• This is my personal opinion:

    I think Allies are overpowerd in balancemod 2 by a good margin. I also think many players have forgotten how to play Allies.

    You might be playing allies wrong!

    Most times allies loose is because they fail to keep Russia safe first 10-11 rounds. That is a player playing the game outright wrong.

    Here are some tips:

    • Kill Italys economy first. All the way so it will never ever recover. This is easy.

    • Dont think so much about UK defence as Sealion leads to Russia taking Romania and allies having good time killing Japan.
      Sealion is a death trap for Germany.

    • Build ALOT of subs and convoy raid all possible seazones.

    • Build a fleet that mirrors the japanese fleet in the pacific. Dont build a oversized fleet.

    • Build alot of trannies in the atlantic and the pacific. Then build units and put them into trannies. Dont build to many warships.

    • Always trade units with Germany and Japan to slow them down. Send in trannies to annoy them.
      Reward for not doing this is that Germany can focus on Russia and Japan can focus on India. Then you loose.

    • As UK. Focus on middeleast and Russia support. Dont build much fleet. You can however build subs and bombers. Wait for US and build trannies when they arrive.

    • Empty London of landunits lategame. Send them to fight Hitler.

    • Dont loose India and Russia. If you somehow do, move your units away so you can come back and retake it later.

    • Dont ever build: Battleships, Cruisers and AA guns. This have not changed.

    • Dont build many tanks with Soviet. Its ok to buy Mec though.

    • Russia should dow Japan and support China and India. This is because they have time to do so and then turn back to defend Moscow.
      Its not like they can stop early german invation anyway.

    • Australia should use all its landunits to attack Japan and support India.

    Your doing it right if:

    You have a big load of UK fighters and mec in Persia area that supports India and Russia.

    Have no landunits and AA guns exept newly build in US or Australia because they all went to attack Japan and Germany.

    Have alot of subs convoying and some bombers bombing.


    1. Attack Italy and make them unimportant.
    2. Focus on containing Japan but send a small US taskforce to Europe.
    3. When Japan is somewhat contained attack Germany 100% with US.
    4. If Russia falls. Move your oversized Russian stack Vologda or Samara. Big problem for Germany.
      Keep Germans away from the middeleast. Now UK/India is the new Russia.

    Do not plan on defending.

    Do anyone else have something to add please post here.
    It is okey to disagree with me.

    • Dont think so much about UK defence as Sealion leads to Russia taking Romania and allies having good time killing Japan.
      Sealion is a death trap for Germany.

    Not so sure about that. I have won many sealion games.

    • Russia should dow Japan and support China and India. This is because they have time to do so and then turn back to defend Moscow.
      Its not like they can stop early german invation anyway.

    How is Russia supposed to take Romania after a sealion if all their planes, armor and mech are in China?

    Its really difficult to plan a strategy for the Allies.  They are mostly reacting during the first 3-4 rounds.

  • How is Russia supposed to take Romania after a sealion if all their planes, armor and mech are in China?

    Build even more mec and tanks. Russia will have a big advantage in units and should push into romania as easily as Germany push into East Poland. They might get trown out r6-8.

    Im not saying you should let germany take London.
    I am saying its ok to give Germany odds between 60-90% to preform sealion depending on the game.

    The big drawback doing sealion is that US can focus on Japan for a long time.

  • I have never seen that happen. Everytime I have seen a sealion USA does everything they can to take it back.

  • @cyanight:

    I have never seen that happen. Everytime I have seen a sealion USA does everything they can to take it back.

    That is very true, however for the most part if UK builds a moderate defense in London on UK1 (3-4inf) Sea Lion becomes too costly for Germany and leaves the door open for Moscow to survive.

  • @Nameless:

    • Kill Italys economy first. All the way so it will never ever recover. This is easy.

    How do you suggest to achieve this? Italy has a half decent economy that doesn’t die because the Allies sneeze in their direction.

    Convoying SZ97 is always a favourite, but also relatively easily countered with one DD (perhaps more against 3+ subs) and some scrambled fighters.

