• Wow, that’s pretty deep Marc, you just sucked all the fun out of it lol.

    Anyway, I think AK has an interesting strategy, and he is using both the existing units and purchases to achieve it. He did say it was an untested theory that he was working through. He may have named it Afrikorps, but in actuality it is more of an Axis neutral crush. Taking Turkey will allow him to use his axis mechanized force to pressure/capture the Middle East, Egypt and Southern Russia($$$).

    Building up the German fleet on G1 is a common tool used to get the UK to buy mostly ground units on the first turn. I have mixed feelings about sailing it into the Med though. The Baltic fleet in conjunction with other resources can force the Russian to evacuate Leningrad, and help to def/counter attack Norway if needed. I do however like the Germans taking Gib to help get the Italian NO, and it would be interesting to use that fleet to shuffle inf through the Black Sea.

    I think the biggest flaw is under estimating what the UK can/will do in the first few turns, and over estimating what Italy can achieve on It1/It2. For starters you have the Italians attacking Greece with 5 inf, 1 art, 1 tank and a couple ftrs (using 2 tpts). That can only happen if the UK didn’t do Taronto (attack sz97). As discussed the UK often does Taronto and takes out sz96 as well. This move will end up with the UK fleet at the bottom of the Med later, but causes logistical problems for Italy. On IT1 the English will occupy sz97 with remainder of the Med fleet, and possibly a cruiser in sz96 (you didn’t attack sz91 on G1). You can have Italy attempt to clean up the UK fleet and attack Greece It1 (w/Albanian units and 1 loaded tpt), but that is a tall order as well. If you fail to take Greece, or take it w/heavy losses then the next step to Turkey on It2 will also suffer. If you ampib Turkey w/Italy on It2, the UK will probably be able to kill your mini Italian fleet in sz99 (only has a destroyer and cruiser protecting it if the UK did Taronto).

    So if there is a Taranto on UK1, you will probably need a back up plan. Maybe have Italy attack S France and go for Spain It2. The Germans take Turkey G3 (using the Bulgarians+ whatever else can reach). I think the Germans building up next to Spain or Turkey will be a dead giveaway though.

  • All good points Wild Bill, therefore I came to some new insights and changes.

    You want to achieve: rich Germany and Italy while Japan sacrifices potential income to let them do it. Going through Turkey with Afrika Korps provides this, however you now need to do full neutral crush. Sweden is no brainer, but do you really need Spain in G3? No, this can also be done G4. Also, it is the taking away of German infantry of the Russian front for neutral crushing combined with Baltic fleet to med and Afrika Korps to Middle East that give the Russia so many options.

    In total its 12 Infantry south and 7 Infantry being slower at Russian frontlines because of Sweden while 9 Tanks and 4 Mech attack Egypt instead of Leningrad.

    All I need to do with my first Germany builds is replace these troops as normally Leningrad and Ukraine are possible to take with just starting Germans. Therefore 9 Tanks in G2 to replace Afrika Korps. The 6 Infantry from GSE are difficult to replace on time, so I don’t send them to France anymore. Instead I build 3 Infantry + 3 Mech. Infantry in G3 to take Spain in G4 combined with some more Tanks for the Eastern front.

    Also leaving the Baltic is not smart because of reasons mentioned before but also because Sweden leaves your Scandinavian Infantry out of position. The Aircarrier and Transports is still a good buy to fix this and maintain your control of that area. However with Italy going for Turkey you will not get Gibraltar NO anytime soon. Therefore I sacrifice 1Transport to take Gibraltar G2 with 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery that can later be used against Spain. This costs Germany 7 but gives Italy +5, a nice trade. Also Italy taking Southern France in I2 gives them +3. I will also send 1 Tank, 1 Mech. and 1 Infantry to take Northern Africa as Germany is coming to get Egypt anyway.

