along on this

    wheres Gen Patch?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Do we need to re-work this from the ground-up due to the changes you mentioned?

  • “Where’s Gen. Patch?”
    I’m here.

    “Do we need to rework this…”
    Do you mean from the beginning?

    I have the list (I don’t know what changes you mentioned though, and I haven’t changed it):
    Soviet Union National Advantages

    1. Russian Winter
    Russia’s greatest ally was its winter cold. Germany’s invasion stopped dead as the snows came down.
    Once per the game in your collect income phase, you may declare a severe winter. Until the start of your next turn, your infantry in red territories defend on a 3.

    2. Non-aggression Treaty
    The Japanese refrained from attacking the Soviet Union during most of the war. They already had one bear coming at them from the east.
    The first time in the game that the Japanese forces attack any red territory, you may place four of your infantry for free in that territory before resolving combat. If Japan attacks more than one red territory in that turn, you may decide which such territory receives the infantry. If you attack an orange territory before Japan attacks you, you lose this national advantage.

    3. Mobile Industry
    In response to the threat from the Russian front, the Soviets moved their factories east. They produced 5,000 tanks east of the Urals in 1942.
    Your industrial complexes each may move 1 territory during your non combat move phase. It may be used in the same turn to place units (up to a maximum of the new territory’s value). They cannot move during the combat move phase. If an opponent captures them, that opponent cannot move them. You may mobilize at a complex if you controlled both the industrial complex and its new territory at the start of your turn.

    4. Conscripts
    The Red Army won many battles with their raw manpower, by using untrained infantry and many times unequipped.
    During your purchase units phase, you receive 2 infantry for free.

    5. Katyusha Rockets
    The Soviets were able to supplement the artillery with massed batteries of rocket launchers. The sheer volume of fire more than compensated for individual lack of accuracy.
    Your artillery may conduct rocket strikes against enemy combat units, but not industrial complexes.

    6. Trans-Siberian Railway
    The Trans-Siberian Railway spanned 10,000 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, the longest main line in the world.
    In the non combat move phase, your infantry, antiaircraft guns, and artillery may move 2 territories per turn only among these territories: Russia, Novosibirsk, Yakut S.S.R., and Buryatia S.S.R.

    7. Red Guard
    After the Russian revolution, the Red Guard—composed of armed workers and politicized soldiers and sailors–had become the Army Reserve and the base for the formation of regular military detachments.
    Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may put 1 infantry there for each industrial complex you control before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    8. Lend-Lease (revised)
    The Lend-Lease Act of the United States gave vital supplies to Allied powers such as Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, among others.
    During your Mobilize Units phase, you can convert up to 12 IPC worth of Allied units into Soviet units if they are in a red territory. These may be land or air units. Remove the affected units from play and replace them with the same units of your own color.

    9. Commisars
    Spreading Stalin’s slogan “not one step back,” Russian commisars shot soldiers who flee from battle.
    If you get attacked during any Axis player’s turn, you may sacrifice (destroy) any number of infantry you own. For each infantry sacrificed, 2 other infantry you own defend on a 3.

    10. Tank Industry
    Soviet-built tanks were not as good as German ones, but were manufactured in great numbers.
    You tanks cost 1 IPC less for the entire game.

    Germany National Advantages

    1. U-Boat Interdiction
    Determined to undermine the Allies’ supply chain, Germany eventually endorsed a program of shipbuilding. As a result a fleet of U-boats were built in an attempt to starve Britain.
    Whenever you destroy an Allied naval unit, the owner of the unit pays 1 IPC to the bank.

    2. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European Atlantic coast with massive defensive systems from Norway to Spain.
    During any amphibious assault against Norway or Western Europe (or Spain, depends on the rules for neutral territories), all your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Panzergrenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks.
    Each of your tanks gives one matching infantry 1 additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    4. Tiger Tanks
    Tiger tanks were so powerful that the US Army estimated that at least 4 Sherman tanks were needed to destroy one Tiger–3 to confuse the Tiger and 1 to attack it from behind.
    You may build three tank units as Tiger tanks, but only one per turn. A Tiger tank requires 2 hits to destroy. Each Tiger tank costs 8 IPCs and may be rebuilt if destroyed. Tigers still have a movement capability of 2, but cannot blitz as regular tanks.

