@magnum I’m not yet convinced that letting them pick what they want, and potentially the same thing, is a problem. If anything, this will give them the opportunity to try out different strategies, involving research, and see how they work.
This mean heavy Bombers ? US and UK can do Same bombing run like a combined SBR attack ? Bombers attack increases ?
A breakthrough means in your next strategic bombing raid all your bombers will throw three dice and you choose the best result. In the official rulebook heavy bombers do the same with two dice I think, but a breakthrough in that case means that this technology applies for every future raid while in my house rule it is valid for only one raid (but the breakthrough can be acchieved several times).
I have to add that the price system in my house rules is slightly different as well.
I’m still thinking the 2 dollar Russians are unbeatable. unless they are 1-1 or 0-2 or something.
Bring in all the mec/arm combinations and double supporting artillery you want. at 37 IPC’s a turn, I’m putting 18 men on the board each round. Germany is not going to be able to do anything about that.
Oh and lets not forget, once I have a fat stack, if things don’t look good, I can call in the Russian winter, and defend with a $2 unit at 3 or less.
In effect i forgot to specify that this rule doesn’t have effect for territories that already have an IC on it.
And you’re right, Germany can mobilize new units faster, but USSR too…
But Russia is already building in the Caucasus (in Revised) anyway, if the front is in Ukraine, then this really doesn’t help the Russians nearly as much as the Germans.
This is a truism… I only get to play board wargames every couple months, but the hours spent laboring over the games I am working on gives me about the same “rush”…