    This let me come to the idea that the goal of the Afrika Korps in specific is to help Italy out in Africa and the Middle East. Yes the Russian oil is something I also really like but Germany can get there eventually. However by kicking the UK out of Egypt you break the chains of Italy. Also Middle East is secondary. The goal should be to take Egypt as soon possible (G4) without building a med fleet. From that point you can expand quickly with both Italy and Germany. Ofcourse this also depends of the Allied defence: where are the weak spots and attack there.

    You can reach Egypt in G4 with 3 Tanks, 4 Mech. Infantry, 2 Bombers, 3 Tactical and 1 Fighter in case the Italians could open Trans-Jordan, Turkey worked and Greece worked. I also think its really possible, especially after Taranto so let Italy have 40+ IPC after its Turn 4 in this way.

    So to conclusion the most important of this strategy is that you help Italy to expand as Germany. With some Aircraft, with some Fleet, but mostly German Tanks on the ground in Africa.

    With Italy also made a major Axis you are now ready to take on USA as Axis while finishing the other Allies from Turn 4.

  • If I am to offer more of a general critique, which is only meant to help you Afrika. I would say the following:

    1. If you are prioritizing everything, you are prioritizing nothing.
    2. To make a good plan, you need to understand what the natural reactions of your opponent will be.
    3. There is a lot of possible delayingtactics in the game, don’t forget them.
    4. Build the best units for the job

    In your plan, you plan on taking Turkey, Iraq, Egypt,  Leningrad, Caucasus, Sweden, Spain and Stalingrad by the end of G4. This is simply too much. If you send enough to Turkey to threathen the middle east, you will not have enough to threathen Leningrad. If you threathen Leningrad, you will not have sent enough to the middle east to take your objectives there. You might be able to collect on Cauc, NW Persia and Iraq once or twice, but then you will be pushed back by UKs production there.
    In the gameplan I have with Germany, I throw everything at getting Caucasus at the end of G6/7. In this plan, one of the freebies is that I can force Russia to retreat to moscow, so I get all of the other russian NOs for free. To realisticly acheave this, I maximize the use of the gamemechanics. I build an italian canopener from hell (strong enough to take out at least 7 infs), and I build almost only Mechs on G1-3. With all that, I don’t have a little left over, but certainly not enough to be able to afford doing the netural crush.

    Really look at what a standard gameplan for your opponent would be, and if your plan can deal with that.  In this game, the UK europe player really is a Mediterranean power. Most UK players first has to protect london from a sealion, then they ususally try to fight for the med. To do that, They usually need to get factories there ASAP. The 3 best places for them is Iran, Iraq and Egypt. You should expect the UK player to drop a mIC in UK2 and UK3. (and maybe one in UK4). Those will produce 6 units every turn, and he will have a shippingroute from SA to Egypt that ships 2-3 units every turn. The force you send through Turkey really isn’t enough to deal with this huge production.

    3. Your opponent can scirmish and set up so deadzones. In your plan, I really think you are missing the capability of the allies to set up deadzones. The same way the russian can counterattack the japanese army you talked about earlier, the russian can deadzone his border with inf, planes and art.  The russian army in Belo should be so strong, that you really don’t want you split your invasionforce. The army you  sendt into East poland and the baltic was so small that the russian army that should be standing in belo would kill it with very few losses.  So, since you can’t split your army like that, you can only take 1 terr a turn.  This will delay your plans.

    4. I see you build a lot of tanks. Tanks is good for adding some punch to an assault, but horrible at holding the terr and preventing counterattacks. Since you are already planning on building a lot of bombers, you dont really need the punch of the tanks, what you are missing in your army is meat. So, I would switch out most of your tankbuilds with mechs.

    Finally, I will give you a sample of a common UK1-4 in the middle east:

    On UK1, I land in iran with Tank and inf from alexandria, while I land 2 inf from south africa in alexandria. I also move india art and inf to to westindia since your japan obviosly is North. I also move the Indian planes within range of Iraq.

    In Iran then, I have 1 art, and 3 infs.