    5. Blitzkrieg
    Heinz Guderian advocated the use of Blitzkrieg tactics. This involved lightning fast and heavy armor supported by aircraft that provided close air interdiction.
    When paired with fighters, tanks’ attack increases to 4. This pairing is on a one-to-one basis. The increased attack ability is for the first cycle of combat only and is cancelled if defending fighters are present.

    6. Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoints on key terrain in Europe.
    Your artillery in gray territories defends on a 3.

    7. German 88’s
    The German eighty-eight is probably the best known artillery piece of World War II. It was not one gun, but a series of anti-aircraft guns. Success as an improvised antitank gun led to a separate line of guns for anti-tank use, referred to as PaK 88 and was the main armament for tanks such as the Tiger 1.
    Your antiaircraft guns may attack and defend like other combat units. They hit on a roll of a 1.

    8. Panzerblitz
    The colossal Panzers rumbled across Europe and North Africa. They would breach enemy lines, then turn and wreak havoc on the defenders.
    If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving armor may move 1 territory during non-combat movement.

    9. Wolf Packs
    Wolf packs of U-boats prowled the Atlantic, working together to down Allied convoys. The only sure thing about a U-boat was that there always was another nearby.
    Your submarines attack on a 3 (4 with Super Submarines) if there are at least two of them at the start of the combat cycle. When there are less than two submarines at the start of a combat cycle, this ability is lost. Wolf Packs do not improve defending submarines. Enemy destroyers do not affect this NA. The submarines may come from different sea zones, but must attack the same sea zone.

    10. Luftwaffe Dive-Bombers
    Europe was blitzed and bombed. The Ju-87 Stuka dive-bomber, a small plane, played a big role. Its screaming siren generated terror on all battle fronts.
    During the first cycle of combat, if there are no defending fighters present, your fighters hit on a roll of 4 or less. In succeeding cycles of combat, the fighters hit normally. If defending fighters are present, this ability is cancelled. This NA applies to both land and naval combat. Your fighters are still subject to any AA Fire.

    Italy National Advantages

    1. Piggyback Tech
    Italy shared the accomplishments of German scientists during WWII.
    On the turn after Germany obtains a given technology, Italy gets it as well.

    2. Gustav Line
    Hitler ordered a final defensive line south of Rome to protect the “soft underbelly” of Europe after Africa fell to the Allies. The Gustav Line, or the Winter Wall, held off many Allied amphibious landings.
    During any amphibious assault against Southern Europe, all your infantry there defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Desert Tracks
    Italian tanks were inferior to German and Allied ones. However, they were lighter and could travel the desert with ease.
    Italian tanks can move through Sahara. They must both enter and leave Sahara in the same turn. They may never capture the Sahara, and they may not retreat into this territory.

    4. Blackshirts
    Black divisions were paramilitary organizations that were used to spread terror across Southern Europe.
    Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may place 2 infantry there before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    5. Elevated Ground
    Southern and South-Eastern Europe was scattered with mountains and high elevations. This gave many advantages to artillery especially Italian mountain guns. Gebirgsjägers–mountain troops–were the only ones besides aircraft who can operate on these conditions.
    Your artillery in Southern Europe and the Balkans defend on a 3. Units can’t blitz when passing through these territories.

    6. Pact of Steel
    The Pact of Steel, known formally as the Pact of Friendship and Alliance between Germany and Italy, was an agreement between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany signed on May 22, 1939, by the foreign ministers of each country, Count Galeazzo Ciano for Italy and Joachim von Ribbentrop for Germany.
    Once per game, you may skip your Combat Move Phase and Conduct Combat Phase. During the German player’s turn, he/she may move all your pieces during his combat move phase and conduct combat phase.

    7. Frogmen
    The Decima Flottiglia MAS was an Italian commando frogman unit created during the Fascist government.
    During your combat move phase, your infantry may move into a sea zone and attack naval units. They have to be picked up by a transport during your noncombat move phase or else they die.

