AARHE: Phase 3: Revised NA's

  • We’ll try to think of more.

    Post an updated list anyway.

  • Germany National Advantages

    1. Panzer Grenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks. Each of your tanks gives one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    2. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European beaches with massive defensive concrete blockhouses that formed part of the German defensive "Atlantic Wall”. During any amphibious assault against Axis controlled Western Europe (except for African territories), all your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoint on key terrain in Europe. Your artillery in German territories defends on a 3.

    4. German 88’s
    During the first cycle of combat only, on Attack and Defence, your artillery fire in the Conduct Opening Fire phase (instead of the Attacking Units fire and Defending Units fire phases respectively). Casualties are removed immediately. When declared, place 2 free artillery in any Gray territory you control, during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only.

    5. Panzer blitz
    If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving armor may move 1 territory during non-combat movement.

    6. Afrika Corps
    Once per game place 2 infantry, 1 artillery, and 2 Armor for free in Libya if you control it, during your Mobilize Units phase.

    7. Volkstrum infantry
    Once per game, the German player may purchase Infantry for 2 IPC each. This cannot be performed unless a territory in Europe, originally  controlled by Germany at the start of the game, is controlled by any Allied player.

    8. SS Panzer.
    These may be built, 1 per turn. A maximum of 4 can be on the map at any time. They are built as and have the same attributes as Heavy Tanks without requiring the Heavy Tank technology. In combat they may ignore the 1st hit assigned to them as they take two hits to destroy and all their attacks are rolled pre-emptively.

    9. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    On turn 5  the territory of Germany is worth double value (but the original value for any strategic attacks & original value for occupation).

    10. Defend the homeland
    The German player may call up to six infantry when any original German territory (grey) is under attack. (money for these units paid for on the following turn even if your getting them this turn).

  • 4. German 88’s
    Ah yes. The staple food of any Germany NA list.

    7. Volkstrum infantry
    For argument sake, we shall specify which territories.

    9. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    Oh I see so the idea is that the industrial changes are bound to happen around 1945 regardless of whether Germany was losing WWII.

    10. Defend the homeland
    Once per game or once per turn? Maybe should only apply for Germany, Southern Europe and  Western Europe.

  • Volkstrum infantry
    Once per game, the German player may purchase Infantry for 2 IPC each. This cannot be performed unless a territory in Europe, originally  controlled by Germany at the start of the game, is controlled by any Allied player.

    Yes correct to demonstrate that german has finally fully mobilized to wartime economy

    10. Defend the homeland
    The German player may call up to six infantry in the territory of Germany if the allies attack any territoy adjacent to Germany. (money for these units paid for on the following turn even if your getting them this turn).

  • 7. Volkstrum infantry
    Oh I meant like which territories are considered Europe.
    Is West Russia considered Europe?

    10. Defend the homeland
    So what if the attack is right on the “Germany” territory?
    And so this is every turn?

  • @tekkyy:

    7. Volkstrum infantry
    Oh I meant like which territories are considered Europe.
    Is West Russia considered Europe?

    I think yes! Make it: If one original controlled German territory (except Africa) is controlled by an Allied power, then this NA may be used. The Volkstrum army may however only be raised in the homeland territory of Germany itself. (Would be weird to see Volkstrum be raised in France or Norway…)


    10. Defend the homeland
    So what if the attack is right on the “Germany” territory?
    And so this is every turn?

    First of all, please exclude the African territories. Because nothing will frighthing the homeland, if for example Libya falls into Allied hands.  I would say only on Western, Eastern Europe and Germany, and Southern Europe and the Balkans (if Italy is not a player) These territories all directly border Germany itself.

    About your question, isn’t it meant with this NA that you can place 6 INF there IMMEDIATELY if any of those territories are under attack, even though you have to pay for them the next turn, they get to fight right away?? Then I see no problem in an attack on Germany itself.

    Is it meant that you get the 6 INF on your own turn, then I think this NA can only still be activated if the Germany territory did not fall into Allied hands, otherwise there would be no way that Germany could raise them, without controll of the Homeland…

    How should this NA be read?

  • 7. Volkstrum infantry
    Oh I meant like which territories are considered Europe.
    Is West Russia considered Europe?

    ======= These can be built once the allies attack any territory thats adjacent to Germany.

