Well, you are changing your design much faster than I can playtest it! Maybe I should wait a few days until you settle on a setup you prefer. :-)
My thoughts on a starting German BB in the Baltic Sea are that it’s unnecessary. Thematically, 1 BB token on the 1942 map tends to represent 3 or 4 modern battleships, and the Germans had only 2 somewhat older pocket battleships / battlecruisers in the Baltic. The key feature of a BB in TripleA is that it can be repaired, but one of the German capital ships in the Baltic very famously failed to recover from a torpedo hit and was scuttled without ever being repaired. Strategically, the Germans are doing plenty well enough in the Atlantic naval theater on your map as it is, without piling on still yet more advantages. An American cruiser in the Atlantic is fine – I can take it or leave it. It might be more fun to put that cruiser in the Panama Canal (east or west) instead of in the Atlantic. America doesn’t necessarily have that much to do on turn 1; just a quick attack in China and then figuring out how to position its planes, so making one more decision (which theater to use the cruiser in) wouldn’t hurt. I don’t think you need to relocate German subs to avoid an American cruiser attack, because unless I’ve misunderstood the rules, a sub can safely submerge to avoid a cruiser.
I tried one full round on your second-most-recent version, and I’m attaching the save game file so you can see some of my ideas – you may want to look at the game history if you are very curious. I played very quickly and casually to get a feel for the new rules and new options, so none of this represents my “best work” or my final thoughts on what a balanced strategy would look like. For example, I wanted to see if a Sea Lion was possible with a build of 1 carrier, 5 infantry, 1 artillery while still sending one transport east to take Egypt, and so far that looks like a bad idea – the sea battles are very easy for Germany to win, but UK on land is pretty defensible against only 2 German transports. They do need to place about 3 infantry + 2 planes in the UK for defense, which sucks some cash away that could have been placed in ANZAC on UK1, but there is still enough cash left over to place 3 dudes in India and 1 dude in Sydney, plus Britain can take back Egypt from India and Jordan if Germany only sends 1 transport.
I am still getting used to the 3-move cruisers and transports – they give you a lot to think about! I am a big fan already; I like the way Germany cannot safely empty France on G1 even if they sink the whole British fleet (oops), I like the way the Australian fleet can reach India or Thailand or Hawaii on UK1, I like the way the South African fleet can create naval power in the West Indian Ocean, and I like the way the Caroline transports can reach all plausible targets.
The need to garrison France requires the Germans to be more careful about their attacks on the eastern front, which can affect the balance there. I think the Russian move I show in the saved game (abandon Karelia immediately and split forces between West Russia and Caucasus) is more or less correct. I think the Germans will be very hard-pressed to gain a strong advantage in eastern Europe, especially if they want to buy any boats or planes. The front line will probably stabilize somewhere in Germany’s favor – maybe 40 IPCs to 25 IPCs or so – but it does take a long time to march troops from Berlin to Moscow. As it should, perhaps.
One thing to watch out for is a Japanese flight from carriers on the China Sea to Stalingrad – possible in one move of four spaces, even if “land movement” through Western China is banned. This was a problem in the OOB AA50 1942 scenario, and I think if Germany ever does manage to take the Caucasus, it might be a problem on this map as well. The idea is that normally Germany wouldn’t be able to hold the Caucasus, but if Japanese fighters can secure it even for one turn, then Germany can start making use of the factory there.
I have mixed feelings about the Allied ability to hunt down lone submarines. 1 DD + 1 ftr + 1 tacB vs. 1 SS means a 50% chance that the sub escapes, and there is no way at all to stop a sub from moving around, and a sub can profitably attack a destroyer, a transport, a cruiser, or a carrier if you leave it unattended. So the subs are very powerful. My instinct with M3 cruisers & transports is to try to responsibly lock down the ocean, e.g., USA wants to stick destroyers across the Atlantic, Japan wants to string a picket line of destroyers across the Pacific, and so on. But the picket lines won’t stop the submarines, and in fact the picket lines make the destroyers very vulnerable to submarine attack, so if your enemy has both cruisers, transports, and subs, then you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. If you spread out, the subs will get you, and if you concentrate, then the cruisers and transports will sneak past you. So you are kind of forced to do some infantry build up, I guess, which is not the end of the world.
Bottom line is that I am very excited about the possibilities here for more realistically modeling the historical 1941 setup, and for unlocking new strategies and tactics, but precisely because there are so many new options and interactions, I am unable to determine whether the game is balanced. There is an enormous amount to think about here. Thanks for designing, thanks for sharing, and good luck settling on a setup chart that makes you happy!
1941REDESIGNRussia2 Argo test G2.tsvg