  • United Kingdom National Advantages

    1. Radar
    Britain’s radar alerted it to the threat of German planes crossing the channel.
    UK owned antiaircraft guns in tan territories hit air units on a 2.

    2. Joint Strike
    The most powerful strike in the war was the joint Allied assault on Normandy. The planning required to launch this simultaneous invasion has never been equaled.
    Once during the game at the start of a round (before the Russian turn), you may declare a joint strike. That round, you complete your turn as normal, except you must skip combat move, conduct combat, and non combat move phases. On those phases of the U.S. turn, the U.S. player may use your units in his/her combat move; conduct combat, and non-combat move phases together with his own units. You and the U.S. player must agree on attacking casualties, or the opposing player gets to choose them. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units; all anti-U.K. dice are rolled before any anti-U.S. dice are rolled. Weapons developments or national advantages still only apply to the units of the power that gained the development or has the advantage. A joint strike may not be called off once it is declared.

    3. Enigma Decoded
    Working in a secret facility in Bletchley Park, Alan Turing’s cryptographers broke the codes of the Nazi Enigma machines. They could then send false messages back.
    Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase, but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from any one adjacent space into one friendly sea zone being attacked by Germany (Germany moving sea units to an empty sea zone does not count). Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a sea zone being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one of your units behind. This special move otherwise follows the rules for a non-combat move. If your units survive, they remain in the space to which they were moved.

    4. Commonwealth Troops
    The British Commonwealth Troops served in all theatres in World War II–from Europe to North Africa to South-East Asia and the Pacific.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in any tan territory with an income value higher than 1 IPC if you control it.

    5. Allied Resistance
    France fell quickly to the Germans. Thousands of French patriots who would otherwise have died in battle on the frontlines later rose up against the occupiers.
    Once per game, if the Allies control Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and/or Norway, you may place two of your infantry there for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.

    6. Colonial Garrison
    World War II represents the height of the United Kingdom’s colonial empire. Two decades later the Commonwealth was a shadow of its world-spanning former self.
    You begin the game with one additional industrial complex in any tan territory with an income value of at least 1. (You still can’t have more than one industrial complex in a territory.)

    7. Mideast Oil
    The United Kingdom’s 1920 division of the Middle East tapped into the power from the sands. The Germans tried to get that power for themselves.
    If an air unit you own lands in Anglo-Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Persia, or the Caucasus during your noncombat move phase, it may then move an additional number of spaces equal to its normal movement.

    8. Flying Boats
    The Lend-Lease Act gave Britain PBY Catalina flying boats, which were handy because of their ability to land on water.
    Your bombers may land on sea zones.

    9. Battlecruisers
    The HMS Hood, an Admiral class battlecruiser, had the firepower of a battleship while still having the speed and armor of a regular cruiser.
    Your battleships may move 3 spaces.

    10. Escort Carriers
    To counter the U-Boat menace, the Allies created auxiliary carriers which can bombard ships while having air cover.
    Your destroyers may carry 1 fighter each (put them on the same sea zone as the destroyer).

    Japan National Advantages

    1.  Tokyo Express
    The Japanese High Command used destroyer convoys to ferry infantry. Allied forces at Guadalcanal dubbed this the “Tokyo Express”.
    Each of your destroyers may act as a transport for one infantry. These destroyers follow the same rules for loading and offloading units as transports do. Your destroyers can also conduct shore bombardment (using an attack of 3) in an amphibious assault, but not when offloading infantry.

    2.  Kamikaze Attacks
    In 1944, Japan formed its first official “Special Attack Units.” The pilots willingly flew their planes–filled with explosives–into enemy ships
    At the start of a sea combat (both attack and defense qualify - but never on land), the Japanese player designates any number of his fighters (not bombers) as Kamikaze fighters. Your attacking air units may make a combat move without having to land in a friendly space afterward, using their full range of movement (4 regular, 6 with Long Range Air) to reach the target sea zone. In the first cycle of combat, Kamikazes hit in the opening fire step of combat (meaning, their casualties cannot hit back) - each Kamikaze specifies one specific enemy unit which it tries to hit (several Kamikazes could specify the same target unit, but they cannot call off an attack or change targets once conduct combat begins). Kamikazes hit on a 4 in attack and defense (5 on defense with Jets). Kamikazes cannot be hit by enemy units! Instead, they automatically die after the first cycle of combat, whether they have hit or not.

