I just got a free trial of paint shop pro, are there any suggestions for making good maps from scratch?
Custom Map Choices
I picked up a new G40 map this week. I liked my old one but it had a distinct glare to it. I had to keep the blinds closed or I wouldn’t be able to see anything. I also made it a bit larger, 36 x 78 instead of 32 x 72. The little bit of extra room makes a difference.
I made a video of the 2 maps side by side because I get questions from my viewers on Youtube on what they should do to get their own map as well as comments made on this site from people looking for tips. If You’re thinking of printing out a custom map from one of the awesome people on here that have taken the time to painstakingly create beautiful maps then check this video out first before you spend a pile of money and get something you aren’t completely happy with.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6gshpGSnfA -
These are both really sweet. I really enjoy a lot of the things on the map. Keep up the good work!
I saw your video on Youtube… when you panned the camera out the window, I couldn’t help but notice all the white stuff outside… what is that stuff? It’s like 75 degrees here in Florida in mid January, I’m confused what this strange phenomenon outside your window is.
Oh, and my custom maps are printed on Vinyl… they’re not laminated but they look a lot like your matte finish map. I don’t get any glare on my maps either.
That white stuff is where US the White Walkers live ! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I wasn’t going to get the laminate either because it was a vinyl map but the guy at the print shop talked me into it. It’s not the vinyl that I’m protecting, it’s the print. I have 2 other vinyl maps (Amerika, A&A 1914) and I notice that some of the ink comes off when you try to clean them. Plus, a spill on them might stain your map depending on what you spill and how long it takes to wipe it up. The cold laminate only goes on the top side so that’s why using paper wasn’t an option for me. It wouldn’t have been protected on the bottom or the sides from a spill or wear and tear over time.
I have some extra white stuff here in my driveway if you want to come and get it. Every kid in your neighbourhood will want to come over and play and you will be the coolest guy on the block.
And throw in some sledding !
I have vinyl maps to and some are a bit to shinny but living with it. Other option is to get a non glare plexi-glass sheet.
I have HBG 39 map that’s on vinyl and has a dull finish. It smelled like it was sprayed when it came new and smell went away after a week. I have played at least 25 games on it with no protection.So I’m thinking why not spray the vinyl maps a dull coat from Testers or other brand to protect it.
Maybe HBG ( Coach ) may have an answer if they sprayed there maps or had the maps laminated a dull clear coat.
HBG did give me a deal on 3 39 maps that were printed on the vinyl but had the gromets installed. So I don’t know if the dull coat look and smell was just another mistake but believe me it was well worth the price.
If you want you can see the map in my SS custom table 2 thread.
I have some extra white stuff here in my driveway if you want to come and get it. Every kid in your neighbourhood will want to come over and play and you will be the coolest guy on the block.
Everytime I try and bring that white stuff back to Florida, it melts and turns to water, and I’m no longer the coolest guy on the block. Having water in Florida is not that cool.
You have a new subscriber on your Youtube channel btw. I have cool vinyl maps, lots of extra units organized in tidy bin-trays, and nobody to play with… I’m beginning to think all the people that play A&A live in Canada and Europe (snow must be a requirement to play A&A).
I’m not so sure about spraying your map with something SS. I would worry about it reacting with the ink but really I have no idea what would happen. From what I understand this cold laminate is just a clear sheet of something that they stick on top of the vinyl so there is no heating it up.
Thanks for subscribing Wolfshanze. I’ll try not to bore you too much. One of the reasons that I’m making these videos is that I have trouble finding people to play with too. At least I can interact with others in the comments section and get away with talking about the game while I’m playing without being a weirdo for talking to myself, lol.
One of the reasons that I’m making these videos is that I have trouble finding people to play with too
You think about starting a meetup? I had a group for awhile, we played every week, then one by one they fell off till I was left all alone. I started a meetup for my area, it was very slow… I almost closed it down, but now I have 4 regulars where we play ever other week… 4 sounds small, but hey, its all I need!
Also, if your ever in town here in CA, ill battle ya!
Thanks for the map vid, ill be on here again when its time for me to print one.
Thanks Sired. With all of this white stuff on the ground CA is looking good right now.
General, I have a small piece of vinyl battle board map. I will spray test that piece of vinyl and see what happens to ink.
I also have vinyl battle boards that were cold laminated. I’m going to spray dull coat on one of them to see what happens and to see if it knocks the shine down without distortion.
I’ll have to ask my printer if they can get dull cold laminate thats not shinny.
General, I have a small piece of vinyl battle board map. I will spray test that piece of vinyl and see what happens to ink.
looking forward to the results, I have yet to print a map, as I knew I would be making one, so why waste a couple hundred bucks…. but I don’t want to waste a couple hundred bucks picking the wrong material :(
thanks again for this topic, and thanks for the trial and error :P
Thanks Sired. With all of this white stuff on the ground CA is looking good right now.
No, no… Florida is where you want to be… Pensacola has very nice beaches… its 75 today… (I’m desperate for an A&A opponent, so sue me).
looking forward to the results, I have yet to print a map, as I knew I would be making one, so why waste a couple hundred bucks…. but I don’t want to waste a couple hundred bucks picking the wrong material :(
thanks again for this topic, and thanks for the trial and error :P
I printed on outdoor banner vinyl at my local big-box Fed-X print shop… cost me about $80 and $90 for my 1941 and 1942 vinyl maps, i have no complaints on either (see pics).
I personally have little issue with a little glare as long as it isn’t too much, I do like to have a protective layer on my maps.
I have cool vinyl maps, lots of extra units organized in tidy bin-trays, and nobody to play with… I’m beginning to think all the people that play A&A live in Canada and Europe (snow must be a requirement to play A&A).
Too bad you don’t live in Vancouver :-(. I am the same. At least I found a few people to play lately.
I should just go on a North American tour and play you all. 8-)
I should just go on a North American tour and play you all. 8-)
Now that’s an exciting comment GHG :-D.
I should just go on a North American tour and play you all. 8-)
Stop here in Wisconsin on your way thru and play on this table.