    You have 4 tanks and 3 mechs in greece after G2. ON UK2, I see there is no sealion, so I build a mIC in iran, 1TT in SA and 2 inf in SA. I see that Italy has committed to not be in the middle east (I have done taronto), so I don’t need that much troops in egypt. I see the force in greece, but no TTs so I want to hit iraq with everything I can. I attack iraq with the 3 inf + 1 art from iran, I have 1 inf + 1 art from west india (with th TT), I also have 1 inf and 1 art from Egypt, + 1tank from egypt. So, at the end of UK2, I have 4 inf, 3 art and 1 tank in iraq

    Germany will then only use his tanks to reinforce turkey.

    The german army in turkey + greece after G3 is:  10 Tanks, 4 Mechs +6 infs.

    I look at this army in turkey, I build 3 inf in iran, I build a mIC in egypt and 1 inf  + 1 art+ 1 TT in SA.

    I can now chose to retreat to iran.
    Iraq -> iran 4 inf + 3 art + 1 tank
    SA-> Iran 2 inf
    East Iran - > iran 1 inf
    80 -> 81 1 TT

    So, At the end of UK3 I will have
    10 inf, 3 art and 1 tank in iran. My planes will have started coming from the homeislands (they will have left on UK2). If we assume I did build 1 ftr on UK1, and lost about 3 to the early combats I will have about 1 bomber, 1 tac and 2-3 ftrs within range of iraq at UK4. Plus, I will have at least 2 ftrs and 1 Tac in India at this point ( You have not done an india crush)

    SO, If you put everything you have in iraq, on G4, You will have:
    Germany : 10 Tanks, 4 Mechs  and 6 infs
    Italy: 2 inf , 2 art 2 tanks.
    This is a total of 26 landunits. I am not strong enough yet to counterattack. However, I need to protect my factory.

    What I have for a possible counterattack on iraq is:
    10 infs, 3 arts 1 tank in iran, 3 inf and 1 arts in  Egypt (with TT), 1 inf 1 art in SA and at least 1 bomber, 2 tacs and 4 ftrs.
    This is 27 units, which means that you have barely enough to stand in iraq.  Next Turn, I will have 34 units for a counterattack, and the turn after I have 41. UK will produce 7- 9 units every turn and you will have to match that with troops from germany.

    The reason I mention this UK plan is that this is standard vanilla play. You need at least enough troops to be able to overcome this and take iran from me. If you take iran and my mIC, you have a shot with your plan, but, then you need to send much more troops. UK have the capability to also send troops from india in support and it is quite difficult to take iran. USSR can also send in planes and supply with mobile troops if they see it coming.

  • Thank you Kreuzfeld for the general critique! It has been really helpful to come to some new ideas. This is a strategy in development and through feedback I can fix loopholes or improve the plan.

    1. I know my priority, that is to win the battle of the Middle East and Africa as soon as possible. To define this into a VC that allows an eventual Axis win: Egypt. There is only 1 Allied player that can and will confront me: the United Kingdom.

    2. I assume Taranto will takes place as this is a natural action of the UK. The same accounts for taking Iran, Ethiopia and Tobruk. I also know how the UK will react on specific German builds or intentions. Most importantly is doing Sea Lion as this forces the UK to turtle London. I already threaten a Sea Lion with my G1 build however the UK player sends over his RAF as soon this seems to be a feign based on my G2 build.

    Going through Turkey offers the Axis a great advantage allowing its initial armour to get into the Middle East fast, against the huge cost of making all other strict neutral pro-allies therefore creating a lot more extra battlefield and infantry reinforcements for the Allies. Only in the Middle East and Africa that are 18 extra Infantry to fight. However, Infantry is good on the defense it is terrible on the offense.

    Sweden costs me 8 Infantry and 1 Artillery that are out of position instead of threatening Leningrad with forces from the Baltic States and actually by attacking it in G2 and later the heavy deployment in Greece without reason signals my battle plan towards my allies. I also go into Russia very weak and might just be repelled in a single turn.

    Another flaw is SZ96 which is likely still held by an UK cruiser, same for SZ97 by enemy Aircraft Carrier, so the last Italian transport is not even able to reach Greece in I1.

