[Last Edited Aug 21, 2017]
Hello. � I am new to these forums. And although this is a bit bold for a first post, here are potential rules and setup for a(n) (untested) 1940 Scenario for 1942 2nd Edition. ( I know this is not the first time this has been tried/done.)
Please test, tell me of errors, mistakes, or loopholes in my rules, or suggest rules for playability or depth.
(Yes, it is heavily based of G40’s setup, and is meant to be a shorter 1940 game. You could also just use it as an alternate setup if you only have 1942, but you will have to study the G40 Rules and get some stand-in pieces for the nations and unit you don�t have pieces for.)
Use the 1942 2nd Edition Map.
Use the G40 Units.
Use G40 Unit Prices
Use G40 Unit stats and abilities (except Naval Bases and Air Bases do not allow units to move an additional space)
Victory Conditions
The Allies when the war if they control 10 victory cities at the end of France�s turn.
The Axis when the war if they control 9 victory cities at the end of France�s Turn.
Political Situation
Please note that this section refers to the Political Situation only. This does not include the so-called �NOs�.
The Political Situation rules are identical to the G40 Political Situation rules, except that the Soviet Union can declare war on Germany/Italy starting on its 3rd turn and the United States can declare war on the Collect Income Phase of its 2nd turn (i.e. both nations can come into the war one round earlier).
The Neutrals already printed on the map cannot become aligned at all, with the exception of Mongolia (and that only due to a Japanese violation of the Soviet-Mongolian Defense Pact. �
The territories with upside-down NCM (roundels) on them are Pro-Sided Neutrals. � The ones with British NCM�s are Pro-Allies and the ones with German NCM�s are Pro-Axis. � They act the same way as Pro-Sided Neutrals in G40, with the exception that their standing armies are equal to their IPC value times the number of NCM�s placed on them during setup.
The East Indies are Dutch (marked by putting a gray unit chip on the territory), and operate like a Dutch territory in G40.
National Objectives
Not at war with USSR:
- 5 IPC for not declaring war on the USSR
At war with USSR:
- 5 IPC for Axis controlling Karelia SSR
- 5 IPC for Axis controlling Russia
Soviet Union
At war with Germany or Italy:
- 3 IPC for controlling Finland
- 3 IPC each for each original German or Italian territory the USSR controls
- 5 IPC for controlling Archangel and no Allied units on original USSR territories
Not at war with USA:
- 5 IPC for not declaring war with the USA and not making a unprovoked declaration of war against UK, ANZAC or France
While at war with UK, ANZAC, France, or USA:
- 5 IPC for Axis controlling India
- 5 IPC for Axis controlling Hawaii
- 5 IPC for Axis controlling New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Wake Island
United States
While at war:
- 10 IPC for controlling Western United States, Central United States, and Eastern United States
- 5 IPC for controlling Philippine Islands
While at war:
- 6 IPC for Allies controlling Burma
United Kingdom
At war with Germany or Italy:
- 5 IPC for controlling all original UK territories (awarded to UK Europe)
At war with Japan:
-5 IPC for controlling Malaya and Kwangtung (awarded to UK Pacific)
While at war:
- 5 IPC for no Allied surface warships in sea zones 14, 15, and 17
- 5 IPC for Axis controlling Morocco, Algeria, and Libya
At war with Japan:
- 5 IPC for controlling New Guinea and Solomon Islands
- 5 IPC for controlling Western Australia, Eastern Australia, and Malaya
- 6 IPC worth of units first time France is liberated
Additional Rules
The Turn Order is same as G40.
The Danish Straits (controlled by Northwest Europe) and the Straits of Gibraltar (controlled by Gibraltar) operate (including the sub rules) on the G40 rules. � The Turkish Straits are always impassable.
Manchuria and Kiangsu are considered original China territories.
All other territories� originality is determined by who owns them at the beginning of the game according to the scenario setup.
The China rules are the same as G40 (including the ability to move into and temporarily control Kwangtung and Burma), except they can never buy artillery.
The UK�s economy is split as in G40, with Pacific claiming (if it controls it, of course) income from the following territories (and all others going to Europe):
- All original UK, ANZAC, China, and Japan territories
- Philippine Islands and Hawaii
- Evenki National Okrug, Yukat SSR, Buryatia SSR, and Soviet Far East
The American Factory rules work the same way, except the C. Un. St. does not have, nor receive a factory of any grade.
The Soviet-Mongolian Defense Pact works the same as G40, except if the Japanese violate the pact the USSR takes control of Mongolia and receives 3 free infantry in Mongolia.
Germany may not move any units into the Baltic States on its first turn, even if it declares war on the USSR.
Air bases are useless on non-coastal territories, as the extra move rules is removed from them in these rules. As a result all land-locked air bases from G40 setup are not represented in this setup.