  • How to kill Italys economy:

    Have a big us/uk airfleet that kills all Italian ships. Later that airfleet go Soviet.

    Send India air to africa.

    Build something like 2fgt Sub uk 1.

    Defend Gibraltar with air r1. Defend Egypt.

    Convoy all seasones with subs early.

    Build airbase in Gibraltar soon and send 1 dd inside to block NO.

    Italy is Germanys biggest weakness. If you play IT right Germany might be forced to help defend Rome lategame.

  • Seems to expose you to both Sea Lion and axis victory in the pacific.

  • Seems to expose you to both Sea Lion and axis victory in the pacific.

    It might give Germany 80% odds of doing sealion, but that is not a problem.

    Best way to defend sealion is to have enough units to sink 1carrier, 1cruiser and 2 fgt r2 with good odds, should they go scotland.

    Russia should help alot in the pacific. US will focus mostly on Japan but should have a taskforce in europe that have main objective to slow Italy.

    Attacking Germany first is counter productive and should only be attempted after you contain Italy and Japan.

  • I did that 2 fighter buy UK1 once - lost to a sea lion. G40 of course, not BM. You can look here: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37785.10000

    London first fell G3. Then G5 and G9. Neither side could hold it.

    I think the 3 rules of playing Allies are:

    • defend Moscow
    • defend Moscow
    • defend Moscow

    I still think the Finish peninsula has merit for this in that it provides a staging point to get fighters from London to Moscow. As well as being a significant IPC swing.

  • I think the 3 rules of playing Allies are:

    • defend Moscow
    • defend Moscow
    • defend Moscow

    Thats so right. And its quite easy post sealion.
    Voted you up.

  • Hitting Spain with the US is also a viable option. Or even have the US land in France or Italy. The US could also commit to the Pacific combined with the Red Dragon Strategy can really ruin Japan’s field day in China and in SE Asia.

  • I agere!

    I do think its best to fokus more on Japan r1-4 and then attack europe when germany is pushing into russia and luftwaffe is bussy there.

  • I think Europe should be done first for rounds 1 - 4 for the US to put up a fight against Germany and Italy. Then focus on the Pacific until Japan becomes utterly useless. You dont have to kill Japan , but make it so it cant function. Because it is an island it can be surrounded and depleted of resources. Same goes for The United Kingdom.Germany however is not a island and can break out of a stack of land units  But that is my opinion on the matter.

  • I can more or less win pacific in 4 rounds in US go kgf.

  • The best Allied strategy is:

    Predict in time.

    The soonest you get a picture of what Euro and Pacific Axis are doing and what their basic strategy is (Sealion, Africarun or Rush for Moscow)
    the better you can

    react in the manner of giving Axis player less options.
    I.e.: If Germany purchased TT first Round, react in the manner of stockpile UK London with Inf and Air. If No J1 DOW happened set up and euro Axis is stronger?, prep. US Atl first and so on and start to

    where the next battles will be, what you may loose and have to replace.
    I.e.: Germany killed all your russian Inf. bumpers?
    Replace them plus with whatever would make your defence stronger.

    In time! So think ahead.
    I am not a firm believer in an all in all Strategy.
    My two cents.


  • @aequitas:

    The best Allied strategy is:

    Predict in time.

    The soonest you get a picture of what Euro and Pacific Axis are doing and what their basic strategy is (Sealion, Africarun or Rush for Moscow)
    the better you can

    That is a pretty good idea

    react in the manner of giving Axis player less options.
    I.e.: If Germany purchased TT first Round, react in the manner of stockpile UK London with Inf and Air. If No J1 DOW happened set up and euro Axis is stronger?, prep. US Atl first and so on and start to

    where the next battles will be, what you may loose and have to replace.
    I.e.: Germany killed all your russian Inf. bumpers?
    Replace them plus with whatever would make your defence stronger.

    In time! So think ahead.
    I am not a firm believer in an all in all Strategy.
    My two cents.