    Also the Italian in the Med really need some help as it is swarmed with the RAF and already crumbled in the first place with only 10 IPC to work with. Sending the German Baltic fleet would be ideal, but this leaves Germany without logistical control over the Baltic, allowing the Russian to take over Scandinavia and therefore crippling Germany and becoming a monster itself.

    A lot of loopholes and plans that could easily backfire!


    In my G2 I could fix all of this. By doing Sea Lion. Buying 3 Transports, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Destroyer, 3 Submarine, 1 Tank

    Although that is what it might seem. I send the initial Baltic fleet to take Gibraltar and Morocco (to provide Italy NO) but still able to conquer London. The Africa Korps takes Greece (still a bit strange formed group but logical move for Germany) and I take Normandy. I destroy all UK med fleet leftovers. Non-combat I move all Scandinavian forces to Finland, all German forces to Poland and GSE forces to Western Germany.

    I have 1 Battleship, maybe Cruiser, two full Aircraft Carriers, Destroyer and 6 full transports in range of a Sea Lion. Some aircraft is in position and some is not. Not enough to do a successful Sea Lion but what would you do as the UK? Think oh well its not enough I send my RAF to the med? No, you start doubting. Maybe he made a mistake? Does he really think he can take London with so few? What if? There are no clear other reasons yet why you would buy a second transport/fleet buy other than Sea Lion. I guess most would at least invest 50% or maybe 100% in more defense and keep the Fighters at home to wait and see. Remember as Allies it is your task to not loose.

    What you did in reality was solving a lot of problems. You waited with the Neutral Crush, therefore leaving the Allies without a clue what you are about to do. You ensured 15+ income for Italy by collecting his National Objectives (Italy will take Algeria this turn itself). You send 8 Infantry and 1 Artillery to the Russian front that would be otherwise useless in Sweden. Because you waited with the Neutral the UK will likely not be in time anymore to take Saudi Arabia or the African neutrals. You created a new Baltic Fleet able to take Sweden in G3 and Leningrad in G4 instead. The creation of this Baltic Fleet lets you send the Bismarck and initial fleet to the Med to help take Egypt or even South Africa G4 while multiplying Italy’s income X3 in its second turn. By killing Greece as Germany you give the Italians some breathing space and they don’t have to sacrifice their transport yet or show the Axis intentions preparing the UK. By making the Sea Lion feign a whole lot more serious than your first buy you force the UK to remain defensive for another crucial turn!

    Ofcourse then in Italy Turn 2 you still attack Turkey (1 Bomber, 2 Fighters, 2 Tanks, 2 Artillery, 2 Infantry) and show your intentions but nobody would have time to react anymore as Germany does all the action and is now only 1 turn away from either Egypt, Leningrad and/or South Africa. Also the RAF will have not enough time anymore to re-position to the Med before Egypt or Iraq/Iran is taken.

    Yes you have 7-8 Tanks less in the battle of Leningrad, you have 8 Infantry, 1 Artillery (scandinavia) + 4 Infantry, 2 Artillery (transports) in total 12 Infantry and 3 Artillery able to attack Leningrad instead while forcing the UK to play defensive and hiding your intentions until the last moment. All warfare is based on deception in this G2 buy might just provide that.

    As you will take Southern France and Tunisia with Italy in its first turn, and Algeria and Turkey in its second turn, Italy collects 32 IPC in its second turn, mission already accomplished! Because of Germany in G2 now it collects all it National Objectives besides the oil that will succeed hopefully next turn. But 30+ IPC is already enough for Italy to become a Major Axis to tip the balance.

    3. Good point, I will just focus on getting Leningrad in Russia then for now.

    4. Also good point. I am indeed planning going Bomber heavy after G3 so will buy Mech. Infantry instead of Tanks.

    Also I do not see the South African transport in my or 2nd edition set up, or am I mistaken?

    Secondly I intent to do India crush in J4, but if Australia is barely defended I might take that one and make India the winning Pacific VC city. I am still unsure about what JDOW would be best for this strategy, I think JDOW4 but other might show me otherwise.