Starting Income
Germany: 18 IPC
Soviet Union: 32 IPC
Japan: 13 IPC
United States: 38 IPC
China: 4 IPC
United Kingdom (Europe): 19 IPC
United Kingdom (Pacific): 10 IPC
Italy: 7 IPC
France: 13 IPC
NCM (Roundel) Setup
4 IPC: 1 China
7 IPC: 1 Italy
10 IPC: 1 UK Pacific
13 IPC: 1 Japan, 1 France
18 IPC: 1 Germany
19 IPC: 1 UK
32 IPC: 1 USSR
38 IPC: 1 USA
Brazil: 1 UK (back)
Finland: 2 Germany (back)
Persia: 1 UK (back)
France: 1 France
Morocco: 1 France
Algeria: 1 France
F. West A.: 1 France (use red unit chip if not owned)
F. Equ. A.: 1 France (use red unit chip if not owned)
F. Mada.: 1 France (use red unit chip if not owned)
F. Indo China: 1 France
Italy: 1 Italy
Southern E.: 1 Italy
Libya: 1 Italy
Italian E. A.: 1 Italy �
Sinkiang: 1 China (if owned, otherwise leave empty to mark as China owning)
Anhwei: 1 China (if owned, otherwise leave empty to mark as China owning)
Szechwan: 1 China (if owned, otherwise leave empty to mark as China owning)
Yunnan: 1 China (if owned, otherwise leave empty to mark as China owning)
E. Australia: 1 ANZAC
W. Australia: 1 ANZAC
New Guinea: 1 ANZAC
Solomon I.: 1 ANZAC
New Zealand: 1 ANZAC
Malaya: 1 ANZAC
West Russia: 1 USSR
Belorussia: 1 USSR
Baltic States: 1 USSR
Ukraine SSR: 1 USSR
India: 1 UK Pacific, if owned
Burma: 1 UK Pacific, if owned
Kwangtung: 1 UK (or UK Pacific, if owned)
Borneo: 1 UK (or UK Pacific, if owned)
Philippine I.: 1 USA
Wake Island: 1 USA
Chip Setup
East Indies: 1 Gray Chip
Germany Setup
Germany: 11 Inf., 3 Art., 2 Mech., 3 AAA, 1 Figh., 2 Tac., 1 Bom., 1 Maj., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Northwest Europe: 2 Inf., 1 Art, 4 Tank, 1 Figh.
Norway: 2 Inf.
Poland: 2 Inf., 1 Tac.
Bulgaria Romania: 3 Inf., 1 Figh.
Total: 20 Inf., 4 Art., 2 Mech., 4 Tank, 3 AAA, 3 Figh., 3 Tac., 1 Bom., 1 Maj., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
5: 1 Bat., 1 Tran.
7: 1 Sub.
9: 1 Sub.
Total: 1 Bat., 2 Sub, 1 Tran.
Soviet Union Setup
Russia: 1 Inf., 1 Art., 1 Mech., 1 Tank, 1 AAA, 1 Tac., 1 Maj.
Archangel: 1 Inf.
Karelia SSR: 5 Inf., 1 Art., 1 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Min., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Belorussia: 2 Inf.
Baltic States: 2 Inf.
Ukraine SSR: 5 Inf., 1 Art.
Caucasus: 1 Inf., 1 Min.
Buryatia SSR: 5 Inf., 1 AAA
Yukat SSR: 4 Inf.
Total: 26 Inf., 3 Art., 1 Mech., 1 Tank, 3 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Tac., 1 Maj., 2 Min., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
4: 1 Sub.
5: 1 Cru.
Total: 1 Cru., 1 Sub.
Japan Setup
Japan: 3 Inf., 1 Art., 1 Mech., 1 Tank, 1 AAA, 1 Figh, 1 Tac., 1 Bom., 1 Maj., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Manchuria: 6 Inf., 1 Art., 1 Figh., 1 Tac.
Kiangsu: 6 Inf., 2 Art., 1 Tac.
Iwo Jima: 1 Inf.
Okinawa: 1 Inf.
Formosa: 1 Figh.
Caroline I.: 1 Inf., 1 AAA, 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Total, 18 Inf., 4 Art., 1 Tank, 2 AAA., 4 Figh., 3 Tac., 1 Bom., 1 Maj., 2 Air B, 2 Naval B.
60: 1 Bat., 1 Car. (1F,1T), 1 Des., 1 Sub, 1 Tran.
61: 1 Cru., 1 Des., 1 Tran.
50: 1 Car. (1F)
Total: 1 Bat., 2 Car. (2F,1T), 1 Cru., 2 Des., 1 Sub., 2 Tran.
United States Setup
E. Un. St.: 1 Inf., 1 Art., 1 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Min., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B,
C. Un. St.: � , 1 Tank, 1 Bom.
W. Un. St.: 1 Inf., 1 Art., 1 AAA, 1 Min., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Midway: 1 Air Base
Hawaii: 1 Inf., 1 Figh., 1 Air B. 1 Naval B.
