I don’t understand what you mine
New blockhouse pieces….
I designed these blockhouses using a free online program (Tinkercad) and had them 3-D printed recently. They will make an appearance soon in our custom game. HBG is now selling them if anyone is interested.
They are 12mm wide and 7mm tall.
My House Rules for Blockhouses:
Cost: 8
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Move: 0
Blockhouses help defend territories against enemy attack.
· Blockhouses may be placed in any land territory you have owned since the beginning of your turn. No factory need be present. Limit one per territory. Cannot move once placed.
· When under attack and defending infantry are present, place the blockhouse +4 chips in the bonus section of the battle board to soak hits of attackers. If no defending infantry are present, the blockhouse is left in the territory and ignored during the battle.
· If a territory containing an empty blockhouse is taken over by enemy ground forces, the blockhouse is removed.
· Enemy Airborne can remove blockhouse chips before the battle starts matched on a 1:1 basis. -
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Aug 19, 2016, 1:21 PM
Awesome looking !
Yeah those are pretty darn cool.
Those are very cool looking. I have some, but haven’t got to paint, in awhile.
These look terrific!
Do you have a shop on Shapeways? Seeing if I an get them cheaper.
Do you have a shop on Shapeways? Seeing if I an get them cheaper.
No I don’t - I sold the design to HBG, sorry…
Love HGB……but $3-$4 a piece adds up
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