    What do you think?

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Good discussion all,

    Looks like the takeaways are

    1. getting into the middle east via turkey with a blitz into Syria/Iraq/NWP/Caucausus is a cool idea

    2. but you’ll have to spend your 4 turns of peace knocking out minor objectives like neutrals and Egypt while the Allies get big

    3. once the afrika korps forms up, its main mission (kill all allied stuff in Africa) has already been accomplished and it would be a mop-up squad to take the rest of the IPCs and maybe India/S. Russia

    4)  and while that is cool, it doesn’t move you directly towards killing an Allied capital/team, which is regressive

    5*) therefore, Africa is a juicy but time consuming distraction as ever (IMO)

  • @taamvan:

    Good discussion all,

    Looks like the takeaways are

    1. getting into the middle east via turkey with a blitz into Syria/Iraq/NWP/Caucausus is a cool idea

    2. but you’ll have to spend your 4 turns of peace knocking out minor objectives like neutrals and Egypt while the Allies get big

    3. once the afrika korps forms up, its main mission (kill all allied stuff in Africa) has already been accomplished and it would be a mop-up squad to take the rest of the IPCs and maybe India/S. Russia

    4)  and while that is cool, it doesn’t move you directly towards killing an Allied capital/team, which is regressive

    5*) therefore, Africa is a juicy but time consuming distraction as ever (IMO)

    Getting to South Russia is in my eye progress towards killing Russia while making a lot of $$

    Also by reading through the forums I observe that a lot of Axis stalemates on the European map are the result of an heavily defended Egypt unable to be taken after the capture of Moscow. Egypt is a lot easier reinforced by the USA/UK than Moscow is.

    I would also not agree with your statement about the Allies growing big. China is destroyed, UK lost a lot of income, USSR lost income, USA lost income, UK pacific is captured in J4, only ANZAC has grown while France is still KO. Yes Japan is smaller than normal but Germany and Italy are earning some serious $

  • I am trying out the Afrika Korp in a Balanced Mod game.  UK opted for an unprovoked DOW on Japan on UK1.  They are now earning huge amounts of income; capturing India via amphibious landing on J4 will be impossible.  I will give some lessons learned once this League match is complete.

  • @Arthur:

    I am trying out the Afrika Korp in a Balanced Mod game.  UK opted for an unprovoked DOW on Japan on UK1.  They are now earning huge amounts of income; capturing India via amphibious landing on J4 will be impossible.  I will give some lessons learned once this League match is complete.

    Nice! Looking forward to how that game went!

  • Well it looks like China is getting out of control on turn 2.  They retook Yunnan and it got reinforced by India to the point that I can’t reconquer it on J3.  There are 7 more mech infantry that were built by India on UK2 so Yunnan is going to be an impenetrable fortress for the foreseeable future.

    On the European front, things are not going that hot either.  I had some slightly bad die rolls on the first round, losing several German planes in the attack on the UK Navy.  I also lost a bomber doing a raid over London on G2.  I have insufficient forces to do Sea Lion on G3; now I face the decision of ferrying forces to Scotland and do a G4 Sea Lion, or abandon the operation.

    Italy is the only positive part of the battle.  The Med is clear and I will be capturing both Gibraltar and Egypt on I3.  There is no need to do a Neutral crush in this game…

  • Well the game is over on J4 and the Axis have suffered a humiliating defeat.  Neither side of the board was doing well.

    Europe: UK moved fleet next to Gibraltar on UK1 and fortified that territory.  There was no way for Germany to capture it on G2.  I switched to Sea Lion but with slightly bad dice rolling during the game the chance of success was almost zero.  Italy captured Egypt on I3 and was making 42 PUs.  Unfortunately Germany was going to get slaughtered by Russia.

