WE have done on our own longtime ago based on the xeno game but we change the rules, map and chart.278999193_2826327174327899_1594387835970128913_n.jpg 278671828_728074555207246_8848699411888115333_n.jpg 279156672_3237479476496915_4160741075211625688_n.jpg
War and Peace (2012)
Thanks for the links Wolf :-)
I just got this game, and hope to play it soon. :-D
Thanks Private Panic!
I think I will enjoy it. :-)
I haven’t played this in a while. Maybe my group missed something. It always seemed to me thought that France could easily hold its coast while running over Austria and even Prussia if necessary and then slowly over power Russia since they are making so much money at that point. I always found that Britain’s only chance was to try to run through Spain and hopefully do it faster than France gets through Prussia and Austria, then kill France from both sides. However, it has been a while and my opponents tended to also make major mistakes so that could have lead to me finding this game very one sided.