    10. Defend the homeland
    So what if the attack is right on the “Germany” territory?
    And so this is every turn?

    Its once per game
    it is possible if they attack germany itself.

  • Germany National Advantages  (Revised list)

    1. Panzer Grenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks. Each of your tanks gives one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    2. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European beaches with massive defensive concrete blockhouses that formed part of the German defensive "Atlantic Wall”. During any amphibious assault against Axis controlled Western Europe (except for African territories), all your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Fortress Europe
    By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoint on key terrain in Europe. Your artillery in German territories defends on a 3.

    4. German 88’s
    During the first cycle of combat only, on Attack and Defence, your artillery fire in the Conduct Opening Fire phase (instead of the Attacking Units fire and Defending Units fire phases respectively). Casualties are removed immediately. When declared, place 2 free artillery in any Gray territory you control, during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only.

    5. Panzer blitz
    If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving armor may move 1 territory during non-combat movement.

    6. Afrika Corps
    Once per game place 2 infantry, 1 artillery, and 2 Armor for free in Libya if the Axis control it, during your Mobilize Units phase.

    7. Volkstrum infantry
    Once per game, the German player may purchase Infantry for 2 IPC each. This cannot be performed unless a territory adjacent to Germany, is controlled by any Allied player.

    8. SS Panzer.
    These may be built, 1 per turn. A maximum of 4 can be on the map at any time. They are built as and have the same attributes as Heavy Tanks without requiring the Heavy Tank technology. In combat they may ignore the 1st hit assigned to them as they take two hits to destroy and all their attacks are rolled pre-emptively.

    9. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    On turn 5  the territory of Germany is worth 10 additional IPC per turn. (but the original value for any strategic attacks & original value under Allied  occupation).

    10. Defend the homeland
    Once per game the German player may call up to six infantry when the territory of Germany itself is under attack. (money for these units paid for on the following turn even if your getting them this turn).

  • @Imperious:

    6. Afrika Corps
    Once per game place 2 infantry, 1 artillery, and 2 Armor for free in Libya if you control it, during your Mobilize Units phase.

    I think it should be like this; Once per game place 2 infantry, 1 artillery, and 2 Armor for free in Libya if you or your Italian Allie control it, during your Mobilize Units phase.

    In real, Rommel was sent to Italian grounds…

  • 6. Afrika Corps
    shall the wording cater for both Italy and no Italy map?

    9. Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation
    “original value for occupation” reworded to “original value for Allies occupation” ?

  • both repaired. lets get 10 more new NA’s

    i have brain freeze for any new ideas for this.


    1)Secret agent:
    German agents obtain information on one allied tech ( increase one allied tech gain with corresponding tech gain for germany in same catagory)

    1. Fifth Column: you get a free neutral conversion (or one box is closer toward your side)

    2. surface to air missile: (based on true weapon) your AA guns locate and target allied planes at 1-2?

    3. Pocket battleship: One battleship can move and attack. If it wins the surface battle it can move another 2 spaces

    4. commerce raider: transport can attack at 1?

    5. Nerberwerfers: artillery fire inproved some way… not sure

    6. Total War: once declared the cost of all german units goes down -1 (except infantry) Germany has to spend X (representing an amount of IPC) to convert the economy to full wartime potential. I am not sure what this could be but its a fine idea. Also its only available after a specific turn.

    7. Hitler Assasination: lose hitler plus a few units and  gain more IPC somehow

    8. Fuhrer Bunker: ??

    9. Hitler youth?  one free infantry per turn?

    10. National Redoubt: Allies dont get all of germanys money until all her forces are destroyed. furthermore Germany can invade/retreat to switzerland if Germany is taken

  • '19 Moderator

    Here’s a couple:

    Fritz-X- A
    lso known as FX-1400, was the first successful guided bomb. It consisted of a 1400kg armour-piercing bomb, fitted with four wings in a cruciform arrangement, and a tail ring with spoilers for control. It was usually carried by specially equipped Do 217 or He 177 bombers. In the launch aircraft, an operator steered the bomb to its target using a radio command link. Two hits with Fritz-X sank the Italian battleship Roma. Others seriously damaged the Italia and the British battleship Warspite, sank the cruiser Spartan, and damaged the cruisers Savannah and Uganda. Production of Fritz-X was limited to about 1400.