    3. Super Dreadnoughts
    Dreadnoughts or leviathans like Yamato and Musashi were the largest and most powerful battleships the world has ever seen.
    Your battleships attack and defend on 5.

    4.  Dug-In Defenses
    The Japanese used natural terrain, such as caves and forests, along with bunkers, pillboxes, and trenches to defend themselves against amphibious landings.
    All your infantry on islands are immune to shore bombardment and defend on a 3.

    5.  Banzai Attacks
    A fearsome rallying cry of the Imperial Japanese Army, “Banzai!” meant, “May you live ten thousand years.”
    When you begin an attack with only infantry, all those infantry attack on a 2. This also applies to any amphibious assault in which all your attacking units in the land combat (other than those conducting shore bombardment) consist of only infantry.

    6. Kaiten Torpedoes
    Kaiten manned torpedoes were controlled by suicidal pilots for better accuracy.
    At the start of a sea attack, you may designate as many of your submarines as Kaiten.
    -In the first cycle of combat, Kaiten hit in the Opening Fire step of combat (meaning, their casualties cannot hit back) - each Kaiten specifies one specific enemy sea unit which it tries to hit (two Kaiten could specify the same target unit, and may declare a secondary target, so if they both target the same thing and the first one hits, the 2nd Kaiten may attempt to destroy the secondary target). Kaiten hit on a 3 in attack and defense (4 in attack with Super Subs). Enemy units cannot hit Kaiten! Instead, they automatically die after the first cycle of combat, whether they have hit or not.
    -Kaiten are still subject to destroyer detection. If detected, must first kill a DD first before getting a chance at the primary target.

    7. Naval Advantage
    The Japanese Imperial Navy ruled supreme at the Pacific before the Battle of Midway. They had supercarriers, super submarines, battlecarriers, and Shinyo suicide boats.
    -Your aircraft carriers can carry an additional 1 fighter.
    -Your submarines and battleships may carry up to one fighter.
    -At the start of a sea attack, you may designate as many of your transports as suicide boats. In the first cycle of combat, suicide boats hit in the Opening Fire step of combat (meaning, their casualties cannot hit back)–each suicide boats specifies one specific enemy sea unit which it tries to hit (two suicide boats could specify the same target unit, and may declare a secondary target, so if they both target the same thing and the first one hits, the 2nd suicide boats may attempt to destroy the secondary target). Suicide boats hit on a 3 in attack and defense (4 in attack with Super Subs). Enemy units cannot hit suicide boats! Instead, they automatically die after the first cycle of combat, whether they have hit or not.

    8. Mounted Infantry
    A mixture of horses and tanks was common in the Imperial Army.
    Your infantry may move 2 spaces. However, they still may not blitz.

    9. Guerrilla Tactics
    Japanese infantry operated well on forests because they employed guerrilla tactics.
    Your attacking infantry and tanks fire on the Conduct Opening Fire Step of combat during the first cycle.

    10. Imperial Guard
    The Japanese Imperial Guard were elite soldiers that protected the Emperor. They were also used for military operations on a limited basis.
    Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may place 2 infantry there before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    United States National Advantages

    1.  Lend-Lease Program
    During World War II, the U.S. military began administrating what became known as the “lend-lease program”. In this program, the U.S. gifted its allies with an array of military equipment, munitions, and ships.
    During your mobilize new units phase, you may convert any U.S. units to equivalent U.K. or Soviet units. The conversion can only take place on an allied territory or in a sea zone adjacent to an allied territory containing an industrial complex. Remove the all affected units from play and replace them with the same unit of your ally’s color.

    2.  Chinese Divisions
    The Chinese had three hundred divisions in 1942. President Roosevelt spent much of the war trying to get Chiang Kai-Shek to do something with them.
    During you’re mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in one of the following territories if you control it: China, Sinkiang, or Kwangtung. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.

