G40 update: Testers we need your help!

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    In that case maybe don’t call it a 3rd edition, or anything like that, just “Tournament Rules.” If it was coming from Larry? If it used the regular boxed game as its basis?

    You could really do quite a lot with the addition of more bases. Even if it was just a couple more starting bases in select territories, that would add considerable interest and replay value to the already existing game.

    I agree with Marsh. A rule allowing the US to build bases in British/Anzac territories as an expression of the unique situation attending to the Anglo-American alliance would be really quite cool. It would have interesting and wide ranging implications for the broader gameplay patterns, opening up countless options for the Allies due to the turn order, once the US is at war. That right there would be better than any bid I can think of, and it doesn’t really require a whole lot of rules overhead to implement. Basically you’d get a whole new game out it.

  • What I feel is the real problem here is the problem with bases. Bases are for one, too expensive, and two, if the Allies can liberate each-others territories, whats restricting them from building bases on them? America should be able to build bases all over French territory, and even be able to Build on UK as well, on the historical basis that the US kept the UK war effort running with endless military supplies.

    I’m all for a Sierra Leon change, but what all of us really want is more flexibility of bases.

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    What I feel is the real problem here is the problem with bases. Bases are for one, too expensive, and two, if the Allies can liberate each-others territories, whats restricting them from building bases on them? America should be able to build bases all over French territory, and even be able to Build on UK as well, on the historical basis that the US kept the UK war effort running with endless military supplies.

    I’m all for a Sierra Leon change, but what all of us really want is more flexibility of bases.

    It’s a good idea, but again… if the territory don’t belong to the US, there should at least be an American land unit there before they can build a base.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    That’d be a cool way to prevent an all out base spam and restrict somewhat their initial influence, while still allowing the Americans to open things up down the road for the British/Australians, once they started actually moving out into territories around the globe. By requiring that the territory have an American ground unit, before it can support a base, you give them an incentive to send out expeditionary forces a little earlier, as opposed to just stacking and waiting. Sure the initial expeditionary force (or transport carrying it) might have to be sacrificed, but the work they do in establishing a network of bases around the globe would make it easier for the reinforcements coming along after them.

    This seems pretty historical to me, since the Americans built bases in locations all over the British Empire during this period.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Couple of things

    If you make it a british colony, then the british integrity can be lost by losing it.   If it doesn’t have any income, it doesn’t matter.  Its just another square on a gigantic board.

    The desire for extra bases “for accuracy” is a stretch, because you can build bases anywhere you want.   Just build them.   They are NOT overcosted.   One movement space opens massive possibilities.   In quite a few of my games, Russia, ANZAC or UK builds bases in the sticks.   They often are part of a gambit, and they have a devastating effect.   Making UK or Russia buy the base with a 30 ish income is perfect;  in order to do it at all they have to make a substantial sacrifice.

    Larry doesn’t own AxA.   He created it, was paid for that, and the relationship was mutual.   I think a lot of people do not understand that this is a VERY low margin product, and you only buy it once.   Those AxA miniatures?  Now a segmented product, that’s a cash cow. Â

    Well designed, attractive products that ONLY cost $90 are farily unusual anymore.  Now add that 4 people have played 100 games, the cost per person per game is about $1.   Â

    These are truly great games.   They are among the best wargames, for their simplicity compared to the rest. Â

    However, it is a very mature franchise, and there will not be AxA lunchboxes, pencils etc.   All the products that we could have conceived of in the milleu have pretty much been created (and totally dismissed by the community, eg WW1, Dday). Â

    That is the context of an update.   They already updated this game one time.   It isn’t all that balanced, but its a lot more balanced than most of the people here think.   And, its a lot more affordable/complete/comprehensive/understandable than most of the people here imply too.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    I wouldn’t disagree with anything you said there taamvan. But if the product already exists, and the overhead involved in updating a couple rules or options on a website FAQ doesn’t really cost you anything, then I think there is a certain value to be had from that, just in keeping players engaged with the product. Even after it has been out for a while and ceased to deliver big returns. If anything I see it as a way to encourage continued sales, by demonstrating the continued vitality and support for the game by its makers.

    A new boxed game is a lot more ambitious than anything I’m advocating here. But an addendum that expands the shelf life of the existing boxed game, is something that could be done on the cheap (relatively speaking anyway) and would go a long way towards keeping everyone excited for some time to come.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Thanks for the reply mr elk.

    I agree that there is room for improvement and variation, the community has created that.  G40 is great.  Balanced Mod is ok, the NOs are very fun and creative.  Far from discouraging this or acting hurt because of the implicit criticism, our guru has often blessed and participated in these discussions where appropriate.

    But this is WoTC’s toy, and they decide how we get to play with it in officialdom.  We can create as many mods as we want, they are hardly being suppressed for copyright reasons.  They have to have a way to monetize the addition.

    “You BUY the pieces, but you PAY for the rules”

    That means that without a box to sell you, or a kickstarter, there isn’t much to monetize that isn’t being already.

    Obviously, all of us would appreciate some more of Larry’s input and hard work, but I feel like he has already given us plenty to play with, so much so that we have problems thinking of new things to request (market garden?  that’s about all…)

    When I try to play the variant games with my group (Fortress America, WW1, guadal, dday, ikusa, I have ALL of these) they say nay, nay nay, we want AxA and we want it big….

    We got that, there aren’t other WW2s in history to inspire us.  The Napoleonic Era, Civil War and Cold War wont have the spark of schwerpunkt and still be remotely true to that period.

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    The desire for extra bases “for accuracy” is a stretch, because you can build bases anywhere you want. �  Just build them. �  They are NOT overcosted. �  One movement space opens massive possibilities. �  In quite a few of my games, Russia, ANZAC or UK builds bases in the sticks. �  They often are part of a gambit, and they have a devastating effect. �  Making UK or Russia buy the base with a 30 ish income is perfect; � in order to do it at all they have to make a substantial sacrifice.

    I submit that including Scapa Flow would have more of an impact on the game than including Liberia as a UK territory from the start of the game. With Scapa Flow present, Germany has a much bigger incentive to destroy the UK fleet in sea zone 111 before the UK can use it. While Germany often goes after that fleet, Germany also sometimes leaves that fleet untouched because it cannot escape anyway if Germany wants to kill it on G2 and it cannot make the Mediterranean until UK3. With Scapa Flow in the game on G1, Germany would have to seriously consider the fate of the fleet in 111 on G1 during combat movement.

    Yes, the UK could build that base on UK1, but by then Germany has already had a turn in which to kill the fleet and the UK really has higher priorities since the base would really only be useful on UK1. The base is really only useful if it exists on G1, since it has strategic implications that must be taken into consideration by the player running Germany.


  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    What I feel is the real problem here is the problem with bases. Bases are for one, too expensive, and two, if the Allies can liberate each-others territories, whats restricting them from building bases on them? America should be able to build bases all over French territory, and even be able to Build on UK as well, on the historical basis that the US kept the UK war effort running with endless military supplies.

    I actually think naval bases are far too cheap. They repair unlimited capital ships per turn at no cost and with no penalty to the ability to use those same capital ships during your turn, and they boost movement of those ships on top of it! (At the very least, the ship being repaired should be out of combat for the turn IMO, but that is another discussion entirely!)


  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    It would be even more effective if the US could spend its money to build bases on Allied territory, regardless of whether or not the US owned the territory.

    For that matter, the US should also be able to produce units at the factories in France (as a whole) on its turn even after France (the territory) has been liberated. Historically, the US provided everything for the French army after the liberation of Paris – the French could not supply their own army at all after Paris was liberated.


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