    Asia:  The attack on Russia on J1 is not a good plan.  UK simply declared war on UK1 and their income was too massive.  With help from ANZAC + China + India, Yunnan became an impenetrable fortress.  Key ship blocks prevented Japan from capturing islands on J3.  Perhaps better ship placement would help.  Still, I am not a fan of attacking Russia unless they put 4+ troops in Amur.  I don’t see any way for India to fall on J4 with the attack on J1 heading towards Russia, allowing the unprovoked DOW.

    I won’t be trying this strategy again any time soon.

  • @Arthur:

    Well the game is over on J4 and the Axis have suffered a humiliating defeat.  Neither side of the board was doing well.

    **Europe:  **UK moved fleet next to Gibraltar on UK1 and fortified that territory.  There was no way for Germany to capture it on G2.  I switched to Sea Lion but with slightly bad dice rolling during the game the chance of success was almost zero.  Italy captured Egypt on I3 and was making 42 PUs.  Unfortunately Germany was going to get slaughtered by Russia.

    Asia:  The attack on Russia on J1 is not a good plan.  UK simply declared war on UK1 and their income was too massive.  With help from ANZAC + China + India, Yunnan became an impenetrable fortress.  Key ship blocks prevented Japan from capturing islands on J3.  Perhaps better ship placement would help.  Still, I am not a fan of attacking Russia unless they put 4+ troops in Amur.  I don’t see any way for India to fall on J4 with the attack on J1 heading towards Russia, allowing the unprovoked DOW.

    I won’t be trying this strategy again any time soon.

    Thanks for trying! I get the feeling a standard JDOW1 will ne nescessery to put pressure on the UK pacific and the Russia attack leaves you too much out of position to threat anything. Did you felt the same?

    How was the UK in Africa and Middle East?  Why was Italy able to become big enough on its own? These situations might be a signal for Germany in G2: plan B, go for Russia, Italy does not need help. Did you felt there was any way for the Axis to gain advantage going through turkey so early?

    This will to get insight in different sort of scenarios.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Haven’t read the whole thread but:
    Won’t the UK take a transport from SZ109 to send a troop to South America, which will activate all of the armies in no time. Doesn’t matter that USA are out of the war.

    no one said this in the first page and a half.

  • @simon33:

    Haven’t read the whole thread but:
    Won’t the UK take a transport from SZ109 to send a troop to South America, which will activate all of the armies in no time. Doesn’t matter that USA are out of the war.

    no one said this in the first page and a half.

    Good point, we missed it indeed so far!  Then shuttling 11 Infantry to Africa. Hmm.

  • Arthur Bomber Harris, was your opponent aware of your plan to use this strat. A UK1 Pac attack on Japan is pretty rare. Did the UK do a Taronto (doesn’t sound like it because Italy was in good shape).

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    Arthur Bomber Harris, was your opponent aware of your plan to use this strat. A UK1 Pac attack on Japan is pretty rare. Did the UK do a Taronto (doesn’t sound like it because Italy was in good shape).

    If the Japanese transports are north on J1 and not at a naval base, they are no risk to India til J4 anyway. ANZAC and UK Pacific can clean up on the money islands and NOs til Japan can contest them. It sounds to me like his opponent made the strategically sound decision to start collecting a lot of money if that was the case – it costs UK nothing to declare war if Japan cannot retaliate by taking away UK territory.

    However, I’m speculating – perhaps his opponent was aware of the plan…


  • It did make it clear that attacking Amur even when not defended is a wrong move. Normally UK1 declaring war on Japan is a godsend as you can take their islands without any USA interference in Europe. There is no situation the fleet is really neede (fully) in SZ6.

    What about sending two full transports with carrier, battleship etc to reinforce Kwangsi. Losing Yunnan is indeed terrible for Japan. This provides enough threat for the UK to remain silent, provides force to take over islands or can simply fight against the Chinese in Yunnan.

    Does not need JDOW1 to help Europe while also not weakening Russian border that much. Might be better for Japan to wait a couple of turns with Russia if Amur is not stacked and just focus China then while prepares for India/Sydney Crush.