    Selective targeting of Ships by bombers

    The Mistel combinations consisted of a twin-engined bomber, in practice almost always a modified Ju 88, with a fighter (Bf 109 or Fw 190) mounted on top. The bomber was unmanned, its cockpit replaced by a large (3500kg) shaped-charge warhead, and additional tanks were installed to transfer fuel to the fighter. The combination was controlled by the pilot of the fighter. He would aim the Mistel at a target, then uncouple his fighter to fly back home. Over 250 were built. Plans for large scale operations, e.g. against Soviet power stations, were abandoned.

    Increase effectiveness of Industrial raid

    R4M -This was a simple unguided rocket, with a diameter of 55mm. They were stabilized by eight folding fins. Fighters such as the Me 262 could carry wooden racks with twelve R4M missiles under the outboard wing panels. With a range of 1500m and a warhead of 0.5kg, they were very effective against allied bombers. There was also a version with an armour-penetrating shaped-charge warhead. The R4M was not used on a large scale, but after the war many airforces introduced folding-fin aircraft rockets (FFAR) based on the R4M.

    Increased air to air attack

    Kramer X-7 Rotkäppchen- This was a wire-guided anti-tank missile. The X-7 had a short, fat body, large twin fins, and a trailing arm carrying the guidance wire spool. It had a 2.5kg shaped-charge warhead. Small numbers of pre-production missiles were used in combat. There was also a Steinbock version with IR homing guidance.

    Increase Infantry defence against tanks

  • '19 Moderator

    fliegende Panzerfaust 100

    Anti tank Fighters

    [attachment deleted by admin]

  • '19 Moderator

    One more for today:


    [attachment deleted by admin]

    1. surface to air missile: (based on true weapon) your AA guns locate and target allied planes at 1-2?

    Surface to air missiles
    Your ID’s (infrastructure defense) has stronger Anti-air value. Anti-air attack rolls’ attack increases by 1. Anti-air search rolls remain unaffected.

    Mistel Aircraft bombing system
    According to wikipedia this was more used in bombing of naval fleets then strategic bombing.

    Air to air missile
    This is a good idea. Because the R4M was used. The X-4 didn’t see combat but it wasn’t because of technical difficulties.

  • This stuff is too technical for NA the game is strategic and those weapons had no real contribution to the war. All Na’s need to be something that people identify with…Something the average person read about so they can see how it could fit into as a tech.

    Its true that the Germans had tested many such weapons but many of them had no clear decisive inpact on the current war unless its V weapons or jet power.

  • “Total War” and “Albert Speer & German Industrial rationalisation” are both economic.

    Think of a strong distinction/idealogy so to make it ok to have two German economic NAs.

    Trying to gtr idea I just looked back and was reminded that Gen Patch’s list (page 9 or so) was for Japan, UK and US.

  • I like the;

    1. Commerce Raider: All German transport have an attack value of 1.  (But it is not a really strong NA maybe, compared to others)

    2. Hitler Youth (or Hitler Jugend) Once per game place 3 Infantry for free in Germany

    Maybe also one like;

    German Commanders; At the start of World War II the German Army was the most modern Army in the World, and had the best trained troops and commanders like Rommel,Guderian,von Manstein, Donitz etc… who had superior tactical knowledge compared to there allied counterparts.

    You receive 3 commander pieces, one for the Army, Navy and Luftwaffe. Before you conduct you may declare the use of a “commander” and all your ground (Army commander) air (Air commander) Sea (Navy commander) units receive a plus 1 attack modifier during that combat action

  • Please make more NA’s

    The idea about the german commanders would be something that could be optional rule but in any case its way too much for only one player to have something like this.

    And only one commander is enough. having 3 is gonna skew the game into something completely different.

  • German Infrastructure

    At the start of WW II Germany had the best road and rail network of Europe. During the Non Combat Move phase all German ground units in Germany itself gain a plus 1 movement modifier.

    German Propaganda

    The Germans were masters of propaganda, spearheaded by Goebels. Through out the war, the Germans tried to convince all people in the Reich (including all occupied territories) that communism was the real enemy and tried to convince them to volunteer for the army and fight a  noble war…
    Once during the game the German player may place 1 free INF in all continental Europe territories under German controll

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