The conventional wisdom is that Hitler overreached in autumn 1941 by trying to conquer Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad all during the first six months of the war in eastern Europe, and that instead he should have focused on Moscow and let the Ukraine and the Caucasus wait until 1942. There are some good points in support of that argument, and I think it probably would have worked better than what Hitler actually did, although I can understand his reluctance to leave a narrow supply corridor sticking out across 800 miles of swamp between Warsaw and Moscow that would have been exposed to Russian raids from both the north and the south.
What if, instead of focusing on Moscow, and instead of trying to attack in three directions at once, Hitler had focused exclusively on capturing Leningrad and Stalingrad during the first season of the war? I’m imagining a two pronged offensive – a northern campaign of Germans and Finns would seize a corridor stretching from Vilna to Novgorod in support of an attack on Leningrad, and push on to Murmansk if they got the opportunity. Meanwhile, a central task force of Romanians, Hungarians, and Italians would garrison a central line running from Konigsburg through Brest to Lvov, staying within fifty miles of the 1940 border. Finally, a southern group of Germans would seize a corridor running from Lvov through Dnepropetrovsk, and Donetsk on the way to Stalingrad.
The idea would be that in spring of 1942, the Germans could carry on to Archangel, Armenia, and Turkestan, thereby cutting off almost all of Russia’s Allied Lend-Lease and the majority of its oil supply. Then, in the autumn of 1942, the Germans could attack Moscow from both the north and the south, without fear of being flanked, and with Russia running low on fuel, trucks, and heavy ammunition.
I’m not an expert, but as I understand it, central-western Russia in 1941 wasn’t very important on either strategic or industrial grounds – it was mostly forests and marshes. The attacks in the north and south could have been supplied for much of the way via the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, and the north and south corridors both contained highly populated, highly developed industrial towns located in relatively flat river basins. The only reason to bother with west-central Russia in wartime is to get to Moscow faster – but there was no special need to take Moscow in 1941. I don’t think the Russians would have surrendered in 1941 if the Russians held Kiev, Odessa, Stalingrad, Archangel, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Urals, Siberia, and Vladivostok but had lost Leningrad and Moscow.
Yes, Moscow would have been useful as both a propaganda victory and as a strategic hub of industry, rail, and population – but was it really more useful than corridors stretching to Murmansk and Baku? What about corridors stretching to Archangel and Ashkhabad? Would those corridors really have been harder to take in 1941 than Moscow? What do you think?
(I probably don’t need to bother with this type of disclaimer on this forum, but just in case: Hitler was evil, the war was horrible for the people who suffered in it, and I’m glad the Nazis lost. I’m picking apart Hitler’s strategy purely because I’m interested in history and strategy.)