Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Dec. 2018)

  • Hello,

    DanishArmy here from Chicago. I’m 34 and I’ve been playing Axis and Allies since high school. It’s hard to find people willing to invest time into a good game of A&A so I often end up playing the LOTR Risk Trilogy Edition instead. I’ve played the original A&A, and more recently bought A&A WW1 and 1940 Europe Global. Figured I would wait on buying Pacific until I actually play with someone.

  • @DanishArmy YG is solidly in the “RE-introduce” yourself category :)

    Welcome to A&A .org!

  • @DanishArmy said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Nov. - Dec. 2018):

    @Young-Grasshopper I just joined myself, and I’m suprised you just joined this forum…

    actually we all just joined : ) Site transition.

    Welcome DanishArmy

  • @DanishArmy Welcome to the forum :smiley:

  • Hi - nice to meet you. I am the Tournament Director at TripleA, and we are very excited to welcome new players, and everyone is welcome. I run tournaments every 3 months or so for Revised and AA50. Please feel free to write me at if you have any questions about TripleA. Cheers, Deltium

  • @Deltium Great! Thanks for the information.

  • @Bravehart I meant to respond earlier.

    Yes, I have heard of Cask Days. I think it was 2011 or 2012 when I went to the first or second year of FMGC in Oshawa. I didn’t want to spend my entire trip in the “burbs” so I ended with a few nights in Toronto. Near my hotel was a craft beer bar that I had researched prior to my trip. I walk in and their smack in the middle of IPA Cask Days. It was an atypically cold April (cold for a San Franciscan like me) but it was perfect for those casks. I think there were about 4 dozen IPA casks and they were good and tradional and the only additives were hops. Not like the weird junk cask festivals in the US are doing these days with gummy bears and mint chocolate bars, meh.

    Anyway, I have not been to the big cask festival in October but it’s definitely on my bucket list.

  • '19 '18

    I live in Ohio. I use to play Axis & Allies back in the 90’s. I played online back when they modded the Hasbro game, I believe the site was Balance of Power. Anyway lost interest really didn’t find a steady group to play with, I prefer the board game. An old buddy of mine contacted me, we used to play together back in the day! Thought what ever happened with online stuff did a search an here I am. watched a few videos stirred up my enthusiasm to get back into it just ordered A&A Europe and Pacific.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Warpig f yea : )

    Awesome intro : )

  • Merry Christmas All! I am originally from San Francisco Ca. I joined in the Navy in 1971 and lived in numerous places such as Philippines, Hawaii, Maryland, Florida, Sicily It, and Virginia. I have been a board war gamer since 1959 (I was 9yo), mostly hexagon style with cardboard counters. I was introduced to A & A on YouTube last year and immediately fell in love with this game! I receive brand new copies of A & A Europe and Pacific 1940 2nd ed thurs. Can’t wait! I will be watching all of the Boot Camp videos from Young Grasshopper.

  • '19 '18

    @AdmScuttlebutt Welcome mine came Monday! Eager get started myself.

  • This is exciting, have been only observing for years but know one has ever really got back with me. Trying to make contact with DK’s den, big fan of his, watch his youtube channel just about every day. Will take a reply from anyone and check this channel out, very inspirational for any fan of Axis&Allies or any good person in general.

  • '18 '17 '16

    Let me reintroduce myself I’m GeneralHandGrenade from Prince George, BC, Canada. I like long walks on the beach and singing in the rain…oh wait this the wrong site for that.

    I’ve been playing A&A since 1984 and been a member of this site for about 2.5 years. It’s great to see so many more new players getting into the game. I’ve noticed it not only on this site but on Facebook and YouTube as well. One of my favorite things to do is play with little plastic army men on the internet. I get such a kick out of knowing that over a quarter of a million times people have watched me do that over the last 2 years.

    My go to game now is HBG’s Global War 1936-1945 and I’ve seen a large growth in that game over the last year. People keep asking me what they need to play the game so now that I’ve been playing that for awhile I’m going to put together a comprehensive list over the next week or so and release it on my channel. Unlike any version of A&A there isn’t a complete game that you can purchase, you have to build it yourself. Look for that before the new year as well as a continuation of the game that I’ve been playing for a few weeks now.

    Here’s hoping we can throw some dice together sometime!!!

  • @GeneralHandGrenade Hello. This sounds like a great idea. I have my eye on Global War 1936 - 45 as well. A list of pieces in addition to Europe and Pacific is needed. Thank you!

  • @djensen Thank you very much for doing this, coming at you from Phoenix, AZ. Served USMC from 1988 to 1992. During desert shield and desert storm this game kept many of us peacefully sane, in fact once leaving Saudi Arabia many became recovering Alcoholics. Still play the original game with my children and now grand children other versions are for advanced older players like us. I think one of the best youtube channels are DK’s den, please check him out, very inspiring. For years have been using metal painted pieces from Pendraken miniatures, air pieces from Dom’s Decals and 1/3000 scale naval from navwar. This happened before HBG site, and some radical yet simple house rules came up.

  • @Midnight_Reaper Have you ever seen DK’s den channel on youtube, very inspiring stuff, he came up with a house rule about pieces having multiple hits. For example three hits before losing it to combat resolution, more hits for naval and even more for capital ships.

  • Hey! I have been on the forum for near a year now. I am a teen living in the southeastern United States. I love to play Axis and Allies along with other board games. I just got AA Anniversary Edition and am really excited about playing it. I look forward to playing y’all by forum soon. My life consists of playing chess (both casual and tournament) and being a living historian (for a war a few years before the world wars). I thank all moderators and all admins for the work they put into this forum and I hope all of y’all have a blessed New Year!

  • @AdmScuttlebutt

    I am so inspired by this franchise I am selling all my card board counter hex based games so I can buy more A&A games. Just finished watching YG Boot Camp #4 about the map. I learned some things about movement thru sea zones I hadn’t caught before. Among other very helpful clarifications. Wonderful! Thank you YG for your efforts. Plan to watch the rest, in order.

  • I received my two games that make up Global 1940. I am back in the hobby!

  • @AdmScuttlebutt said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Dec. 2018):

    I received my two games that make up Global 1940. I am back in the hobby!

    Yea : )

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