    Yes they do not gain much IPC but with China defeated in 3 Turns but you actually save a lot of IPC that needs to be spend on ground forces fighting Chinese otherwise

    I come to think that a actually the United Kingdom are the game makers for the Allies if given the chance, the ones who delay delay and will take every opportunity given to this from the first turn. Especially for Italy in all games but as shown also possible for Japan or Germany. So they need to be threatened, contained or quickly decimated. Germany going Sea Lion is sub-optimal, Japan going India is optimal. I have been through a lot of battles in the League section and the UK making 35-40 early on dis not seem an exception.

    Therefore I think the best Axis early investments are in threatening the UK (transports) and placing them able to force UK into defense instead of offense. This gives the Axis the power do the offense in the first few turns while all Allies are forced into defense.

    Better still, because of these early UK investments you can focus 100% on Russia or the USA later on, instead of reacting to the UK.

    This theory of UK first goes will with the Afrika Korps strategy, as Africa and Middle East are the UK stronghold and money maker. Without it they are a minor Ally, with it a major Ally. When Italy is making 40+ IPC (possible when Axis go UK first) it is able to defend its own + Europe against the USA. Making it possible to fully focus on Russia and win the game.

  • I adjusted the strategy based on lessons learned and strategic talk so far! Also did some changes already to the Battle Plan but will have to update and improve it some more later on. Thanks for all the discussion and even try out of the strategy.

  • I decided to try out this strategy the other day and it hasn’t failed quite yet, but it seems I am at a bit of a disadvantage right now. Currently its round 7 and the Germans have made some headway into Africa as they are only 2 spots away from South Africa. They own most of the middle east but just last turn the Russians were able to capture Turkey and have about 10 land units on it. The Germans also own no Russian territories because to make any progress in the middle east and Africa Germany had too send enough units to do it and didn’t have enough to fight Russia. At one point Russia had full control of Slovakia. Also Germany has lost control of Norway to the U.S and they have built a minor there. Western Europe is heavily defended by Italy as they are making 30+ IPC’s a turn, but Spain looks like it is about to fall to yet another invasion attempt by the Americans and British combined.

    Japan declared war on turn 1 and avoided attacking the Russians. The Japs looked like they were doing great because they had all of China by turn 5 and were threatening India, plus they owned all the money islands, but than the Russians sent over a pile of men and tanks because Germany wasn’t able to do much to Russia so Russia had units to spare. So now they are losing Chinese spots fast to the Russians. The Japs also currently have next to nothing of their navy left because they attacked the American fleet and succeeded but than got brutal rolls against a British fleet that came over from the Pacific.

    I think Italy will be able to defend Europe for a bit longer w\out support from the Germans but the Germans will have to help defend Spain. The Germans if they get to spend all their money on Russian could make some progress but some of their money is going into Africa cause the Allies bought a complex on Egypt and British is now spending 15 IPC’s a turn on the South Africa complex so taking Africa is becoming a struggle. The Japs if they spend almost all their money on the mainland buying land units will be able to retake what they’ve lost to the Russians in China but with barely any fleet left the combined forces of whats left of the British fleet, the transports and subs of Anzac and the newly built American fleet, soon all the money island will be in Allied hands and Japan’s economy will suffer because of that. On the other hand if Japan responds to the fleet build up and spends most of their money on ships, they will either be overrun on the mainland or if they are lucky just hold their original Chinese spots. Either way Japan’s economy is going to suffer in the coming turns.

  • @GermanEmpire:

    I decided to try out this strategy the other day and it hasn’t failed quite yet, but it seems I am at a bit of a disadvantage right now. Currently its round 7 and the Germans have made some headway into Africa as they are only 2 spots away from South Africa. They own most of the middle east but just last turn the Russians were able to capture Turkey and have about 10 land units on it. The Germans also own no Russian territories because to make any progress in the middle east and Africa Germany had too send enough units to do it and didn’t have enough to fight Russia. At one point Russia had full control of Slovakia. Also Germany has lost control of Norway to the U.S and they have built a minor there. Western Europe is heavily defended by Italy as they are making 30+ IPC’s a turn, but Spain looks like it is about to fall to yet another invasion attempt by the Americans and British combined.

