Bear in mind, the land units on the transport only act on their Turn.
Mongolia - Allies getting Korea.
Hi all…
I have read The Mongolian Rules by Gamerman01 ( which is fantastic ) and I can’t see these situation I have answered, so here it goes.
A logic answer’s would be great, and i am sorry for thinking too in depth over Mongolia Rules, but this is AnA and any circumstances may happen in a game unexpectedly….Mongolia is yet to be attacked by any of the Political circumstances:
USA attacks Korea which has no effect to Mongolia. On Soviets next turn they have units in reach of going into Korea in which they do.
Q 1) Mongolia will NOT be negated because of the USA already in Korea, correct? -
Now Japan fights for Korea and wins the territory back from the USA and then Russia decides to attack Korea the next round.
Q 2) This attack from Soviets on Korea will Negate Mongolia, even though the USA previously held Korea and Russia put there troops in with USA, correct? -
Reading Gamerman01 Mongolia rule, he states that any Ally can attack Mongolia. Doing so will turn the rest of the Neutrals in the World against that side:
Q 3) So if it was Germany attacking a Mongolian territory to activate Mongolia, causing the other Strict in the world Pro Allies, that Mongolian territory Germany attacked becomes German owned from then on and the other 5 territories in Mongolia Negated? -
Q 4) If my Question 3 is correct, then the Allies can attack that one Axis territory in Mongolia?
Think that’s my 4 questions. BTW thanks for Young Grasshopper’s video on Mongolian Rules too!
Q 1) Mongolia will NOT be negated because of the USA already in Korea, correct?
Correct. A typical allied strategy is to land usa units in Korea or Manchuria and then have Russian troops move into reinforce them. As long as the Russians themselves aren’t taking territories adjacent to Mongolia, it doesn’t break Mongolia’s neutrality.
Q 2) This attack from Soviets on Korea will Negate Mongolia, even though the USA previously held Korea and Russia put there troops in with USA, correct?
Yes, in that case Mongolia would become permanently neutral.
Q 3) So if it was Germany attacking a Mongolian territory to activate Mongolia, causing the other Strict in the world Pro Allies, that Mongolian territory Germany attacked becomes German owned from then on and the other 5 territories in Mongolia Negated?
If Germany were to attack Mongolia (when Mongolia is neutral), then ALL neutral territories would become pro-allied neutrals waiting to be activated.
- Q 4) If my Question 3 is correct, then the Allies can attack that one Axis territory in Mongolia?
If Axis has attacked Mongolia, then the Mongolian rules are no longer relevant, since all neutrals, including all Mongolian territories, are now pro-allied neutrals.
Mostly right.
If Germany attacks a Mongolian territory then Japan attacks a Soviet territory neighbouring Mongolia the remaining Mongolian territories will be activated immediately as USSR units rather than needing to wait for USSR or another ally to NCM into the territory to activate them. A subtle distinction, perhaps.
Thank you both so far for your answers, much appreciated as always. I am sure it is rare that a German land would go as far as Mongolia, but you never know in an AnA game!
Don’t forget that the Japanese can attack and occupy the 3 Russian Far East Territories that do not border Mongolia without any further consequence.
(except perhaps that Russia is then at war for the purposes of its convoy NO, and that Russia can attack back; however as long as Japan only owns these 3 Russia still can’t attack Manchuria without deactivating Mongolia. The Russians can attack Korea with impunity, I believe).
\ The Russians can attack Korea with impunity, I believe).
As mentioned in reply 1, this is not correct.
Thank you, I constantly goof that point up (and many others). Was going to consult my rules, but the pdf was corrupt.
Apparently that only changed from after the alpha+3 rules to 2nd ed.
thank goodness then. So then its an even bolder (and less incorrect statement of)
Taking the 3 soviet far east territories that don’t border Mongolia has few, if any consequences for Japan.
Thanks to the editorial staff
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