    3.  Marines
    “Send in the Marines!” was a popular U.S. rallying cry in World War II.
    Your infantry attack on a 2 in the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault. Even if supported by artillery, their attack remains 2.

    4.  Mechanized Infantry
    With its fleet of trucks, the U.S. Army was the most mobile force of soldiers in World War II.
    Your infantry have a move of 2 and may blitz as tanks do.

    5.  Liberty Ship Program
    In 1941, the U.S. embarked on a massive expansion of the merchant marine fleet under the auspices of the Emergency Shipbuilding Program. The standard Liberty ship was the centerpiece of this program.
    Your transports now cost 6 IPC’s.

    6.  Superfortresses
    The B-29 Superfortress carried the biggest standard bomb load of any wartime bomber.
    Your bombers roll one additional die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid. They defend on a 2.

    7. Great Wall of China
    During the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese National Revolutionary Army fell back to the Great Wall.
    Your infantry on China and Sinkiang defend on a 3.

    8. Naval Industry
    After Pearl Harbor, the US tried to rebuild its Pacific Fleet.
    All Naval units cost one less IPC for the entire game.

    9. Paratroopers
    The United States and Great Britain used glider troops and paratroopers largely during WWII.
    Your bombers may act as transports; they may load, carry, and drop up to two infantry. You must declare during your combat move phase that your bomber is doing a paradrop. They don’t need to land afterwards; you can choose to destroy them. When dropping units, bombers can’t attack. Hostile antiaircraft guns roll one die for each bomber doing a paradrop and each unit being dropped. You may not paradrop during your noncombat move phase.

    10. Filipino Guerrillas
    The HUKBALAHAP helped pave the way for the US invasion of Leyte.
    Once per game, if the Allies the Philippine Islands, you may place three of your infantry there for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.

    –Note that some have less than ten which means I ommited some NAs
    –What changes do we need? YOu mean, no more Commandos and Panzergrenadiers ?

  • Oh I see what changes now. Oh well.
    Where’s Imperious Leader?

  • I’m here… this looks real good! still studying it.

  • Imperious>
    lol still studying?
    Gen Patch finish the list a while ago

    Gen Patch>
    good you found my suggestions
    read the latest AARHE draft if you haven’t, or you may not see why some items don’t fit
    the document is long, I hope you can read when you have the time

    as mentioned before we could have an Italy NA to represent Romania’s effort on the Russian front

  • yea we need some NA’s for :

    finland , bulgaria, hungary, and rumania these go with italy but the finland one should go with germany

  • Moderator

    Balkan Supply Fields
    During World War 2, during the time when the Balkan Countries were Axis Satellites they supplied front line units with much needed Food and Fuel from their country’s stockpile.
    During the Combat move phase any Ground unit that is in The Balkans is considered to be “mechanized”. It may move up to 2 spaces but it may not blitz.

    This will represent Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary…

    Finnish Ski Troops
    During the Winter War Finland Ski Troops were known for there resilience in all combat conditions and there ability to strike and fade.
    Each Defending Axis Infantry in Finland-Norway gets to roll a sneak attack for the first round of combat. Consequently the defender rolls first.

  • Yea those are good especially the finnish troops NA. I was thinking about making all soviet attacks on finland require 2 hits to make one hit or something like that.

  • Moderator

    Sissi (Ski Troops) were in essence Guerrilla Operators, but on larger scales then any other Guerrilla Operation in WW2… So that is why I made them sneak attack… I think Russia won’t even come near it if it takes 2 hits… That is more of a tech ability imho…

    I like the Balkans Supply Fields the Best, personally it spells the essence of what that area meant to the Wermacht especially on the Eastern Front…


  • sneak attack first cycle is fine
    2 hits to kill is gonna be too powerful, especially for the no-Italy map where Norway and Finland is one territory

  • earlier post of sugguested changes
    mostly due to other rules of AARHE

  • map where Norway and Finland is one territory

    in phase 3 map finland is a seperate nation

  • yeah so ok for phase 3 but too powerful for phase 2 map
    and probably better one rule for phase 2 and 3

    so once you guys go thru the list of NAs post your comments

    I’ve already did here

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