  • There are some decisions Allies can make early, that can make Axis life harder.
    In faCT these decisions go a long way in winning the game for Allies.

    So, if G1 buy is a Navy, does USSR still withdraw all Far East forces….???

    I usuallY do not withdraw more than 6… Just the six in Buryatia go West. The remaining 12+2 AAA go into Amur on R2 or R3, when safe. This is a big headache for Japan on J2/J3 onward…as they have to garrison Manchuria.

    Also, USSR1 buy of ALL ART is brutally efficient,  providing a counter in Bryansk on R5

    Similarly, if Germany buys IC in Romania or buys Subs and SBRs, then UK1, buy in Egypt of mIC (check Luftwaffe position, to be safe, first) , 4 ART in UK should be fine.

    If J1 DOW on USSR, and uses a TR against Soviet FarEast…then Anzac 1 buy of 1 FTR , India 1 buy of 4 Mechs is good or TR for Sumatra, (if existing TR used to kill Ethiopians ).


  • @Nameless:

    This is my personal opinion:

    I think Allies are overpowerd in balancemod 2 by a good margin. I also think many players have forgotten how to play Allies.

    You might be playing allies wrong!

    Most times allies loose is because they fail to keep Russia safe first 10-11 rounds. That is a player playing the game outright wrong.

    Here are some tips:

    • Kill Italys economy first. All the way so it will never ever recover. This is easy.

    • Dont think so much about UK defence as Sealion leads to Russia taking Romania and allies having good time killing Japan.
      Sealion is a death trap for Germany.

    • Build ALOT of subs and convoy raid all possible seazones.

    • Build a fleet that mirrors the japanese fleet in the pacific. Dont build a oversized fleet.

    • Build alot of trannies in the atlantic and the pacific. Then build units and put them into trannies. Dont build to many warships.

    • Always trade units with Germany and Japan to slow them down. Send in trannies to annoy them.
      Reward for not doing this is that Germany can focus on Russia and Japan can focus on India. Then you loose.

    • As UK. Focus on middeleast and Russia support. Dont build much fleet. You can however build subs and bombers. Wait for US and build trannies when they arrive.

    • Empty London of landunits lategame. Send them to fight Hitler.

    • Dont loose India and Russia. If you somehow do, move your units away so you can come back and retake it later.

    • Dont ever build: Battleships, Cruisers and AA guns. This have not changed.

    • Dont build many tanks with Soviet. Its ok to buy Mec though.

    • Russia should dow Japan and support China and India. This is because they have time to do so and then turn back to defend Moscow.
      Its not like they can stop early german invation anyway.

    • Australia should use all its landunits to attack Japan and support India.

    Your doing it right if:

    You have a big load of UK fighters and mec in Persia area that supports India and Russia.

    Have no landunits and AA guns exept newly build in US or Australia because they all went to attack Japan and Germany.

    Have alot of subs convoying and some bombers bombing.


    1. Attack Italy and make them unimportant.
    2. Focus on containing Japan but send a small US taskforce to Europe.
    3. When Japan is somewhat contained attack Germany 100% with US.
    4. If Russia falls. Move your oversized Russian stack Vologda or Samara. Big problem for Germany.
      Keep Germans away from the middeleast. Now UK/India is the new Russia.

    Do not plan on defending.

    Do anyone else have something to add please post here.
    It is okey to disagree with me.

    I pretty much agree with all of this. I think US should build all on europe R1 because the US doesn’t have a starting force strong enough to threaten Germany or Italy and then the next turns start building more on the pacific to contain Japan. Of course once that happens purchase 100 or almost 100% on europe to start landing in europe.

    I also have to agree with aequitas et veritas about observing and reacting it’s really important especially if you are US.

  • What about an english strategy of industrializing the middle east?  Take Iraq and Iran on turn 1 and build complexes in egypt, iraq and iran.  The fleet/airforce from india can sure up defense of the middle east until production is up and running.  Building mechanical infantry in the middle east can help ensure india does not fall to japan or truck into russia with air support.

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