Alpha 3.9 low luck AA question.

  • I have the feeling there is something wrong with the new anti-aircrafts in low luck (they seem way too weak), but i might be doing it wrong…

    Is this correct?
    1 AA vs 3 planes: throw a 3 or less = 1 hit  (instead of throwing 3 dice and each 1 is a hit)
    2 AA vs 6 planes = 1 sure hit
    3 AA vs 8 planes = 1 sure hit + 2 or less is a hit

    If this is correct, doesn’t it mean that (in large battles) the defender is terribly powerless against any large air force?

    It feels pointless to ever buy extra AA.

  • TripleA

    This is correct.

    In LL games air is much more reliable for the axis. Hell in dice games you only expect to lose 1-3 air units from 3 aa guns… but sometimes 5 hits happen and you get screwed… but not in low luck games.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    That’s why LL is lame…

  • Yeah, i am disliking LL too.

    I admit it is practical in counting your attacks, but boy, does it suck for defence. (and i miss the drama and the fear on everyone’s face when i throw AA-dice - i have a mean throw)

  • Customizer

    Yeah, I’m not crazy about low luck myself. Sure, it can be a time saver with a lot less dice rolling. In some battles with certain numbers and types of units involved, you wouldn’t have to roll at all, just remove automatic hits. Eg: You attack 3 infantry with 6 tanks. The 6 tanks automatically get 3 hits which wipes the infantry out and the 3 infantry automatically get 1 hit so you remove 1 tank. You don’t even need a battle strip for that.
    I still like the chance and surprise you can get from rolling dice for each unit. I will never forget the one game in which I was Germany and had 5 infantry involved in a certain attack. These were regular infantry, not artillery-supported, so they attacked @ 1. I rolled my 5 dice and what do you know? FIVE German crosses pretty as you please. Doubt that will ever happen again, but it was sure cool at the time.

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