Quote from: Imperious Leader on July 09, 2006, 10:59:15 PM
Air and naval units “withdraw” when they “retreat”, hence no return fire or live capture.
+++ no return fire… but looking at forcing each defending infantry to roll d6 and a one result = capture… what you think?
(No return fire for this case or for land/naval/air retreats?)
++++ naw not fair.
Yeah we discussed a little about “live capture” before.
As before I think it should depend on relative army sizes.
We don’t want 1 ARM to capture many many INF.
+++++ very good idea…brilliant actually! for every armor unit the defender rolls one die for each infantry unit and its captured on a six or one.
So instead of one roll for each retreating defending INF…it should be each attacking ARM.
++ yes right
And then I think artillery is slow too so should be envelopable too?
+++= right to slow… they are in fixed positions
But if defender has land units left to fight…would all this still make sense?
+++ of course they can fight… its just some penalty for defender retreat and modelling being surrounded in an abstract game.
Say attacker has 3 ARM left, defender retreats 3 INF and leaves 2 ARM behind…should the 3 attacking ARM be able to envelop the retreating defending INF?
+++ yes two rolls capturing them on a six 1-5 no effect ( they retreat) defending tanks dont “sheild” this. presumably the territory is large and getting surrounded can occur within other parts of the same territory ( look at western europe… its a huge area)… remember that in the stated example tank hits go on enemy tanks before another unit.
So its quite complex.
++++ if you play it its quite easy once you do it… and it seems alot more realistic
+++ok sure. The pending combat thing is not that big a deal. if it is then each territory can be done together round by round so that if any retreating territories are lost then the fight is to the death at least for defender.
Thats what I was thinking too. Very realistic.
But I am scared of having so many “combat boards”?
++++ you dont need this… this example is quite remote for practical play and at most theirs allways one spot to retreat too because of interior lines. at most one other battle board.
Pending combat can be a big deal. Defending units can end up fighting in more than one combat while attacking units can’t?
Imagine the powerful FTR piece defending at 4…defending at multiple territories…
+++ were not allowing that so defending planes can be involved in more than one DAS mission… of course different planes can be allocated to different missions. only not the same plane twice… remember one mission as attacker and one mission as defender each plane.
Of course we could not let the units participate in more than 1 combat…but gotta think of the rule to deal with that.
exceptions is air transport for bombers.