    Japan declared war on turn 1 and avoided attacking the Russians. The Japs looked like they were doing great because they had all of China by turn 5 and were threatening India, plus they owned all the money islands, but than the Russians sent over a pile of men and tanks because Germany wasn’t able to do much to Russia so Russia had units to spare. So now they are losing Chinese spots fast to the Russians. The Japs also currently have next to nothing of their navy left because they attacked the American fleet and succeeded but than got brutal rolls against a British fleet that came over from the Pacific.

    I think Italy will be able to defend Europe for a bit longer w\out support from the Germans but the Germans will have to help defend Spain. The Germans if they get to spend all their money on Russian could make some progress but some of their money is going into Africa cause the Allies bought a complex on Egypt and British is now spending 15 IPC’s a turn on the South Africa complex so taking Africa is becoming a struggle. The Japs if they spend almost all their money on the mainland buying land units will be able to retake what they’ve lost to the Russians in China but with barely any fleet left the combined forces of whats left of the British fleet, the transports and subs of Anzac and the newly built American fleet, soon all the money island will be in Allied hands and Japan’s economy will suffer because of that. On the other hand if Japan responds to the fleet build up and spends most of their money on ships, they will either be overrun on the mainland or if they are lucky just hold their original Chinese spots. Either way Japan’s economy is going to suffer in the coming turns.

    Looks like a very interesting game! What were your first German builds? How did the UK react?

    Also what did the USA when you crushed the Neutrals and JDOW1? I imagine first four turns spending on the Pacific and then full Europe?

    Would it have made a difference when you send Afrika Korps mainly towards Southern Russia? What were the initial Russian forces in Caucasus and Stalingrad when you captured Turkey with Italy (or did you do Germany?).

  • @Marshmallow:


    Arthur Bomber Harris, was your opponent aware of your plan to use this strat. A UK1 Pac attack on Japan is pretty rare. Did the UK do a Taronto (doesn’t sound like it because Italy was in good shape).

    If the Japanese transports are north on J1 and not at a naval base, they are no risk to India til J4 anyway. ANZAC and UK Pacific can clean up on the money islands and NOs til Japan can contest them. It sounds to me like his opponent made the strategically sound decision to start collecting a lot of money if that was the case – it costs UK nothing to declare war if Japan cannot retaliate by taking away UK territory.

    However, I’m speculating – perhaps his opponent was aware of the plan…


    Exactly my point, that’s why I was asking for more info. Did the opponent know the plan, and if he did this test game didn’t offer much. The UK1 attack on the Japanese, and what looks like no Taronto raid seem to be pretty rare IMO. Both of these UK moves would directly have an effect on this Afrikorps strat.

    On the Pac side if you know that they are going to slow boat it (keep the US out until they DOW end of US3) then yea you attack early with the UK because it has no effect on the US war status anyway. If he didn’t know the overall plan then as the Japanese you need to do a much better job of selling a J2 attack (then a J3 attack). As you said Marsh, if the Japanese navy/tpts are out of position to threaten the UK/Anz, then it could be coincidental that the UK was aggressive. You need to transport units down to Kwangsi to threaten the DEI etc…(can use them to retake Yunnan). You need to keep pressure on the UK, and make sure that if they are aggressive that you can make them pay at Burma etc… (while keeping your ground units from being easy targets).

    On the Euro side if you know the plan then you probably want to preserve your UK assets for counter attacks/def. Plus you know it will be awhile before the US can bail you out. England is a possible alternate target, so you have to defend the Island Kingdom. Forgoing a Taronto Raid helps with both of these issues, and kinda works directly against this AK strat. It keeps most of the RAF at home, and the Med fleet stays alive. Now it is possible that if he followed a heavy G1 naval build (carrier, dd, tpt) that the UK player just buckled down. So again as the axis you want to threaten England, but you also want the UK Med fleet sunk so it can’t be used later (need to walk a fine line on G1).

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