This is what we do in game. Each neutral has a territory value and some kind of army and a few ships. You can attack them if you want. But u need to capture each neutral territory to get icp income.
If you lose battle then just that lone neutral joins other side.
But we also have a cost to try and influence a strict neutral to your side and you receive the territory value towards income and what is there for the ground troops and a possible ship. Nothing stronger than a Destroyer.
Not all countries can influence the same neutrals. We roll a d20 and a 4 or less u get neutral.
This is just an idea u may look at.
Spain and Turkey have the biggest Amy but cost more for those 2 to try and get.
Mercy Rules
Apart from the standard low luck used online. What other luck variations are commonly used or have been tested?
You ask for Mercy.
You have no luck. -
Yeah, I am pretty old school. My group doesn’t play for victory tokens, we go for total domination.
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WT :-o :-o ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: