I used the wrong word. Its “parting shot”.
Now to be clear.
No more “parting shot” for all combats?
+++++ LOL your using my terminology from along time ago! no no parting shots…
Say attacker has 3 ARM left, defender retreats 3 INF and leaves 2 ARM behind…should the 3 attacking ARM be able to envelop the retreating defending INF?
+++ yes two rolls capturing them on a six 1-5 no effect ( they retreat) defending tanks dont “sheild” this. presumably the territory is large and getting surrounded can occur within other parts of the same territory ( look at western europe… its a huge area)… remember that in the stated example tank hits go on enemy tanks before another unit.
Firstly we should make it capture on “1” rather than “6”, to be inline with general axis and allies rolling.
+++++ ok thats fine.
Now, I understand a territory is a large area. But I think its more realistic if only attacking ARM in excess (1-to-1 to defending remaining to fight) should take part in capturing.
+++++ ok that probably works out better… so the new rules is only if you have more tanks than the defender each additional tank forces the defender to roll for every retreating infantry or artillery… NOTE I THINK WE SHOULD ADD ARTILLERY… because they move slow like infantry and are situated in fixed positions…so overruns are possible.
I mean consider another example.
Attacker has 3 ARM left. Defender has more…say 5 ARM and 5 INF left.
But defender chooses to retreat the 5 INF anyway…for whatever reason.
++++ you dont need this… this example is quite remote for practical play and at most theirs allways one spot to retreat too because of interior lines. at most one other battle board.
You mean if there is one or more adjacent friendly territories with no “pending combat” then you must choose among those? No option to check two combats cycle by cycle in that case?
+++++ Yes right you can… thats makes quick work of that “problem”
exceptions is air transport for bombers.
Firstly, we take “Air Transport” as a special non-combat move, one that is allowed even after taking part in combat?
++++ yes air transport goes on in non combat anyway.
Now, I was talking about if units that performed a mission can still fight?
Say a FTR performed DAS, can it still combat after it finish the mission?
+++++++Again it can do a DAS as the defender and a new mission on its own active turn.
UK attacks “Western Europe”. A German FTR at “Germany” comes to perform DAS in “Western Europe”.
When finished it retreats to “Germany”.
But “Germany” happens to be under attack too…can it take part in defending “Germany”?
++++ no because all defending planes land only after the end of all combat… thus they land in territories within 1/2 flight range. The allies take western and german planes remain untill other combat is resolved in other territories like in OOB
If it can’t, how do we keep track?
++++ you only have to keep track of movement points left over as the attacker like you do in OOB rules.