AARHE: Phase 2: Technology

  • Actually, the little piece looks like a smallish anti-tank artillery.

    Should it represent self-propelled tank looking artilleries too?

  • Moderator



    I don’t think rail lines should be added… What I mean is either add “oil” and “coal”, and have units be able to “rail-move” inside your “home” spaces, or have players build “Rail Depots” which they pay an upfront price for, and then can transport units up to x spaces away as long as they are going in between “friendly” rails depots…


    What about Mechanized Army?

    that kind of runs under my “developed technology” idea since it isn’t a “true” technology just a “development”… Rail on the other hand was just expanded, it wasn’t per say a tech…


  • So do we need to separate “Developments” from “Techologies”?

  • Raillines are easy to accomodate…. all units move double in non combat? or option two: each nation moves x number of units double each turn in non combat.

  • Not “double” but rail speed. Say 3.
    (Tanks on rail do not move faster than infantry. Mech infantry on rail do not move faster than infantry.)

    Must travel within the rail-ed territories for the bonus.
    (A bit like the OOB Russian Rail NA.)

  • ***reearch is progressive
          X hitting rolls to succeed, cumulative?

    ***certain research resources can’t easily be diverted elsewhere
          X free rolls per turn?

    Imperious Leader: Land or Carrier based planes cannot alone be involved in attacking submarines except USA and UK starting on turn 12. Up until that time they can only be made available to search for them and also receive two search rolls per plane.

    tekkyy: I prefer this moved to Technology. A little more simulation and a little less historic replay.

    Imperious Leader: yes right i tried to leave out the “turn 12” thing and change to turn ?? because we have not installed a time frame for turns.

    tekkyy: no this is not about time frame
    I am saying the ASW technology should be under technology
    I mean if Germany or Japan don’t buid must submarines wouldn’t US/UK redirect their research resource?

    Imperious Leader: Not clear im not even sure the “tech” should be something that must be researched for a price. I feel it should just happen because of all the research done before the war. It was only a matter of time. The allies could choose to basically stop research in some areas, but its not likely.

    tekkyy: first reduce the chance factor (still good to have some of it)
    secondly give free research rolls
    this models research happening eventually, but the power can speeds thing up if wanted to
    also models certain research resources can’t be deverted elsewhere anyway…

  • “Not “double” but rail speed. Say 3.”

    turns are 4-6 months why only 3?

  • I think there is a probably with a turn representing 4-6 months
    I “think” it was 3 months

    anyway I’ve seen 1 month
    which is even better, but really bad with construction schedule

    I mean with 4-6 months
    land units can go anywhere really in non-combat, with or without rail

  • Yes right but for some measure of playability it has to be some fixed rail if its a fixed number of units as i originally posted it can be made to work as well. otherwise their is no way to model air interdiction because we would need many planes to “choke off” movement paths. Clearly we must just allow double movement in NCM and some fixed movement on a per nation basis… what you think?

  • yeah we could just allow double movement in non-combat-move
    its effects should be quickly revealed in only a little bit of playtesting

    but I think the double movement should be if the path only involves territories friendly at the beginning of your turn, or sea zones friendly at the beginning of your turn…of course both needs to be friendly at the moment :)

  • Movement by rail only includes movement by land or air units within territories you control. not ones that you took, or are uncontrolled. IN the soviet territories the rail guage was larger so conversion takes 1-2 turns of solid occupation to convert. However this may prove too hard to manage when the Soviets retake german converted rails in the soviet union. Markers will be required?

  • I think territory controlled at the beginning of your turn is good enough as solid occupation

  • back to technology

    so what do you think of my proposal of free rolls (modelling research resource that can’t be diverted into production anyway) and mutliple hits before research is complete (modelling research progression)

    I guess we’ll end up with minor and major tech
    minor tech is 1 hit
    major tech is 2 hits

  • I like free rolls and the fact that the other player does not know how close you are to the next tech breakthru. Id also like to see tech basically a rolled thing each turn with each tech having a specific amount of boxes…

    New idea:

    say each nation has a specific amount of rolls ( nation specific number) per turn where it can get the tech which again is a specific amount of boxes to check…

    example USA player has say 6 free rolls per turn… It want the atomic bomb ( counting as 10 boxes) and heavy tanks (counting as 3 boxes)  from previous turns it has allready gotten 3 rolls out of 10 for the abomb tech and 2 boxes checked off for heavy tanks…

    leaving 7 clear boxes for A- bomb and 1 left for the tanks.