Wake Island: 1 Air Base
Philippine I.: 1 Inf., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Total: 4 Inf., 2 Art., 1 Tank, 2 Figh., 2 Tac., 1 Bom., 2 Min., 6 Air B., 4 Naval B.
11: 1 Des., 1 Tran.
48: 1 Des.
53: 1 Cru., 1 Sub.
56: 1 Bat., 1 Car. (1F,1T), 1 Tran.
Total: 1 Bat., 1 Car. (1F,1T), 1 Cru., 2 Des., 1 Sub., 2 Tran.
China Setup
Szechwan: 5 Inf., 1 Figh.
Yunnan: 2 Inf.
Sinkiang: 2 Inf.
Total: 7 Inf.
United Kingdom Setup
United Kingdom: 2 Inf., 1 Mech., 2 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Bom., 1 Maj., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Iceland: 1 Air B.
E. Canada: 1 Inf., 1 Tank, 1 Min., 1 Naval B.
Gibraltar: 1 Naval B.
Egypt: 1 Inf., 1 Art., 1 Mech., 1 Tank, 1 Naval B.
A-E Sudan: 1 Inf.
South Africa: 1 Inf., 1 Min., 1 Naval B.
India, 3 Inf., 1 Art., 2 AAA, 1 Tac., 1 Maj., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Burma: 1 Inf. 1 Figh.
Malaya: 1 Inf.
Kwangtung: 1 Inf., 1 Naval B.
Total: 12 Inf., 2 Art., 2 Mech., 2 Tank, 4 AAA, 3 Figh., 1 Tac., 1 Bom., 2 Maj., 2 Min., 3 Air B., 7 Naval B.
6: 1 Bat., 1 Cru.
8: 1 Des.
10: 1 Des., 1 Tran.
13: 1 Cru.
17: 1 Car. (1T), 1 Des., 1 Tran.
35: 1 Bat., 1 Des., 1 Tran.
Total: 1 Bat., 1 Car. (1T), 2 Cru., 4 Des., 3 Tran.
Italy Setup
Italy: 5 Inf., 1 Art., 2 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Bom., 1 Maj., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
Southern Europe: 1 Inf., 1 Tank
Libya: 1 Inf., 1 Art., 1 Mech, 1 Tank
Italian E. A.: 1 Inf., 1 Art.
Total: 8 Inf., 3 Art., 1 Mech., 2 Tank, 2 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Bom., 1 Maj., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
14: 1 Des., 1 Sub., 1 Tran.
15: 1 Bat., 1 Cru., 1 Tran.
Total: 1 Bat., 1 Cru., 1 Des. 1 Sub., 2 Tran.
E. Australia: 2 Inf., 1 Art., 1 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Min., 1 Air B., 1 Naval B.
New Zealand: 1 Inf., 1 Figh., 1 Air B. 1 Naval B.
Malaya: 1 Inf., 1 Naval B
Egypt: 1 Inf.
Total: 6 Inf., 1 Art., 1 AAA, 2 Figh., 1 Min. 2 Air B., 3 Naval B.
39: 1 Cru., 1 Tran.
France Setup
France: 4 Inf., 2 Art., 1 Tank, 1 AAA, 1 Figh., 1 Maj., 1 Naval B.
United Kingdom: 1 Inf., 1 Figh.
Trans-Jordan: 1 Inf.
Morocco: 1 Inf.
Algeria: 1 Inf.
French W. A.: 1 Inf.
Total: 9 Inf., 2 Art., 1 Tank., 1 AAA, 2 Figh., 1 Maj., 1 Naval B.
14: 1 Cru.
33:1 Des.
Total: 1 Cru., 1 Des.
Edit Log
Note: General spelling and typing errors and rearrangement of information will not be recorded here, only actual changes to content.
Aug 19, 2017:
- Added Turn Order rule (under Additional Rules)
- Added Turkish Straits rule (under Additional Rules, in the straits paragraph)
- Finished the incomplete China Rules paragraph (under additional rules)
- Added note about Air B. (under Additional Rules)
- Added tips for players not owning enough French or Chinese NCM’s for setup (UK Pac. tips were already there.)
- Removed extraneous Air B. in Caucasus in USSR setup
- Removed repeat of Naval B. in Malaya from UK setup (it is still in ANZAC setup.)
- Added Edit Log (I know this is a bit overkill…)
Aug 21, 2017
- Revised Naval setup for Germany, Japan, US, UK, and Italy. (Removed German Sub., Japanese Des., US Des., UK Des., UK Tran., � and UK Des., � from SZs 3, 60, 56, 6, 8, and 28 respectively. � Moved Italian Cru. and Sub. to SZ 14 and Japanese main fleet to SZ 60. � Changed UK Bat. to UK Cru. in SZ 35.)
- Removed UK Figh. from Gibraltar
- Moved 2 USSR Inf. from Buryatia SSR to Yukat SSR