    On its turn out of its allotment of 6 rolls it scores twice… it decides to check the final box for tanks ( allowing it to build heavy tanks) and allocates the other score toward the a- bomb tech.

    Also each nation will automatically start with a predetermined number of checked boxes! wow thats brilliant if i say so myself!

    so Like USA could have 4 checks by its own Atomic bomb program, while germany could start at say 2 checks, while germany could have a check at heavy tanks to start out with… IN that way most likely the progression would start historically as it did because obviously some techs would be closer for some nations than others… also important is it still allows any nations to eventually get any tech thats a win /win idea if i ever came up with it!

  • free rolls and progress I’ve mentioned already and think they would be good

    whats new in your idea is the allocation of research hits…which I don’t like
    I don’t think its realistic to let the player allocate hits

    if you want tech A you must buy rolls for tech A
    if you want it this turn (end of this turn) you might buy extra rolls, but you don’t roll over excess hits into tech B

  • OK a few points each player gets a specific amount of free rolls, additional rolls can cost money (say 5 IPC). This system i propose could have allocations of what a player decided he wanted to use his sucessful rolls developing. So example: he gets 4 free rolls and decided to spend 10 IPC and rolls 6 times. he will decide he wants 3 rolls on heavy tanks and 3 on the rocket tech… when he suceeds he just marks off the boxes all the while hes closing in on the “magic number” needed to obtain the tech. This is kept hidden from other players at the end of the game you can check to see if he cheated by looking at the total times he was sucessful ( its your job to keep track of his sucess… or you can just trust him)

  • this secrecy aspect can be complicated
    come to think of it the OOB model’s luck already implicitly models secrecy in research progress…and even the power in question is uncertain

    it’ll be quite complicated if breakthroughs are kept secret too

    anyway I am not sure if we should have huge differences between nations free rolls and technology’s boxes

    US and Germany has X rolls, the rest has Y rolls, X > Y
    major techs at M rolls and minor techs at N rolls, M > N

  • this secrecy aspect can be complicated
    come to think of it the OOB model’s luck already implicitly models secrecy in research progress…and even the power in question is uncertain

    ++++ not clear what the idea is here. IN OOB you either have the item after one try or you have nothing… under our system you need to continually advance research untill you obtain it. The other side has no idea how far along the tech path you are so This terrible idea of basically spending all your money on a vegas roll just to keep up with the jones is busted. It will take a period of turns to acquire the tech. That is much better historically, plus you can install natural tendancies based on what a nation was capable of doing realistically in the war. So USA will naturally be closer to completing its atomic bomb before say japan. On its own tech chart it will have say 4 boxes allready checked off, while japan will have say one ( just an example)

    it’ll be quite complicated if breakthroughs are kept secret too

    +++++ HUH? these are not kept secret?

    anyway I am not sure if we should have huge differences between nations free rolls and technology’s boxes

    US and Germany has X rolls, the rest has Y rolls, X > Y
    major techs at M rolls and minor techs at N rolls, M > N

    ++++ the basic idea is adaptable… each nation can have the same amount of rolls per turn and it cost x additional for each extra roll. or each nation can allready have x amount of specific tech boxes allready checked off or a combination of these two. Its a very flexable idea.

  • @Imperious:

    not clear what the idea is here. IN OOB you either have the item after one try or you have nothing… under our system…

    Yeah I know. I am saying progress is built into the luck system in OOB. Except even the power in question does not know the progress. But yeah we can improve it with the new system.

    it’ll be quite complicated if breakthroughs are kept secret too
    +++++ HUH? these are not kept secret?

    By breakthroughs I meant which technologies are complete.
    Not Atomic bomb but a weapon upgrade. Its complete but no one else knows? So you declare it when neccessary in combat?
    Should this be hidden? I think the Japanese know what was coming (Atomic bomb), only they didn’t know when the attack would be.

    the basic idea is adaptable… each nation can have the same amount of rolls per turn and it cost x additional for each extra roll. or each nation can allready have x amount of specific tech boxes allready checked off or a combination of these two. Its a very flexable idea.

    I was saying I don’t know if we should have 5 different setup values and 5 different no. of free rolls for the 5 powers thats all. But it should be ok, just put it in a table. Just now you have to justify all those values which can be complicated. So I was sugguesting just X or Y no. of free rolls and M or N no. of boxes….rather than A, B, C, D, E no. of free rolls for the 5 powers.

  • By the way last time I played we made it 2 free rolls per turn and nothing else changed.
    And then no one bought additional technology dices.

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